Drifting Apart

One Year

            Seunghyun had a big smile on his face as he sat down in his office chair.   He surprised a lot of the staff that day.  He just walked in with a grin on his face and his employees finally noticed that he was finally wearing his wedding ring to work.  He the computer on his desk as his secretary walked in with a confused face.  Seunghyun’s secretary was a nervous wreck.  She had been his secretary for about two years, and she somehow grew a sense of fear for him.  Seunghyun saw her walk in with a bunch of black folders.  She shut the door as she walked up to him and fidgeted while handing him the folders.


            “Sir, as you requested, I had cancelled your lunch meeting with Mr. Kim of the mining company and have moved it to next week.  I also got the reports that you requested from me,” she informed him.


            Seunghyun’s smile remained on his face as he took the folders from her and set it on his desk.


            “Uhm—why are you…NO!  I can’t ask a personal question.  You’re going to fire me and I’m just being stupid,” she wanted to slap herself.


            “What’s your question?” he asked.


            Her eyes began to move quickly in confusion.  She didn’t want to ask him any personal questions because the last time she did in her third month as his secretary, she was threatened to be fired after she asked him about Jiyoung’s absence when he was sick.


            “This must be a trick question.  I think I’ll just go now,” she tried to leave.


            “No, I want you to ask me the question you were going to ask me,” Seunghyun insisted.


            “Uhm, well, I just wanted to know why you were smiling today,” she nervously stated.


            Seunghyun began to wonder what was actually making him smile so much.  He never thought he would actually be this cheerful throughout the marriage with Yoona and it just amazed him on how much his attitude has changed.  He didn’t know how to answer his assistant and he didn’t want to be embarrassed.  She stood there a bit puzzled on whether to wait for his reply or to leave and get back to work.


            “I really don’t know why I’m so happy.  Why do you think I’m happy?” he asked her, “Be honest.  I won’t get angry.”


            “Well, sir, if you want my honest opinion, then I will.  I noticed that when you were in a relationship with Goo Hara, you were always insomniac and you barely got any sleep.  You always were in a bad mood and I remember when Ms. Hara would come to visit, she would argue with you endlessly about any small detail.  I just think that because you’re not with her anymore and that you’re with the new Mrs. Choi plus your child together on the way, you’ve been more joyful,” she confessed.


            Seunghyun’s office phone rang suddenly as he picked it up.  A receptionist from the bottom floor informed him that Taeyang was down and was going to visit him.  Seunghyun gave an okay for Taeyang’s request for permission to see him.


            “You may go back to work now,” Seunghyun gave his assistant a friendly smile.


            She soon left the office only to see Taeyang at the door.  She quickly bowed to him as she exited the room.  Seunghyun had to admit that he was kind of angry at Taeyang for dating his sister.  What made him more upset was the fact that he asked her for another date.  Taeyang walked in with a sympathetic smile on his face.  Seunghyun tried his best to contain himself, but he knew that Taeyang could suspect his disappointment and rage towards the two of them dating.


            “How can you date my sister?!” he yelled.


            “Okay, Seunghyun, I know you’re angry at me for dating Yuri, but I just couldn’t help it!  During that one date together, I found out that we’re pretty much compatible.  We like the same things, eat the same things, listen to the same music, and we both have similar plans on life!” Taeyang explained.


            “She’s my sister though!  You can’t date her because she’s my sister!  You’re like my brother and she’s my sister, and that’s almost like !” Seunghyun spat with disgust.


            Taeyang sighed in defeat.  He came into Seunghyun’s office in hopes of setting things straight, but he knew that Seunghyun was going to be stubborn and ignore whatever he was going to say.  Taeyang put his head down and left the office in trounce.



            Seunghyun came home to see that Yuri had gone out.  Daesung and Seungri were at home playing the newest game for their PS3 while Yoona filed her fingernails.  Yoona was all alone in the living room upstairs as Seunghyun came up and joined her.  She was lounging comfortably as Seunghyun said hello to her and sat next to her feet. 


            “Why are you on the couch?  Whenever I see you, I usually see you on your feet kicking Daesung and Seungri’s butts on whatever video game their playing,” Seunghyun observed.


            “I decided to calm down a bit.  My feet are killing me, my back is hurting, and I swear that I had peed more than fifteen times today,” Yoona complained.


            Seunghyun looked at her with attention.  She continued on with her complaints and even stated that her face was becoming swollen and uglier by the moment.  He had to disagree with that.  Seunghyun finally saw that there was shiny metal object that was hung around her neck.  He reached in closer to her and touched the locket around her neck.


