I'm Sorry ( 미안해요 )

Life After You

" Locked inside that silent room. My mind is blank. I go crazy from the thoughts of you ," ( I'm Sorry - B2st )


“ Where were you ?”



Just as soon as I tried to close the door and put on my house slippers, I could hear Jinki’s stern and bold voice asking me from behind.



“ Oh, Jinki-ah,” braveheartedly I tried to look at him and slipped a single smile at the end of my lips while this head of mine was busy trying to make the best excuse about my last-night-disappeareance.



“ Oh, Jinki-ah ? Is that all you could say after scaring me to death, Kwon Yoora ?”



He pissed off, raising his voice into a tone that I never imagined would come out from a guy like the Lee Jinki I knew before.



“ I’m asking where were you last night ?” he added back.



There’s no way that I’ll tell him the rest story of my night with Jonghyun yesterday.



“ I..I was at the hospital last night,”



Hanging my head low, a perfectly-unpredicted suddenly slurred out from my mouth. And I could really see how Jinki slowly changed his facial expression into the softer one.



“ Hos—hospital ? what happened with you ?” he asked. The fact that he was choking when he said that makes my heart fell even more. I’m so sorry, I had to lie, Jinki-ah.



“ It was snowing hard yesterday, I..I was trying to buy ourselves some servings of Kwon Ajumma’s ddeokkboki, and…,” I sighed a deep breath, tried to look as natural as myself could be. But, deep inside my head, I was still busy making up another continuation to this made-up story despite my cloudy thought process.



“ ..and I don’t even know that I passed out and someone brought me to the hospital,” I added back.



“ Why didn’t that people call me, I was scared to death, Yoora-ah..,” He let out desperately.



“ I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, Jinki-ah,” I said, nearly broke into tears.



He then reached my shoulder with his both hands and led me to his trade-mark warm embrace. I felt so warm and for other reason, relieved because Jinki’s not mad at me anymore.



“ I’m so sorry, Jinki-ah,” I mumbled to his chest.



“ Why didn’t you call me to fetch you up last night, I’d definitely drive you home, babo..,” he whispered right to my ear as he the hair out of my face and placed a quick peck at the top of my head.



“Tch, I’m just afraid you might be busy at such times, Lee-sajangnim,” I replied him teasingly.



“ Hahaha, 역시우리바보*,” he let a little laughter off  his brighten face. ( *yeokshi, uri babo = as expected, my babo, :p )



“ Are you still feeling sick now ?” he asked me with lots of concern speared right from his gaze.



He was about to feel my forehead with his palm, but advancely I stopped him and instead letting him to feel my temperature, I held his hands. Squeezed it a bit, tried to ensure that I’m extremely fine.



“ I’m okay now, don’t worry yourself too much,”



I said as plastering a weak smile. Well, I had to admit that I’m still not okay. Even till now, this clinging-headache still cause my head spun like hell and I’m  abnormally sweating in this  cold-as-thick weather. But since I don’t want to bother Jinki with my condition anymore, I decided to not telling him about this.



“ H-hey, where’s your ring, Yoora-ah ?” he asked questioningly as he held my hand that squeezed his earlier shockedly.



“ R-ring ?”



This ring-loss is apparently out of my scenario. Even I found myself taken aback as well when Jinki asked me such  question. Beads of sweat started pouring even anomalously from the end of my forehead, how could I forget one of the most important thing of our wedding.



“ Gosh, where the hell I left this ring ?” I started freaking out and feels like crying, though there’s not even a trickle of tears formed behind my eyes. Trying hard to remember what exactly I did to that ring yesterday, I ended up in vain. I couldn’t even recall anything happened last night besides my unwanted-kiss with Jonghyun and being under his bed-sheet early this morning. Even I had no idea of why I could end up at his place this morning. Crap.



Absentmindedly, I retreated my last feet back to the door’s direction and led my slightly-shaking hand to reach the doorknob until Jinki’s other bold voice stopped me.



“ Where are you going ?” Jinki slightly grabbed my hand and prevented me from leaving.



“ My boutique, I’m sure it’s left there… Or the hospital maybe.. Gotta go seaeching for that ring, Jinki-ah..,”



“ No..no..no, it’s okay, we can find it later, you’re still not feeling well,” suggested Jinki wisely. Seemed like he knew that I wasn’t feeling that well at the time.



“ But it’s our wedding ring, Jinki-ah…,” I panicked.



But honestly, the fact that I just lost my wedding ring isn’t the only reason why I’m freaking out now. The thoughts that the ring could’ve ended up at Jonghyun’s place are bothering me more.



