[3] sunday desolate

warring light amongst blue infinities




He is the dawn that creaks open when the sun comes up, the horizon that lays below listless clouds which pay no attention to his wandering soul.

I am here, his screams are inaudible inside his caged ribs, only beating out echoes through the hollow gaps inside. Jisoo only wants to be recognized, but not everyone is blessed with the gift. Sometimes, all you can do is try and try, bleed through it all until you die without a speck of your sweat being seen as worthy. 

He wonders if being alive means being shattered, if feelings are really worthy of having inside of him. Jisoo has wandered and wandered and wandered, through times from the beginning when his smile was that of a stardust, eyes wondrous and lucid like a deer and touch so tender people tear down their own walls just so he can come in. Jisoo has wandered for too long of a time to look for a purpose in his life, for someone noticing that he is screaming in pain, hands reaching out for mercy. His bleeding heart is unable to fix itself to the point he's forced to turn it into stone. Jisoo just wants to be seen as himself, without the smile, the starry eyes and the soft hands. 

He wants to be seen with the cracked lips, ghastly eyes and trembling fingers when it's 3 AM and he is forced to stay awake with all the times his heart is broken by all the people he loved and doesn't love him back. The cigarettes retired out from coaxing him, the alcohol's kiss doesn't taste as sweet as her previous lover's lips, pills only remind him of the death of his first love. Jisoo just has to up and swallow those dusks where he lays numb and torn apart by memories that get more iridescent and vivid and beautiful as he gets more blue. The more blue he becomes, the more beautiful the past seems.

Jisoo dies everyday as the contradiction never stops to tear him apart from the inside. By the morning, the pain is washed over as the mask is worn and the show has began; his life itself. 

A mere echo is what Jisoo wants even when his voice resonates throughout the world. He knows full well that is not him, that is only a part of him he salvaged before everything inside falls apart. He's like a shipwreck with feral fishes lingering and resting there while preying on one and another. 

On Sunday morning, Jisoo is reduced to silence as he wakes up on the side of someone's bed. He takes in the extreme whiteness this room has, and how on the edge of the blanket, curled a girl with pallid skin, skin as white as paper, turned away from him.

His head hurts as he tries to remember. Glimpses begin to flash, but he can only make out him sitting by the bar chugging on whiskey and a girl too prim to be in such a place. He also remember sobs and tears in his cheek and the next thing he sees is a blur. 

Suddenly, he hears movements and feels the rush in the abrupt movements of someone scrambling away. He can almost feel the fear that resonates from beside him. A glimpse of brown ringlets disappear behind his door before he can even utter anything, palm reaching out. He looks down to himself and tries to contain the gasp at the sight of his stark- self, before sinking into a realization that he just did it. He just did it with some stranger he can't even remember.

Already dressed, he surveys his surroundings and turns out it's not really a house, more like an apartment room with very few furnitures and no plants or pets. Then, they were basically stumbling in a drunk state from the club. Jisoo doesn't know he is capable of doing such things under his consciousness.

"Why aren't there pets or plants?" It's an odd question, but most girls who live alone have at least one of them. He slightly turns to the opened door, revealing the comet-birthmark girl standing by the bathroom, already in her clothes. 

Yeah, that's what caught his eyes after waking up. A birthmark shaped like a comet behind her right shoulder.

"Living things get me attached. I don't want that," her voice is hoarse and deep, emitting a certain distance she wants to set. "Especially after what happened yesterday."

His ears perk up at the fading, shrinking voice. Now that he has properly faced her, there is a hint of desolation that sinks into the brightness of her brown eyes. Jisoo doesn't know what to do, perhaps he is in the wrong for wanting to mend something he is not at fault for. Perhaps, I will fall in love with you and I won't be empty like this, he thought  yesterday. He thought she could be the turning point of his world, this girl whom he listened to and listened to him last night, of whiskey-scented fingers and gentle grazings.

It all slowly comes back to him, this girl before him whose boyfriend is six feet under them. Jisoo doesn't know what he was thinking to be doing this.

He understands that it's the cue. It's cruel how by the end of the day, it is always him being left heartbroken like this. This girl is just like all the other girls befor her, even though all those girls didn't make him kiss tears under white sheets and brush them like a flower petal. 

"I'm sorry."

Jisoo goes home and misses the opportunity of holding on to the only person he has been waiting in his monochrome life, feeling a sudden ache of nostalgia at the reminder of that comet-shaped mark.


Author's Note:

 Whoa, this is so new for me to write them and I hope you enjoy it! And, sorry that I am not making the shots chronologically, I'm still working on the other so don't worry!!

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Chapter 5: you really write them! ahh thankyou so much for writing my two biases this is so good!
knightvalor #2
Your story was recommended by one of my friend, so i decided to come by. And as she said that your stories are good. I love the way you told and described the plot and characters. I like the used of many diction, words and phrases and since im not speaking in english, this is very helpful way to enrich my english. Then, goodluck authornim!!
Chapter 3: i wonder how good your story will be when the main couple is your main pairings. because this one is amazing! moreover this is not really the ship you are into woah
Chapter 2: hmm taeil x seungwan, yuta x seungwan, jaehyun x seungwan, jisoo x seungwan, youngho x seungwan, seokmin x seungwan, seungcheol x seungwan

i just need more seungwan stories in my life tbh because why not anything seungwan is cool for me but preferably the ones i mentioned above but i think i forgot to mention some ships but anyway im waiting for seungwan yeah
tinkerbella94 #5
ahh i really love your writings so much!!! can i request jaehyun x yeri?
byzeIo #6
Chapter 2: Irene x ten or Irene x Jaehyun pls? >_<
Hyorajung #7
Chapter 2: pls do me a wendy x ten authornim!!