Making an Effort

One Year

It has been two months since Seunghyun had daringly kissed Yoona. It seemed as if everything went back to normal after that. Yoona knew that Seunghyun was seeing Hara behind her back. She was crazily wondering why the hell he was always seeing her. Did he still love her? That question ran in her mind over and over again like it was on replay. She was reading the newest issue of Cosmo as she waited in the waiting room for her doctor’s appointment. She would have told Jessica to assist her, but Seunghyun promised that he would be there. Her fist tightened at the thought of Seunghyun standing her up. He promised that she would be there, and he knew that she was going to be angry if he didn’t show up. She looked around at the people surrounding her. They were all pregnant and beside them were their husbands. Yoona couldn’t help but feel jealous at the sight. She looked at a younger woman about her age and saw that her husband was faithfully by her side. Yoona wanted that and Seunghyun wasn’t giving that. He was at work and promised that he would leave early just to help her with the appointment.

“Mrs. Yoona Choi? The doctor is waiting for you,” the receptionist called aloud.

Yoona looked out the door and sighed. It was just another repeat of what happened last time. She stood up as she clutched onto her purse and put the magazine neatly away. The receptionist saw this happen plenty of times: the husband doesn’t go to the appointment with the pregnant patient. She patted Yoona in the back as she gave her an encouraging smile.

“Maybe he’ll come next time,” she tried being uplifting.

Yoona just nodded with disappointment. The receptionist opened the door for Yoona to enter.

“Yoona, I’m here!” Seunghyun yelled as he burst through the entrance.

Yoona crossed her arms angrily as she stared him down. He looked like he was panting. He looked tired and nervous. He knew that he was under her wrath.

“Come on and let’s not keep the doctor waiting,” Yoona murmured as they both walked in.

The receptionist led them to the room. Yoona sat down on a stool as Seunghyun took the seat next to hers. They had a chance to talk before the doctor came in. The doctor was still preparing the ultrasound machine. Yoona haven’t had an ultrasound for a while now. She hadn’t had one since a few months ago. Of course, she was still angry at Seunghyun for being a little late, but she had to admit that she was glad that he actually came. She was glad that he was there for the first time.

“You know, you’re late,” Yoona stated.

“Well, I made it! There was just a lot of traffic,” Seunghyun said.

The doctor came in as Yoona stood up and bowed along with Seunghyun. The doctor bowed back as she motioned Yoona to get on the little bed so that they can finally go through with the ultrasound. Today, Yoona planned on finding out the of the baby. She really didn’t care if it was a boy or girl. She was just going to be happy as long as the baby was healthy. She smiled as the doctor finally started the ultrasound. She saw Seunghyun and he looked amazed at everything. He never saw this procedure and he found it intriguing.

“Would you like to find out the of the baby?” the doctor asked.

“Yes, please,” Yoona smiled as Seunghyun nodded.

The doctor looked closely at the ultrasound and moved it around a bit. Seunghyun saw their baby moving in the computer monitor. He was just excited. Part of him wanted a girl so that he could spoil her, but he knew that Yoona would kill him if he spoiled her; part of him also wanted a boy so that he can teach him everything that he knows.

“From the looks of it, your baby is healthy. Everything is going normal and there seems to be no complications. I need to remind you, Mrs. Choi, that you must avoid being fatigue, lack of sleep, and any stress. It can be harmful to the baby. Oh, and I think you two want to know the of the baby, right? Well, you two are having a girl. Congratulations!” the doctor smiled.

“Oh my gosh, I’m having a girl!” Yoona screamed.

Seunghyun had never seen her so happy. After the whole appointment, Yoona insisted that they eat at a restaurant. It seemed as if after the appointment, Yoona became more cheerful and happy. Yoona was in the car with Seunghyun as he put the key in the ignition.

“Do you have your seatbelt on?” Seunghyun asked sternly.

Yoona rolled her eyes as she pulled on the strap and buckled it in. Deep down inside, she was somewhat happy that he was actually concerned about her safety. Yoona looked out the window and saw that it was kind of chilly outside. The frost was building up against the window pane and Yoona just stared at it. Seunghyun saw Yoona zoning out. He figured it was because she was just surprised about his attendance in the appointment. As soon as they parked in the parking lot, Yoona took out a bandana from her purse as she ran up to him. She tiptoed as she reached up to cover his eyes. She held his hand as she led him to a place.

Seunghyun complained, “We’ve been walking for five minutes! I don’t get it. It doesn’t take five minutes to walk from a parking lot to the restaurant, which is only about fifteen feet away!”

“Oh, just shut up! You talk too much!” Yoona laughed.

Yoona finally unveiled the blindfold as Seunghyun saw the amazing lights of a carnival. It seemed deserted other than all the staff, Yoona, and Seunghyun. Seunghyun had not been in a carnival since he was a little child, and he couldn’t help but smile. Yoona smiled after seeing his positive feedback.

