A performance?

Oh my seventeen

Monday, school day, you're so nervous. You've been thinking about S.Coups whole weekend, till you dreamt about him. He kissed you, he confessed and you became shy. You were going to school with Dino and you talked a lot to him.

Dino: Will you talk to Coups?

You: I don't know! I'm so shy, little liar!

Dino: When will you stop calling me like that?

You: I don't know, I enjoy it! -

You poked Dino, then you went in the class. S.Coups was already there. You felt really shy, but you had to go there. You sat next to him.

S.Coups: Good morning, (Y/N)!

You: Good morning! -

Stephanie knew, that you felt uncomfortable, so she decided to save you.

Stephanie: Good morning! (Y/N), may I talk to you?

You: Yes, of course! -

You went to another part of the classroom.

Stephanie: I know it's hard now, but you have to hold on!

You: Yes, I know! I feel nervous, when I'm with him!

Stephanie: It's natural! He confessed two days ago!

You: How are you and Vernon?

Stephanie: I became mad, because he lied, but he is doing his best to make me forgive.

You: Don't stay mad! He wanted to help! -

Wonwoo came too.

Wonwoo: Hi girls, how are you doing?

Stephanie: (Y/N) is still nervous because of S.Coups.

Wonwoo: As I've expected! Don't forget our plan!

You: Don't worry, I'm careful!

Wonwoo: Good answer! Papa Coups is watching us!

You: What am I supposed to do?

Wonwoo: I don't know, but you must be fast, because he is coming!

You: What? -

S.Coups went to you.

S.Coups: Don't worry, I won't fight with any of you! I just wanted to inform you, that hip-hop team will meet after the lesson. Vernon and Mingyu already know about it!-

He bowed, then went back to his place. You had to do the same thing, because the bell rang. You were so curious about the topic. It was Monday's first lesson and it's supposed to be English, but the teacher is not at school now, so you had literature instead. The teacher told everyone to open the book. You wanted to take it from your bag, but you couldn't find it. Suddenly S.Coups poked you and pushed his book closer to you. You bowed your head to thank him, then you watched his book. He smiled, but this smile was different, it wasn't happy. You sat close to each other, since you used the same book. You could only think about that kiss. Your heart beated so fast. It was like this till the end of the lesson. After this you went to Stephanie.

You: Stephanie, I'm going crazy! I can't do this!

Stephanie: Yes, you can! It's hard, but you're just nervous, because of that kiss!

You: I don't know what to do!

Stephanie: Concentrate to our plan!

You: Yes, I will! -

You went to hip-hop team's meeting. Coups started talking.

S.Coups: I'm glad for everyone is here! There will be an event soon and the principal told me to think about something! Finally, I made the decision, so I tell you, that our team is going to have a dance performance! (Y/N), I know, you love to be with Wonwoo, but he is always with Mingyu, Stephanie is with Vernon and you know too, that we dance well together, so you will have to be my dance partner! -

You couldn't believe what you have just heard . It's hard to be beside him and now you have to dance with him.

S.Coups: I've already prepared everything for everyone!

Wonwoo: How did you do that?

S.Coups: Dear Wonwoo, you know, that I have dancer friends! I've asked them before to make a video and send me the coreography. All of you have your own parts and you will get them on pendrive! This one is yours! -

He gave it to Wonwoo, then to Vernon and in the end he asked everyone to practise. Yoou went in the room, where you have danced before.

You: Ya S.Coups, why did you say yes to the principal's request?

S.Coups: You don't know, but the students love our team and we have had a lot of successful performances. And before you ask why you have to dance with me, I've already told you!

You: I didn't want to ask about it!

S.Coups: Good answer! Now let's watch the video, then start practising! -

He played the video and you watched it. Actually, it was great! He also told you, that every members have to practise alone and when everyone knows their part well, you will dance together. You are already excited. You danced, but it wasn't the same with the first time. That was a slow dance and this one is different, but great. Just like in those music videos. You could forget about everything for a while, although you were with him. Poor him, sometimes you stepped on his foot, but luckily he forgave you. You feel so clumsy and it's embarassing for you.

You: Aish I stepped on your foot again!

S.Coups: Don't worry, you did it well! You just have to practise more!

You: I will do that, I promise!

S.Coups: Great! It's one of the reasons why I fell for you! Oh.....I mean....-

You were shocked. Your cheeks were red and you stared at him like this, then you covered your mouth like that.

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Simron_Carat #1
Chapter 15: Oh i really enjoyed your story till now it's amazing the scenes you created with all the members its awesome, your doing a pretty good job. Hope your future stories are more exciting!!!. Waiting for the continuation of Pledis High School.
Eli235 #2
Chapter 15: Omg cute! I want to know what happened! I am really enjoying the story!