            “Is this the necklace my mother gave to you?” Seunghyun asked.


            “Yes, it is,” Yoona answered.


            “Why are you wearing it?  I thought you didn’t take this marriage seriously,” Seunghyun mocked her.


            “Well, your mother told me the story behind this locket a while back.  She told me that it was a family tradition and I really don’t want to ruin that tradition.  My mother and father weren’t with me for long, but they did teach me to respect.  So how was work today?” Yoona asked.


            “It was going well but then Taeyang came into my office trying to convince me that it was okay for him to date Yuri,” Seunghyun laughed, “By the way, where is Yuri?”


            “She’s on a date with Taeyang,” Yoona stated.


            “What?  How dare she do that!” Seunghyun shouted.


            “She told me about it and I gave her approval.  He’s a good guy for her and he’ll take good care of her,” Yoona concluded.


            Yoona couldn’t believe her husband.  Why couldn’t he allow the two be together?  She crossed her arms with disappointment as she looked at him fume about how wrong Yuri and Taeyang were for each other.


            “I mean they don’t even look good together, and plus—,” Seunghyun ranted.


            “Listen, I need to ask you a question.  Other than the fact that Taeyang’s your best friend and that Yuri’s your sister, what’s so wrong about the two of them dating?” Yoona wisely questioned.


            Seunghyun was a bit speechless, “Well—hmm—they’re not compatible because…Taeyang—he hates pickles and Yuri loves them!” Seunghyun desperately cried out.


            Yoona couldn’t help but laugh at his statement.  Was that the best that he had?  The best he had against their relationship was that one liked pickles and the other didn’t!  Seunghyun felt like a fool to see his wife laugh hysterically at him.


            “I think that the two would make a great couple.  When I was in high school, I remember Yuri told me numerously of how she was in love with her older brother’s best friend.  She told me of how a great guy he was, and even if I didn’t know you or Taeyang at the moment, I knew that she really was in love with him.  I think that Taeyang will make Yuri happy and Yuri will make Taeyang happy.  You just need to accept the fact that the two are starting to like each other.  Seunghyun, would you rather have a jerk, disrespectful, and cocky guy like most of the guys in the world to date Yuri, or would you rather have the respectful, sweet, and sensitive Taeyang date Yuri.  Taeyang’s in the 10% of guys in the world that aren’t jerks and I can’t believe you’re being selfish that you’re disapproving of their relationship.  You just need to chill because it’s their life,” Yoona lectured.


            “I just don’t know,” Seunghyun admitted.


            “Well, I think that deep down; you think that Taeyang’s the perfect guy for her.  You just need to approve of their relationship,” Yoona patted his shoulder.


            “I really don’t know,” Seunghyun repeated, “Hey, we need to go to your doctor’s appointment today!  Are you ready?”


            Yoona pouted, “Can we just go next week?  I’m tired and my feet are killing me!”


            Seunghyun smiled playfully as he tried to pull her off the couch to her own feet.  She lightly refused as Seunghyun picked her up into his arms and lifted her.  Of course, she tried to fight back and told him several times to let go of her, so she can get on her own feet.  The two of them burst into laughter as Yoona lightly punched Seunghyun’s back.  Yoona was on Seunghyun’s shoulders as he changed his style of carrying her to a bridal style.  He went down the stairs in a swift motion but soon went weak.  He gently let Yoona down to her feet as Yoona tried to fix the wrinkles on her dress. 


            “Mhm,” Yoona grunted as she saw Goo Hara at the door.


            It was pretty much awkward.  Goo Hara had just seen Seunghyun carry Yoona down the stairs as they were both laughing and giggling together.  She hated seeing them like that.  What hurt her most was the fact that she knew that Seunghyun was smiling because of another woman.  She had to admit to herself that she was a cold woman.  She was selfish and she took him for granted, but she did have feelings too.  When she felt jealous, she would usually let go of everything with her anger.  That was the only emotion that she could show in her whole life.  Yoona flinched as she saw Hara scream in frustration.  She then fell to her knees and soon sat on the floor.  Yoona was left in disbelief to see that she was hurting herself.  She was punching her own head and she was pulling her own hair.


            “SEUNGHYUN!  SEUNGHYUN! SEUNGHYUN!” she screamed continuously.


            “What’s wrong with her?!  She needs to stop hurting herself!” Yoona cried.