“Goodness, I haven’t been to a carnival ever since I was a little boy,” Seunghyun cried.

Seunghyun looked around and saw that it looked familiar. He gasped. It was the same exact carnival that he went to with his family as a child.

“Yoona, did you plan all this?” Seunghyun asked.

“Is that all you can say? Really?” Yoona questioned.

“What are you talking about? This is the carnival that I went to as a child. This was the carnival that I went to with my whole family when my father was still alive,” Seunghyun said.

Yoona shook her head. She knew he was working way too much. He was forgetting the little things in life. He was forgetting important things in life that he should never forget.

“I told everyone that you know to not remind you anything because I wanted to see for myself if you would remember. It’s my birthday,” Yoona sniffled.

Seunghyun gasped, “Sorry, I was just so busy with work and I completely forgot. I’m sorry! Happy birthday, Yoona.”

“You know, if you didn’t go to that appointment, I was planning on leaving the house and move back with my brothers, but since you did, I’m not going to do that or let anything else ruin my day. So, I’m letting this one slide,” Yoona nodded.

Yoona then led Seunghyun to a grand Ferris wheel. Yoona understood why Seunghyun’s father prohibited him from going on it as a little boy. It was just enormous. Yoona beckoned for him to get on the Ferris wheel. Seunghyun was a bit frightened. The moment he stepped foot on the Ferris wheel, his heart started to beat quickly. Yoona smiled as she saw a staff member buckle him up.

“Why can’t you be here next to me?” Seunghyun called out.

“You probably forgot that I am pregnant!” Yoona laughed.

Seunghyun was all smiles when he got off the Ferris wheel. Yoona couldn’t help but smile at his happiness. He kept on claiming over and over again that he was finally a man. He smiled like he was a little boy again. As Seunghyun and Yoona drove home, Seunghyun showed off his good mood. He was smiling so big; he had relived a childhood memory.

“Why did you bring me to that Ferris wheel?” Seunghyun asked.

“I bought you there because you’re a man now. I saw how you reacted when you saw the ultrasound of the baby. I saw that you were amazed. You became a man the moment you were there for your child. You actually put your priorities straight. I’m proud of you,” Yoona nodded.

The couple then parked in the driveway of the Choi estate. Yoona was in a good mood also. It was her birthday and she was finally turning twenty two. Seunghyun opened the car door for her with a smile. She sensed something suspicious. Seunghyun was in too much of a good mood. She understood him for the first few minutes after he left the Ferris wheel, but it was just a little awkward that he was so happy that he was singing in the car. Yoona looked at him with a suspicious face as he just shrugged his shoulders. He led her to the entrance of the house. Yoona opened the door with the key on her keychain carefully with Seunghyun behind her. It was dark in the house, which was odd because the lights were usually on. She concluded that Yuri, Daesung, and Seungri were probably away from home. She the light switch.

“AAAH!” Yoona yelled as a group of people yelled out ‘surprise’.

Yoona saw all her friends and family in the house. What shocked her the most was that she saw her brothers there in the same room as Seunghyun. Yoona automatically concluded that Yuri had planned the party since she was standing next to the banner. After she blew the cake, she went straight to Yuri and talked to her.

“Yuri, thanks for the party!” Yoona squealed.

Yuri shook her head, “I didn’t plan out this party. You should open your eyes to see who’s starting to care about you.”


“I’m trying to hint something that is so obvious,” Yuri sang teasingly.

Yoona looked over at Seunghyun slowly. He was talking to Daesung with a big smile on his face. He sensed Yoona looking at him. He looked at her with a huge grin on his face. Yoona looked dearly happy and he loved seeing her like that. Yoona closed her eyes. She couldn’t fall under his spell again. She just couldn’t. He kissed her a couple of months ago and it was wonderful, but she knew that if she was caught up in him again, she would be hurt by him again. She knew he was a confused man. He was in love with Hara for so long. It would be so hard to forget a woman. Everything was moving just so quickly for him. One minute he was with Goo Hara, and then the next minute, he finds out that he slept with the sister of his enemy and she’s pregnant. She knew he was the most complicated man in the world.

She decided to bring him to that carnival to show him that he was a man. She didn’t want him coming into fatherhood thinking that he was still a boy. She just decided that she should help him out a bit. She admitted to herself that she was deeply in love with him, but in her own theory, she thought that the love was only present because of the baby. She thought that if she wasn’t pregnant at all, she wouldn’t care about him. She chose to stick with the plan. She needed to distance herself from him. If she was going to love him, she wanted to love him unconditionally: with a baby or not, with a marriage or not, and with Hara and Siwon or not. She just couldn’t devote her full self to him.