‘What if he’s misusing my wedding ring to humiliate me ?’



‘What if he’s spying on our life and tell Jinki everything ?’



And others ‘what-if’ questions started bombarding my head at the time.



“ I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to lose it, Jinki-ah..,” I apologized to him. Feels terribly sorry that I’ve left the ring at wherever place that I haven’t even sure where is it. He must be thinking that I’m a real idiot now. Nice, Kwon Yoora, you’ve destructed yourself in just one day.



“ That’s okay, we can buy ourselves another pair of ring if yours is really lost,” he said it lightly.



“ But…,”



“ No buts, you’re staying at home whatever it takes for today, go get yourself some sleep now, okay ?”



“ I’ll go out to find breakfast for us,”



And whilst Jinki finished his line, he went out of the door, left me all alone at our apartment. Just like that, without any voices, I dragged my lazy feet to our room.



As soon as I turned open the doorknob and closed the door behind my back, these pair of hands began to shake and the gloomy atmosphere of the room finally sank its claws into me. Regrets started unraveling my lousy head like a burning fire that’s ready to eat me up alive. The kiss I shared with Jonghyun, all the lies I’ve made to cover everything, and above all of that, the wedding ring that I fail to take care of. Everything that I’m regretting of started to haunt my head like hell that in a minute I could feel trays of unwanted tears  started cascading down my cheeks.



It kept rolling down my cheeks how no matter I tried to wipe it off. The sob became even fiercer and harder that I can even barely breathing at my own. Yeah, I literally couldn’t breath at the time. The thoughts of Jinki’s face and how he could really be eaten by my lies earlier makes it hard to breath even more. Tightly, I clasped onto my chest and tried to stop those hard sobbing. But yet it just ended up in vain.



--Jinki’s POV--



“ Ajumma, I’d like to order 2 servings of Kimchi-jjigae please..,” I shouted to the busy ajumma at the booth as raising my hands so that she could really hear my order. In a count of three, the ajumma turned her head to my direction and nodded slyly.



Then, I tried to find myself a seat to wait my order’s done. This place was extremely crowdy, even if it’s morning, there’s no way I could find an empty spot for me to sit easily. I had to wait like five to eight minutes before finally an old lady and her daughter who was eating at the corner seat finished their dishes and finally left.



As soon as they left, I hoofed to that place and took a seat as I waited the ajumma finishing my order earlier. Absentmindedly, I waited there until suddenly an ajumma’s voice snapped me back to my sense and she handed me a package of my finished kimchi-jjigae.



“ Ah, kamsahamnida, ajumma,” I smiled and gave the money to the ajumma.



As I walked to my car, a sudden thought popped out in my mind.



‘ If Yoora really left the ring at the hospital, why don’t I help her to check about the ring at the hospital ?’



“ But, where is it ?” I whispered foolishly to myself. Well, what I meant is the hospital.



I was about to call her and ask what hospital is it until my eyes caught a very familiar hospital near the Kwon Ajumma’s booth that’s definitely has the most possibility of where Yoora was treated yesterday.



“ This is the only hospital that’s located between Yoora’s boutique and Kwon ajumma’s food stall,”



“ If she was about to buy food at Kwon ajumma’s, she’ll be definitely brought by that people who helped her here, yeah it’s here,”



Just like that, I turned my call-line to Yoora down even before it’s connected and hurriedly entered the hospital gate.



As soon as I arrived at the hospital lobby, the first thing I did was scanning the whole floor to find the nearest nurse station where I could ask about the patients’ information.



“ Ah, annyeong haseyo..,” I definitely greeted the nurse at the nurse station humbly and bowed my head a bit, sinece she looked way older than I am.



“ Ye, annyeong haseyo. Do you need any help, young man ?” the older lady replied me back as she plastered a snile at her slightly-wrinkled face.



“ Ye, nurse. Well, actually I want to ask, is there a patient here named Kwon Yoora, she was broung to this hospital last night and being discharged early this morning…,” I slurred that line too fast that she even demanded me to recall Yoora’s name.



“ It’s Kwon..Yoo..Ra,” carefully I respelled her name.



“Kwon Yoora ? are you sure ?” she asked me back.



“ Yeah, of course, how could I forget my own wife’s name..,” I replied her back teasingly.



“ Actually, I just needed some help, she incidentally left our wedding ring probably at her ward, that’s why I need to ask in which ward she was treated last night,” I explained the real circumstances to that nurse who still busy looking for Yoora’s name at her patient’s list at the computer.



“ Clean, young man, there’s our patient named Kwon Yoora yesterday,” she humbly ensured me, even she showed the computer screen to me so that I could check the list with my own eyes.



