Smells Like Memories

Life After You

Hey hey, I'm back with a chapter to go..kekeke

Actually I'm in the hellish exam week, but yet I can't refrain myself from updating this story :)

Here's the next chap !

Enjoyyyy !!!! ^^




"Even now, I realize the time I'll never get. Another story of the bitter pills of fate. I can't go back again," Dead Memories - Slipknot


“ Yoora-ah, do you hear someone calling your name ?” Jinki’s mom made a questioning look as we stood in front of the restaurant, waiting the driver to fetch us.

“Eh, I don’t hear anything, eomeoni..,” I replied her.

“ Maybe I was just mishearing, dear.. don’t mind my words,” continued her.

But then, even before I replied her statement, she asked the same question, now with an even more slight detail about who’s calling whom and where.

“ Yoora-ah, that guy across the street kinda calling for your name, isn’t he ?”

I could feel her hands slightly shook my body and tried to get attention from me who’s busy replying Jinki’s text. Then, I lit my head up and tried to look to the directon she pointed me to.

“ I don’t know that guy, eomeoni, maybe he’s looking for another Yoora, not me,” I lied. The truth is, I cant even see who’s that guy across the street. This annoying-minus of my eyes won’t let me see from this distance clearly, and since I’m too lazy to put on the glasses, I just decided to ignore that voice.

“Ah, the car’s here, eomeoni,”

I pointed to that black glossy car moving nearer to us.

“ Let’s go home then..,” she cued me to follow her who’s walking to where the car stopped.

As we arrived in front of the car, the driver ahjussi then get off from the car and bowed his head a bit. He then walked to the passenger door and opened the door for us.

“ Thank you, ahjussi,”

I bowed back to him before finally entering the car.

“ We’re going to Jinki’s place first, Kim-gisa,” ordered Jinki’s mom to the driver.

“ Eomeoni, but I think I have to go to my boutique,  I have something to handle there, is it okay ?”

“ Never mind, dear. Kim-gisa, turn back to Yoora’s boutique then…,”

( Jonghyun’s POV )

“ Yoora-ah!”  I called her again and again. I was about to run towards her but this ty traffic light just turned into red and that means I can’t walk across the street or else I’d die being hit by one of the car along the streets.

I saw her, looking to my directions. But yet, all she gave was just a plain-flat expression as if she really had no idea of who I am.

At that time I began to doubt the vision before my eyes. Is she really the Kwon Yoora that I knew ? Or is she just some other random girl that happened to have the same face with her ?

The green light than snapped me back to reality. I paced my feet crossing the street fast. With a slight hope that the girl still there. But yeah, the second I stepped my feet at the restaurant parlor where she stood earlier, I found it’s surprising that the girl’s already gone.

“ Aish !”  I cursed myself. Ruffling my hair messily in a frustration mode. I don’t even know why I’m being like this. Come on Kim Jonghyun, she’s not even Kwon Yoora that you’ve been looking for.

Being drifted to such mood,  I dialed Kibum’s number and insisting to find some information about Yoora.

“ Yoboseyo,” Key’s bright voice welcomed me from the other line.

“ Ah Kibum-ah..,” I paused. Realization started hitting my unaware mind, Kibum of course won’t give any information about Yoora after what I’ve done to her. There’s no use to ask anything to him.

“ Wae, Jonghyun-ah ?” he asked.

“ Ah..ani, are you home right now ?” I decided to just get rid of the Yoora-about questions and made up another fake question.

“ Umm, actually I’m at my dad’s hotel right now, Jonghyun-ah, kinda busy with some stuffs to do,” said Kibum at the other line. For some reasons he sounded really weird, as if trying to avoid me or something. Well, he has every single rights to avoid me though. I’m the one who started ruining everything. I left Yoora, who happened to be Kibum’s bestie eversince their childhood. Of course he has every single rights to be mad at me

“ Oh, okay..that’s okay, I’ll call you later,”

Then I ended the call and continued walking along the street listlessly. I can’t help but kept wondering about Yoora. How is she doing right now ? Has she already graduated from the college or not ? What is she doing for life right now ? But above of all, is she moved on or not ? Because honestly, I’m not over her. I am so not over her.

“ Jonghyun-ah!”

A voice literally shocked me from the back and that caused me to turn my head and see who’s behind.

“ Err, do we know each other ?” I was shocked. An angelic-faced girl stood before my eyes, but yet I don’t really remember who’s this girl.

“ I’m Sekyung, Shin Sekyung, the girl at the dance gala. We met two days ago. Remember me ? we were dancing together because your mom forced us to do so,” she explained. And I was just smiling at her awkwardly.

“ Ahh, you, what—what are you doing here ?”

