It Happened.

My Hamster Prince

When I touched him, he suddenly turned into a small, cute and adorable hamster.

"Gah! Why did you have to touch me? You're very stupid!" Ryu began shouting at me. Still, he can't do anything because he was small. I just began laughing and the manager laughed too. "I guess you're also wondering why he doesn't go near the fans, am I right?" Manager asked me. Well, yeah, he's right. I really wanted to know the reason behind that. Then the manager explained to me everything. "Whenever a girl touches him, he turns into a hamster. It was his fault anyway." "What? It's not my fault! Who gave me the drink anyway?" He got mad at his manager.


"Anyway.." the manager continued. "Can he stay with you for a while?" He asked me a favor. "What?! Why will I stay with her? What if she'll kill me?" Ryu said while scratching his head with his feet. "Don't worry Ryu-kun, I won't do that. I'm your fan, remember? I won't let anything or someone hurt my idol."

His manager looked at me then he looked at Ryu-hamster. "Sorry, Ryu-kun. You can't stay anymore at my house. My wife would get mad if I brought another pet at home." Manager apologized but he's still smilng. "I guess I have no choice but to stay with this girl." Ryu angrily sad. I took him and his manager gave me his cage and I put him in. "Hey! Where are we going?" He asked. "I need to go to the CR." I went inside and then after a few minutes I left.


I went home with Ryu-kun. Ayu-chan, who is also my housemate asked where I got this cute hamster. "Eto....a man gave him to me. I mean, he asked me to do him a favor and that is to take care of this hamster since he's leaving for another country. Then I accepted it." I gave an excuse. I went to my room and fed Ryu-kun.


"Ne, Ryu-kun, what should I name you?" I asked him. "Name? I already have a name, remember?" He replied. "That's not it. I mean, you're a hamster right now. I can't call you 'Ryu-kun' or else they're going to ask me about you." "Well, it's up to you of what name you're going to call me. JUST DON'T GIVE ME WEIRD A NAME." "Ok! I'll call you......eto.....I'll call you 'Hammy-kun'!'s kinda weird...eto...." "Choco. Just call me Choco. I like that name." Ryu-kun blushed. "Ok then! Choco-kun. Kawaii!!!!".


"Choco-kun, do you want more food?" I asked him. "Oi, Kairi! Are you going to kill that hamster? you've been feeding him for hours already?" Ayu asked me. "Do you really want to kill me?" Ryu also asked me. "I'm doing this so that it won't be obvious." I replied to Ryu. "I'm just making sure, Ayu-chan that Ryu - I mean, Choco-kun won't starve."

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