“ Ah..okay, thanks nurse,” I smiled back to her and carefully dragged my feet out of the hospital.



To be honest, I was taken aback. I mean, the possibility of her being here is even more than 100 percent. But how could she’s not here yesterday.



‘ Or is she lying to me ?’ the other part of my head started a somewhat make-sense speculation. Even her explanation sounded awkward at the beginning part earlier.



“ Aish, she’s not that kind of girl, Lee Jinki !” the other part then snapped me back to my sense and ensured that Yoora can’t be lying. She’s not that kind of girl afterall.



‘Maybe it’s an other hospital, yeah, maybe it wasn’t this hospital yesterday,’ wisely I suggested myself through the drive home.



--Yoora and Jinki’s place—


“ Yoora-ah, I’m home,” I shouted my lung out as soon as I stepped my feet inside the doorway. I often did that shouting and she used to replying me back, but maybe today’s different.  Maybe she’s too worn out to just replying me back.



No response from her, I led my feet to the kitchen counter. Was about to unpack the kimchi-jjigae and served it to her, I stumbled and stopped when I heard a voice rhymed at my ear. The first time, It was like a small groan, but as time goes by, I started to carefully listening to it, it sounded like a piercing sobs.



Silently I followed the source of that hushing sobs and found myself stopped at the end of our bedroom door.



“ Yoo ?” lowly I raised my voice and opened the doorknob.



And yeah, I was freezing at the time. She was pressing her knee tightly onto her chest and crying hard at the floor. Loads of used tissues were messily around the floor, it was a total mess.



“ Yoo..wh—why are you crying ?”



I lowered myself to my knee and carefully tilted her head so that I could see her way clearer. Her eyes were puffy red, there’s tears stain all over her rosy cheeks and she looked definitely miserable.



“ Yah, why are you crying ?” once again I asked her with lower voice.



“ I—I---,” she tried to talk. Yeah, she was trying hard, but those sobs just won’t let her to even finish her line. She could even barely breathing at that time. Honestly, this is the first time I saw her crying histerically like this. ’What is happening to her ?’ that thoughts undyingly kept bothering me at every second I spent watching her crying and suffering like that.



“ Sssh, that’s okay, you don’t have to explain to me now… Just stop crying, okay ?”



Desperately gave up seeing her crying like that, I led her to my embrace and tried to soothe her down. I rubbed her back, hushing like a daddy stopping her crying daughter, and did my best to stop her sobbing.



“ Oh no, you’re wetting my shirt now..,” I screamed out teasingly as I felt her hot tears oozed to my left shoulder and wetted the shirts.



“ Let me go then..,” she let out a single line madly and tried to let her body off my embrace.



“ I was just kidding baby..,” I couldn’t help but crack a smile when I heard those line coame out from .



“ You should stop crying…,” I smiled and cuffed her face with my hands.



“ I—I—I can’t,” she replied me, stutteredly, and still busy to manage her breathing rhythm despite all those hard sobs behind her chest.



“ You look ugly when you cried...,”



“ I’m serious..,” added me bak as wiping away those tears from her face.



Shockingly, she grabbed my both hands with her and whispered.



“ I’m so sorry, Jinki-ah..,”

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Noooo~ dont cry jinki baby~ x"((
Hey, I'm new subscriber :)<br />
Your story is so OMG! Onew is so sweet.. But I kinda sad when I read this.. It's so hurt.. <br />
Please update soon.. :):)
yoora yah~ just dont look back at jjong pleasee~ u already have jinki~<br />
update more please~
please let yoora with onew and jjong with sekyung.I don't wan't onew die :(<br />
update soon
Jinkitor #5
Woaaaaah. I LOVE IT! Update sooooooon !!!! I hope Yoora would hide that from Jinki..I somehow feel so sad when Jinki is sad :'( Probably because I'm a Onew fan..Hahahah! But yeah,i love your fic. And it's AWESOME! :) Hwaiting!
@rijinki : Thanks for commenting ! Gotta update soon :D<br />
<br />
@xiiaozhuuaii : hey there, thanks for stopping by and subscribe unto my story. No, actually he's not a meanie at this story, dear..haha.. It's just a part of the beginning. Don't worry...kekeke
aghhhh~ yoora ya~ just left jjong!update soon!
Jinkitor #8
New reader here! Hehehe. I love Onew. He's so nice :3 And why do I feel that Jonghyun is such a meanie? :l Update soon!
Thanks for reading my storyyy !!<br />
Promise to update this soon right after this hellish exam week done !! :D<br />
love your fic!<br />
please update