            Daesung and Seungri ran into the scene and tried to stop Hara from hurting herself.  Yoona was a bit frightened to see a woman hitting herself so violently.  She scooted next to Seunghyun who was just dumbfounded.  He didn’t know what to do.  Yoona took her left hand and held his right hand softly.  Seunghyun looked at her hand in his.  He then looked at Hara who was throwing a tantrum.  He knew that she was going to go crazy if he continued this with Yoona.  He closed his eyes to enjoy the seconds that passed by as he held Yoona’s hand.  He couldn’t go on like this anymore.  Yoona tightened her grip on his hand.  He knew he couldn’t do it anymore.  Hara was going to go to the point of suicide if he continued on.  He opened his eyes as he let go of Yoona’s hand roughly.  Yoona tried holding his hand again but he just pushed it away.  He felt as if his heart was breaking no matter what he did.  He felt his heart cracking as he saw Hara in her desperate stage, but he felt his heart stop beating as he let go of Yoona’s hand.  What he knew was that Hara needed him more.  He knew that Yoona didn’t need him.  Yoona stood there in shock as he approached Hara as Seungri and Daesung backed away.  He held Hara in his arms as she began to quiet down.


            “S-Seunghyun, p-p-please don’t leave me,” Hara said in tears.


            “Don’t worry.  I’m not leaving you,” he whispered to her.


            Yoona felt her world crashing down.  She knew from that point on that nothing had changed and everything was back to normal.  She felt tears streaming down her cheeks.  She hated herself for crying.  In moments like these, she would usually wait to be in a room all by herself to cry, but the pregnancy hormones were just too much.  She cried and it pierced Seunghyun’s ears.  He hated hearing her cry.  He gently looked down at the floor.  He couldn’t do anything about it.  Yoona saw that he had no effort in comforting her.  He had no effort in comforting her, who was bearing his child and who was his wife.  In her eyes, she thought she was nothing to him.  She ran out the door and ran outside.  She ran the quickest she could run.  She ran until she was out of breath.  As soon as the mansion was out of sight, she walked over to a bench and sat on it.  She cried and she was hurt.  She was starting to like him, but she could tell that Seunghyun loved Hara more.  She saw a black BMW park at the curb.  She looked up and saw Siwon.  Siwon’s expression was priceless.  If you saw his face, you would probably think he was saying, “I’m going to kill someone tonight.” 



            “Where is that woman?  Where is she?!” Seunghyun yelled loudly.


            “I don’t know, but she does have a reason of acting like the way she did,” Seungri answered.


            “Look, I don’t need any of your lecturing towards me!  I’m already frustrated as it is,” Seunghyun fired back.


            It was already ten o’clock in the night and Yoona had not returned home after she ran out.  He was concerned and partly furious that she had run out of the mansion by foot.  Seungri and Daesung were the only ones home with Seunghyun.  After Yoona ran out of the house, Seunghyun took Hara home and stayed with her until he convinced himself that she would do fine if he left.  Within three hours of staying by Hara’s side, he finally left and went home.  Of course he thought that Yoona would be home waiting for him, but he was wrong.  He had been home for about four hours already, but Yoona had still not returned.  Seunghyun stood up quickly to hear the doorbell ring loudly.  He ran to the door and opened it quickly without even checking who it was.  He saw Yoona in her dress and a jacket over her shoulders walk into the house.  Her hair was a bit messed up, but she seemed as if she didn’t care.  She walked in without a word as Seunghyun saw a black BMW drive off.  He knew it was a guy because of the silhouette that he saw from the driver’s seat.  Yoona took off her shoes while Seunghyun shut the door angrily.  Yoona rolled her eyes at him with irritation.  Daesung and Seungri quickly excused themselves as they ran to their rooms to ignore the argument that was going to take place between the two. 


            “Where, in the world, have you been?!” Seunghyun cried out.


            “I’ve just been out with a friend.  I needed some time off,” Yoona retorted.


            “I know that it’s Siwon and that you’re wearing his jacket, so don’t try to deny it!” Seunghyun yelled.


            Yoona shrugged, “So it was Siwon.  And what are you going to do about it?”


            Seunghyun couldn’t believe that she just admitted that it was Siwon.  For seven whole hours she was with him and he was just angry that she wasn’t ashamed about any of it.  It was as if she was boasting to him that she had spent her whole day with Siwon.  She sat on the couch without a care and rested her head against a pillow on the couch.


            “Yoona, I told you to never see him again—I mean to not see him during our one year together!” Seunghyun corrected himself.