I questioned her, awkwardly-shocked seeing her wandering around apgujeong, and without a car following her, or an assistant that’ll carry her shopping bag around. Well, since she’s the daughter of Shin HeeJun, one of the richest and successful businessman in Korea, I assumed that there’s no big difference between her and others spoiled rich girls that would have car and tons of assistant following them.

“I’m just taking a short walk here,” she replied, and not to mention, she slipped an extremely gorgeous smile when she said that line.

“ Oh, okay then, enjoy your walk, I have to go, Se—Sekyung (?) sshi,” I tried to excused myself. Being around her too much somehow brought a weird athmosphere for me.

“ Jonghyun-ah!” she then once again prevented me from leaving.

I turned my head to her direction again and eyed her confusedly.

“ Err, I’m sorry, but can’t we just talk formally ? and get rid of that ‘–ah’ behind my name, we shouldn’t talk informally, we’re not even that close Sekyung-sshi,” I nearly snapped to her but thank God I could managed to not.

She looked extremely shocked after hearingmy supposed-to-be snapping earlier.

“ Ah, I’m sorry.. I just thought that we should get closer fast, I’m so sorry if that bothers you,” she replied me. With her head hung extremely low.

“ What ? Closer ? We’re a total stranger, okay. I gotta go now,” once again I excused myself from her. Her totally strange behaviour kinda annoying me.

“ Didn’t your mom tell you ?!” she yelled out that line which causing me to stumble at my feet and stop.

“ Tell what ?” I asked her back, without even turning my head to her.

“ About us..,” she replied me plainly.

“ Us what ?”

Curiousity grabbed over my neck and at the same time I got this pretty uneasy feeling about the things planned for me and that girl.

“ Being enganged to each other,” she told me and instantly I turned my head to hear in shock.

“ What the hell is happening ?”

I couldn’t hide the grimace I had all over my face. Pacing my feets away from her, I hailed a taxi and told the driver to drive me home right away.

As soon as I arrived at home, I barged into my mom’s room and started interogating her.

“ Eomma, what the hell are you trying to do ?” halfyelling, I asked her who sat at the couch near the window.

“ Calm down, Jonghyun-ah..what happened ?”

She stood up from where she was and walked nearer to me.

“ That girl at the gala..Shin Sekyung, she told me that we’re going to be enganged to each other..,” I freaked out.

“ Ahh, isn’t she cute, Jonghyun-ah ?” she replied me with an extremely loose smile, as if nothing happened.

“ I don’t want to do that, and will never do that !”

I was trying to leave, but then a line from my mom’s mouth was fierce enough to make me stumbled and stop.

“ So you’re still thinking about that , Kim Jonghyun ?” she asked.

I felt another lump at my throat. How could she called Yoora a ?

“ It’s not about her, It’s about ME, WHO DOESN’T WANT TO DO THAT ENGANGEMENT, that’s it,”

I made those line clear enough before finally really left that room.

“ Kim Jonghyun...Kim Jonghyun, listen to me !”

I could feel my mom’s hand grabbed mine and tried to stop me. Then I eyed her with an extremely hatred-filled gaze.

“ Are you that happy to ruin my life, eomma ?”

I felt like exploding, crazily mad at her, but yet, the only thing that came out from my mouth was just that simple heart-wrenching question.

“ It’s all for your sake Jonghyun-ah, don’t you get that ?” she answered me.

“ Are those 3 years of me grieving over my ruined-life isn’t enough, eomeoni ?”

“ Even I find it’s quite surprising that I didn’t end up killing myself after what you all have done to me,” I added her sarcastically. Tons of tears threating to trickle, but yet I still managed myself to hold everything back.

“ We didn’t mean to, dear..we’re just afraid that--,” I cut her off.

“ That girl will destroy my life, am I right, mother ?” I completed her line sarcastically and left her listlessly.


The next day..

-Yoora’s boutique-

“ Annyeong haseyo,”

“ Ah, annyeong haseyo,”

“ Kwon Yoora-sshi ?”

“ Ah, ye...Kwon Yoora-imnida, and you must be--,”

“ Shin Sekyung, my mom told me about you and your gorgeous designing skills,”

“Ah, kamsahamnida, Sekyung-sshi.., let’s go inside then...,”

“ You didn’t bring your soon-to-be-husband here, Sekyung-sshi ?”

“ I brought him, but then he bailed out..,”

“ Bailed ?” I replied her confusedly. Seriously, what kind of fiance that’ll bail himself out when it comes to do such couplish things like this.

“ Nah, I was just kidding, he’s parking his car,” she said with those glorious smile that looks exactly the same with her mom’s.

As soon as she finished her line, I could hear one of my worker chirping ‘annyeong haseyo’ and at the same time, the Sekyung-sshi who was so calm and composed before turned her head to the entrance door and exclaimed loudly

“ Honey, you’re here !”

She then ran from my side and stood beside a not-so-tall guy that she called ‘honey’ earlier.