Yoona became a little startled to see that Leeteuk had approached her and grabbed her by the hand. Seunghyun looked over acting as if he wasn’t keeping an eye on her. Yoona hid her smiles. Leeteuk led her outside and she took a seat next to him on a bench. It was dark and the stars shone on them. Yoona was kind of happy to see that her brother had attended. Yuri just said that Seunghyun was the one that made the party, and if you’re the party thrower, you invite all the people. Leeteuk accepted Seunghyun’s invitation.

“Oppa, why did you bring me out here?” Yoona asked.

Leeteuk looked up at the sky.

“Yoona, you’re growing too fast. That baby that’s growing inside of you is precious and well, she told me that I shouldn’t be treating her mother like a little child anymore. Yoona, it seems just like yesterday when you were six and we used to play hide and seek with Eunhyuk and Heechul. I remember when we used to fight over toys. I remember myself always apologizing to you whenever we argued because I didn’t want my little sister mad at me. Yoona, time is going by so quickly, and well, I just wanted to say that because it’s going by quickly, I want to live life a little better. I want to end this feud with him,” Leeteuk said.

“Oppa, I-I’m speechless,” Yoona stuttered.

“You know I learned a lot from this. When I found out that you were pregnant, I swore the blood under my skin was boiling. I was at my angriest and I didn’t want to talk to you. I didn’t want to believe that it was happening. I was so upset and well, even Taeyeon couldn’t calm me down. I now take this as a sign from God that I need to stop the feud. There’s really no point to it. The next time I see Seunghyun, I’m going to shake hands with him like a real man,” Leeteuk promised.

“Oppa, don’t mind me asking, but why did you two even have a feud together?” Yoona interrogated.

Leeteuk chuckled, “Well, I think your husband should tell you. From now on, I officially approve the relationship between you and Seunghyun.”

Yoona wanted to cry. She wanted to fall on her knees and cry her eyes out, but she didn’t. She needed to be strong. Even Leeteuk was starting to approve of their relationship, but it was going to go to waste. Yoona had to stick to her plan. She couldn’t love him unconditionally, and he couldn’t love her to the fullest if he still had feelings for Hara. Yoona nodded with a little smile on her face. Her eyes were getting watery, and Leeteuk took that as a sign of happiness.

“Yoona, I know that you’re in love with him. I’m your brother and I know you inside out. You love this man,” Leeteuk stated.

Yoona hugged her brother. He did know her well. The words that escaped through his lips were like a wakeup call for her. She was in love with him, but she just wasn’t sure if it was absolute. She didn’t want to be with him if it meant that she was going to have mixed feelings about him. She smiled under the hug. Her eyes were getting even waterier, but she decided to hold it in. Throughout this pregnancy, she learned to successfully hold in her tears.

Seunghyun walked out of the mansion holding one of her coats from her closet. Leeteuk pulled away from the embrace. Yoona looked at Leeteuk stand up as Seunghyun wrapped the coat around Yoona’s shoulders.

“Yoona, what if you get sick? Our daughter won’t be happy,” Seunghyun said.

Leeteuk looked at Seunghyun with admiration.

“Seunghyun, can I have a word with you?” Leeteuk said with a stern expression.

“Listen, if it’s going to cause any trouble, I would like to avoid it. It’s Yoona’s birthday and I really don’t want to break into any fights. She’s going to kill me if I already don’t die in the fight,” Seunghyun joked.

“No, I don’t want to fight—anymore. I want this stupid feud to be over. I don’t want to be enemies and rivals with you anymore. We’re already business associates and you’re my brother-in-law,” Leeteuk reasoned.

Leeteuk extended his hand out for a shake. Yoona was nervous. She wasn’t sure if Seunghyun was going to shake his hand. If he did, it would be a sign of approval and reconciliation. Seunghyun slowly reached out and shook his hand like men. Yoona was all smiles. She couldn’t help but jump up in glee.

“It seems like Yoona is happy about this. I’m just glad that this is over. I really missed our friendship,” Seunghyun laughed.

Leeteuk agreed, “That’s true for me, too. I really missed having you as a best friend.”

Yoona was shocked, “You guys used to be best friends?!”

The party was soon over. Seunghyun still had not answered any of her questions. They used to be friends? What caused the rivalry? Why did they start hating each other? How come they never said anything about them being friends? Leeteuk and the rest of the guests left the house already. It was late and Yoona was getting sleepy. She put on some pajama pants and a long-sleeve. Yoona saw that Seunghyun was brushing his teeth. The door was open in the bathroom and Seunghyun saw her looking at him through the mirror. Yoona and Seunghyun both looked away quickly as they avoided each other’s eye contact. Yoona was still in shock.

Seunghyun walked out of the bathroom. He sat on the bed next to Yoona. She was looking up at the ceiling as she was still in thought about what had just happened. Seunghyun couldn’t help but laugh at her cuteness. Yoona grabbed a pillow and smacked him in the head. She ordered him to stop laughing. He quickly halted his laughter as he lounged on the bed.