            “Listen, I know I made a deal with you, but you didn’t keep your end of the deal either, so why should I?  It’s not fair that you get to see Hara when I can’t see Siwon.  Siwon’s a very important man in my life.  Oh, by the way, I need to tell you that I accepted his marriage proposal.  So after we get divorced, I’m going to get married to him and our baby will have a stepfather,” Yoona stated.


            “What the hell is wrong with you?!” he cried in disbelief at her words.


            “Nothing is wrong with me.  You know what?   Today, you taught me to be honest with myself.  You were honest with me when you let go of my hand to hold Hara in your arms.  That was like you telling me that Hara is the woman you’d rather be with.  I want to be honest with you, too.  I love Siwon so freaking much and I’m going to marry him because of that,” Yoona coldly confessed.


            “Yoona, that isn’t right that you’re pregnant and you’re hanging out with other men!” Seunghyun shouted at her.


            “Bite me,” Yoona tempted, “You act as if I give a damn.  That’s just ist that you would say that.  It isn’t right for a married man to be hanging out with other women, too, right?”


            Yoona looked furious.  She was gritting her teeth and she knew that her blood was boiling.  She grunted as she started to rummage through her purse violently.  She saw tears coming out of her eyes but she didn’t care.  She finally found was she was looking for and took it out.  It was the latest ultrasound picture of the baby.  Yoona wasn’t even supposed to have another picture because of her recent one, but she requested that she have another one.  Yoona took it out and shoved it to Seunghyun.


            “Look at our baby.  For once you haven’t been there for him or her.  You haven’t been to any of my appointments and you haven’t been a good husband to me either.  When our child is born, how do I know that you’ll be there for the birthday parties, the piano recitals, the dance performances, the graduations, or even in our baby’s first steps and first words?  I bet if Hara told you to skip all of those to be with her, you would!  You would because you don’t care about me or our baby!” Yoona screamed at the top of lungs.


            Seunghyun felt sympathetic towards her.  He pulled her in to a tight hug as she started to pound against his chest while trying to pull away from his embrace.  Yoona’s tears were staining his shirt but neither of them cared.  Yoona finally escaped his embrace as she pushed him away from her.  He was so bittersweet.  Part of Yoona wanted to hug him tightly and never let go while the other part just wanted to shun him forever.  She didn’t want to come back to him.  She didn’t want to because she knew that he was only going to hurt her again.  She realized that she needed to stop being such a good girl.  She needed to fierce.  She needed to have attitude.  She needed to have wit.  Yup, she told herself that she needed to be the ultimate .  She was tired of people pushing her around as if she was a rag doll.  She wanted to make people believe that she wasn’t someone that you could take advantage of.  She looked at Seunghyun once again.  She loved him, but in the same time she hated him. 


            “I’m going to sleep in the guest bedroom.  Don’t bother saying goodnight,” Yoona coldly stared.



            Yoona was all alone in the guest bedroom.  She had changed into her pajamas as she uncovered some of the sheets to the big king sized bed.  She brushed her teeth and washed her face in a nearby bathroom before laying down on her bed.  She closed her eyes and sat up as she said her prayers before sleeping.  Yoona then took out her phone and looked at her wallpaper.  It was a picture of Siwon and her when they had their first date.  Yoona quickly went into her picture files and deleted it.  She set her new wallpaper as the photo of the ultrasound of her baby.  She then dialed Siwon’s number and he answered quickly.

            “Hello, Yoona,” Siwon answered.

            “Hi, Siwon; by the way, I told Seunghyun everything.  I told him I was going to marry you and how bad of a husband he was.  Our plan is finally in progress,” Yoona smiled grimly.




Please give feedback! And, NO, I am not on hiatus.  I just take a long time posting because of all my schoolwork, family, hangouts, etc.  I hope you guys just appreciate that I’m writing for you guys :)


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steiyoon #1
I really love to read this story, now I'm about to read this again. It's really really good!
bigbang0388 #2
Chapter 23: I read again from the beginning. Its still incredible. i Love it very much.
Chapter 23: I read it again...still awesome..
tengil25 #4
Chapter 23: Full of awesomeness! Love your ff ❤
woahhhhh this is really good
--Moonie #6
this was cute!
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 23: It's so good!!!

I've read this story before, and it's still so good!!!

Great job authornim :D Best wishes for your other stories :D ^^
steiyoon #8
Chapter 23: Interesting, I like you story very much!
Chapter 23: Nice daebakk !!! hahhaa proud of you
novamp #10
Chapter 21: when will you continue summer in seoul?