I wasn’t  really recognizing how’s that guy looks or the complexion he got until a melodious voice called out my name. The voice was shockingly melodious but lacerating my heart at the same time.

“ Kw—kwon Yoora ?” called that unanonymous yet incredibly familiar voice.

I could feel a lump at my throat, terribly afraid to turn my head and look who’s calling behind my back. That voice seriously freeze my blood, it sounds unreal and fantasy-ish, but I’m still sane enough to tell myself that this is real. It’s him.

“ How could you know her name, Jjong-ah ?” this time, Sekyung-sshi replied him with slight of confusion at his tone.

‘Jjong’ that nick sounds quite familiar. The nick that is used to kept rhyming at my head, the one that’ll tingle my spine everytime I heard that name. But as for today, that nick was just a word that’s confirming my worst nightmare into reality.

Brave-heartedly I turned my head and tried hard to not breaking down, because I know I’ll break down as soon as I caught his gaze. It’s Jonghyun, undoubtedly it’s him. And the fact that this girl who’s also my client at the very first place calling him honey means he’s getting married with my client.

“ An—annyeong haseyo,” I tried to bow and keep it professional in front of Sekyung-sshi.

After those 3 years, this is the first time I saw him again. Those eyes, those gorgeous curve of his lips, those fairly-muscled arm of his, everything about him is shockingly still could fascinate me. He didn’t change at all, that’s the only phrase that came to my mind right after I caught him with my very own eyes.

“ Yoora-yah, it’s you..,” he replied me blantantly. His whole gaze was focused on me.

“ You two know each other ?” Sekyung who’s still extremely clueless about us asked another question. But it seems like Jonghyun was too busy to be shocked by our sudden meeting after all these times.

“ Ah..aniya, we don’t really know each other well..We’re just happened to attend the same high school earlier,” I lied and gazed away from Jonghyun.

And from the very corner of my eyes, I could really see Jonghyun’s face fell. He looked extremely disappointed that I just pretending to not really now him.

“ Right, Kim Jonghyun-sshi ?” I asked him. Threw a don’t-tell-sekyung-about-us look to him who looks actually understand my cue.

He then reluctantly nodded his head and acted composedly.

Later that time,

After two hours of battling and struggling to concentrate for both finding the perfect design and holding myself back from reminiscing Jonghyun’s-related-past, thank God it’s over now. The meeting is over and I could sigh a deep breath and exhale in freely, at least for this time though.  Now that Jonghyun has find me, there’s no guarantee that he won’t be showing to this shop later. Was trying hard to avoid him, I tried to close the boutique earlier.

It was just 7 PM, but since all of the appointments done, I called all of my workers to close the boutique right away.

“ Annyeonghi kyeseyo,” said the workers right before they left.

“ Ah, ne, thanks for today, annyeonghi kaseyo,” I smiled and send them to the door.

Right after they all left, I went inside to pack all my stuffs and dialed Jinki’s number. I wanted to ask him is it possible fro us to go home together today. I’m completely can’t drive on my own in such stormy weather like this. And, since he told me that he’ll work overtime today, I bet he’s still at his office now.

But when I was about to dial his number, I felt a hand tapped my shoulder. And of course, instantly I jolted in shock.

“ J..jonghyun ?”

“ W—what are you doing here ?”

“ Yoora-ah, I need to talk with you…”

“ Talk ?? You should’ve done that 3 years ago, Jonghyun. Now get out. I’m locking this boutique!”

“ Yoo---,”

“ Don’t call me like that ! We’re not even friends,”



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Noooo~ dont cry jinki baby~ x"((
Hey, I'm new subscriber :)<br />
Your story is so OMG! Onew is so sweet.. But I kinda sad when I read this.. It's so hurt.. <br />
Please update soon.. :):)
yoora yah~ just dont look back at jjong pleasee~ u already have jinki~<br />
update more please~
please let yoora with onew and jjong with sekyung.I don't wan't onew die :(<br />
update soon
Jinkitor #5
Woaaaaah. I LOVE IT! Update sooooooon !!!! I hope Yoora would hide that from Jinki..I somehow feel so sad when Jinki is sad :'( Probably because I'm a Onew fan..Hahahah! But yeah,i love your fic. And it's AWESOME! :) Hwaiting!
@rijinki : Thanks for commenting ! Gotta update soon :D<br />
<br />
@xiiaozhuuaii : hey there, thanks for stopping by and subscribe unto my story. No, actually he's not a meanie at this story, dear..haha.. It's just a part of the beginning. Don't worry...kekeke
aghhhh~ yoora ya~ just left jjong!update soon!
Jinkitor #8
New reader here! Hehehe. I love Onew. He's so nice :3 And why do I feel that Jonghyun is such a meanie? :l Update soon!
Thanks for reading my storyyy !!<br />
Promise to update this soon right after this hellish exam week done !! :D<br />
love your fic!<br />
please update