“Hm, thanks for the birthday party,” Yoona bowed her head.

“You’re welcome,” Seunghyun cleared his throat.

“So, I asked Leeteuk why you and he had a feud,” Yoona said.


“He wouldn’t tell me, so you have to tell me.”

“No,” Seunghyun laughed.

Yoona pouted as she grabbed the pillow and smacked him in the head even harder. Yoona couldn’t help but laugh as she saw that Seunghyun had fallen off the bed because of her super maternal power. Seunghyun got up hastily and put both of his hands up in the air with defeat. He got back up in the bed.

“Fine, I’ll tell you,” Seunghyun sighed.

“That’s more how I like it,” Yoona grinned.

“Well, in high school, we were best friends. It was before I met Taeyang and well, I think Leeteuk and I were closer than Taeyang and I have ever been. Leeteuk and I did everything together. We liked all the same things. We thought it was cool liking the same things. We liked the same food, the same subjects, the same music, and etcetera. It turns out that there was a downfall to that. We fell in love with the same girl. Her name was Shinyoung and she was beautiful. Leeteuk and I got very competitive because of her. She didn’t want us breaking our friendship because of her so she ignored both of us. I thought she was ignoring me because she was with Leeteuk and Leeteuk thought that she was ignoring him because she was with me. One day, we saw her alone in the park. We told her that she had to pick one of us and only one. It turns out that she ended up killing herself because we put so much pressure on her. She told us that she loved us both and that if she couldn’t live with the fact that she’s breaking someone’s heart. She was a goodhearted woman, but she wasn’t very strong. We blamed it on each other when it was both of our faults. That’s how it all started,” Seunghyun told her, “You don’t know how jealous I was of your brother when he got married to Taeyeon. I wasn’t jealous of Leeteuk having Taeyeon. I was just jealous of what they had. I was jealous that Leeteuk found love after everything that happened.”

Yoona understood him. She had a feeling that because of his jealousy towards Leeteuk’s happiness with Taeyeon, he didn’t want to let go of Hara. He thought that Hara and he could be just like Leeteuk and Taeyeon. Yoona nodded in realizing the facts. Seunghyun just thought that he was going to have a happy ending like Leeteuk after the whole situation with Shinyoung. He thought that he could end up like Leeteuk after the event.

“What the heck? You two fought for a girl?!” Yoona shouted.

“SHH, be quiet!” Seunghyun hushed.

Seunghyun covered with his hand. Their faces were right in front of each other and he could finally see Yoona’s face close enough to fully admire her beauty. Her lashes, her eyes, her lips—just everything was mesmerizing to him. Seunghyun uncovered and he was tempted to kiss her. He put his hand under her chin and pulled her in. Just as their lips were a few inches away, Yoona pulled away.

“Seunghyun what the heck do you think you’re doing?” Yoona laughed artificially, “You already know that we’re going to get divorced in a few months. Just don’t make it complicated. After the divorce, you’re going to be with Hara and I’m going to be with Siwon. Let’s just keep it as simple as that.”

Yoona wanted to take back all those words, but she needed to stick to the plan. She wasn’t going to ruin it. She told herself over and over again that if she kept on making herself so available and open to him, he’s just going to unintentionally break her heart—over and over again. She needed to be harsh and straightforward about everything.

“I mean, why are you trying to kiss me? There’s really no point in it. I know that you love Hara and not me, so please just don’t use me as a woman that you can just play with. There’s really no point in any skinship at this point. I understand if it’s for public reasons, but we’re not in public right now. It’s just going to make everything more complicated,” Yoona harshly stated.

“I’m sorry,” Seunghyun apologized.

A/N: I wanted to reveal to you guys from day one why the feud between Leeteuk and Seunghyun was even there in the first place. This was the day I was waiting for! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please comment and don’t be silent reader. I’d rather read a lot of bad comments than nothing at all. It’ll make me a better writer. Thanks! :)

I decided to post this second chapter so quickly because I wanted this to serve as an apology for not posting so long! :)

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steiyoon #1
I really love to read this story, now I'm about to read this again. It's really really good!
bigbang0388 #2
Chapter 23: I read again from the beginning. Its still incredible. i Love it very much.
Chapter 23: I read it again...still awesome..
tengil25 #4
Chapter 23: Full of awesomeness! Love your ff ❤
woahhhhh this is really good
--Moonie #6
this was cute!
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 23: It's so good!!!

I've read this story before, and it's still so good!!!

Great job authornim :D Best wishes for your other stories :D ^^
steiyoon #8
Chapter 23: Interesting, I like you story very much!
Chapter 23: Nice daebakk !!! hahhaa proud of you
novamp #10
Chapter 21: when will you continue summer in seoul?