There's a boy in my room!

Confessions of a Crazed Fangirl!♡



That night, I had the most peaceful sleep I've had in days. In the middle of my sleep however, I got a little thirsty. I peaked out from under the covers, my eyes squinting to adjust to the dark. I swung my legs over my bed and let my feet meet the carpet.

I tugged on my slippers made my way to the kitchen at a pace as slow as a snail. My feet dragged across the floor as I ambled over to the fridge. I opened the door and blinked a couple of times from the bright light. My stomach growled eyeing all the delicious food, but I thought against it and instead grabbed a water bottle. I shuffled back to my room with my eyes still half closed, desperate for the happiness and comfort of my own cozy bed that was practically calling me. I sank into the soft mattress, drifting off.


I snuggled closer inside the bed where the warmth seemed to radiate. I smiled as warmth danced across my face and gentle fingers slid into the locks of my hair...Wait, what?!

My eyes shot open. A pair of dark, mysterious eyes meet my gaze. I gasped, realizing who those eyes belonged to. I screamed, kicking away frantically, which resulted with me falling of my bed.

The boy laughed. " Hi."

I stared at him in horror. What the...but, but how?! 

In my bed lay the Almighty Key himself. He was even more beautiful than I imagined. He rested his head on his arm glancing at me. Breathing seemed impossible as I rose on shaky feet, finger pointed at the angel lying before me.

" What are you doing in my room!! "

Key shrugged, a smile playing on his lips." I don't know, why don't you tell me?"

I started to panic. What is going on?!? My brain didn't want to understand what my eyes were seeing. There was a boy in my bed, and not just any boy! A hot famous one! I could feel myself hyperventilating. What should I do? I don't know the first thing about guys!! I'll probably say something stupid and then he'll think I'm freak and--

I slapped my forehead. " Ohh..I get it!" I laughed. " I'm totally dreaming!"

Pleased, I patted myself on the back. " Good job!"

I came over and crawled on the bed where Key was. Now that the possibility of all this being real was gone, I could get close and be fully relaxed without a single worry. Dream Key I could handle. I sat down across from him Indian style. My pulse returned to it's normal speed and I breathed out a sigh of relief . Key fixed me with a look.


" Your not dreaming."

I snorted. " Yeah, because Kpop stars just normally appear in my room all the time."

 Apparently, I amused Dream Key. 

" You know who I am?"

I nodded." Of course, your my bias."

A wide smile spread across his face as soon a the words left it mouth. My heart pounded. He shouldn't do that, I thought. A smile like that could kill a girl... I stared at him, absolutely captivated. He watched me as well. I tilted my head to the side.

Key seemed confused. " Why are you just staring at me?"

You pursed your lips trying to decide whether or not you should tell him the truth. " Well, for a dream, your kinda boring.I mean, you could at least kiss me, or something...."

He stared at me, then broke out into his adorable awkward laugh.

" Your kidding right?! But like I said, this isn't a dream."

I rolled my eyes.

" I'm serious." Key sat up and came closer, taking my breath away. His seductive gaze sent a shiver down my spine. He leaned into me, now we were so close our bodies were basically pressed against each other. His cat-like eyes burned with an intensity I could feel as it heated up my entire body. Key broke eye contact with me, eyes flickering to my lips. His voice grew deeper.

" What do I have to do to prove it?"

His head tilted closer towards me and his had cupped my cheek. Umm...was he going to do what I think he was going to do? No. No freaking way--His lips graced mine, the were so soft....I felt like I was kissing a cloud...But it only lasted for a second before I was jolted with an electricity so strong, my head swirled. It sung through my veins and I pushed him away, shocked. My finger flew to my lips, they felt hot and sparkly. My eyes flashed over to Key, who mirrored my actions.


I watched a smirk form on his perfectly pink lips.

" Was that real enough for you?"

I blinked, mouth agape. It only lasted a few seconds, and hardly qualified as a kiss but for me, it was more than enough . The voltage was plenty enough proof that I was not sleeping. 

My lips still hummed with electricity.

I pointed at him. " Y-you stole my first kiss!!

 His smirk grew. " Really?" He cocked his head to the the side. " How old are you, eighteen?"

" Nineteen!" I hissed, insulted.

I put a hand to my forehead. " This doesn't make any sense...How can you be here?!" 

" How am I supposed to know? One minute I'm at the dorm falling asleep, and the next thing I know I'm in your bed."

His words made me blush, then I remembered and my temper flared. 

In a flash, my leg shot out as I kicked him off the bed. " You creeper! So you just touch a girl you don't even know in her sleep?" 

He chuckled. " You sure seemed to enjoy it."

My cheeks burned. If I wasn't already red then I was sure on my way to becoming a lovely shade of crimson. I could just picture myself blooming like a rose getting darker and darker in color.

" Shut up."


He smiled at me, and I felt really stupid when I smiled back. What's wrong with me!? I'm not supposed to be giggling like some 14 year old girl over a boy in my bedroom! I still couldn't wrap my head around the whole " boy in room thing". It was seriously putting me on edge. I cleared my throat.

" So...What your trying to tell me is..You just magically appeared in my room?"

Key nodded. " Mhmm!"

" But that's impossible!" I blurted out.

Key lifted one flawlessly arched eyebrow. " What?" He gave me a sly smile.

" Do you need some more convincing?"

Something about the look in his eyes and the tone of his seductive voice made me realize his wake up call would be anything but innocent. I squealed and turning around, clapping my hands over my ears. I squeezed my eyes shut. " No, no, no!! Go away!!" I stayed that way for a couple of minutes then eventually let my hands drop to my sides. I opened my eyes and looked around but--

He was gone...

Confused, I blinked twice. Err...Did that really just happen?

Before he could come back I dashed under the covers, hoping no more popstars could interrupt my sleep. 

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Chapter 5: I NEED MORE
kpopLOVER809 #2
seriously im crying of laughter XDD this is just way to funny XDD<br />
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y dino lol and divaish KEY~!!! <33<br />
oh gosh, seriously if this were to really happen...ohhhh lord have mercy i probably now i think of it idk really hehe probably the same thing shes doing :DDD or worse have a major heartattack x3<br />
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i really like this, wait no scartch it!!! new, fresh and overall its a really good topic, update soon when yo can please, HWAiTING~! ^ ^ <3<br />
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sounds awesome
hehe this fanfic outta be interesting :D
:D LOve it love it :D