Friends, Foes, and French Fries

Was It Worth Getting Hurt Just To Get Hurt More?
I was staring at Youngmin and he as looking back at me in amazement. He looked the same when he was a little boy, but he had blonde hair. Kwangmin looked like he changed a lot, he has his bangs covering one side of his face and was ignoring what teacher was talking about.
"Kihyo, you can sit down right next to Youngmin, Youngmin raise your hand." Youngmin respectfully raised his hand. I went over and sat dow next to him. Then during class Youngmin passed a note to me. I looked at him.
Youngmin's POV
I can't believe it's actually Kihyo! The one that left for America something years ago! It was almost time to lesve first class so I decided to pass her a note to see if she remembers me. I grabbed some scrap paper and wrote:
Dear Kihyo,
Hey do you remember me?
I'm Jo Youngmin
Your bestest guy friend when we were little?
Meet me at the cafeteria during after third period
Wait, your new here...i'll bring you to the cafeteria myself :))))
Your best guy friend,
When Mr. Choi wasn't looking I threw it over to her. She just gave me a look but I just smiled back. I do hope she remembers me. If she does, I wonder what she's going to think about Kwangmin, you know, since he changed. The next thing I knew, she passed me the note back and I read the back of it and I smiled at what she wrote. But when I got to a certain sentence it faded away.
Kihyo's POV
I read it over and over and it was ACTUALLY HIM. I flipped the paper over and wrote a note back to him:
Dear Youngminnie oppa,
Yeah! Of couse I remember you!
Sure I'll come with you, But can I bring Minmin?
She's one of my new friends here now.
You know I was wondering lately...
How's Kwangmin oppa? Has he been good for these past years?
Is he going with us to the cafeteria? Mianhe if i'm asking a lot of questions :P
It's just because, I haven't seen you in a while kekeke
Love, Kihyo
I really wonder how Kwangmin is doing he looks like he changed. I liked him ever since we went to grade school together. I always wanted to confess to him but my confidence level is really, really, really, low. That was another reason why I left to the states, I wanted to forget about him since I thought there was no chance for us to be together. Though I couldn't forget about him. 
Youngmin's POV
How was I going to break it to her that Kwangmin changed. I glanced over to her and looked like she was daydreaming again. She always daydreams. Anyway, about Kwangmin, to make a long story short, he's a playboy. I see him every week at school with a different girl. It's been happening ever since SHE came into his life.
And yes, I know that Kihyo's likes my twinnie. I've seen her personal notebook before when we were in 5th grade. Did you see how many pictures there were of him?! Then I got punched by her becuase I found out her secret. 
I wanted to think about this later so I was thinking of showing her my other friends at this school, then it went back to Kwangmin. I was wondering if Kwangmin is joining us. I think he's going to be with his girlfriend though. Then agian.........HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL KIHYO THAT HE'S DATING SOMEONE D:
She is surely to become upset. UGH my brain is hurting. Suddenly the bell rang. I stood up and waitied impatiently for Kihyo to pack her stuff and bring her to second class. Then Minmin came over. "Hey guys! What's up Kihyo? Have you met Youngmin before? I'm one of his friends. Hey did you know that he is a Kin-" I cut her off by elbowing her on her hip.
She understood what I meant when I hit her. If Kihyo found out that I am a Kingka here then the Queenkas will surely pick on her and hurt her. I don't want that to happen.
"What?" Kihyo asked her. Minmin glanced to look at me and I shook my head slightly signaling 'no'. She understood and said,"Nothing...Youngmin, I'll bring Kihyo to her second class. We have the same classes anyway." she grabbed Kihyo's wrist and ran out the door. Just before she left out the door they both waved bye to me.
"Who's that with Minmin?" Kwangmin came from eehind me. I widened my eyes knowing that Kwangmin doesn't even recognize her. "You don't know who that is? That's Kihyo! Remember when we were little?!" I almost yelled at him for not remembering her. "Jinjja? No I don't think that's her." I facepalmed myself for his stupid data in his brain. 
I just left him to go to second class.
Kihyo's POV
Minmin and I went to cafeteria to meet Youngmin there. We both got our food and sat down at the table where Youngmin told us to meet him at. He then came in with 5 other people behind him. I guess these were his other friends. "Hey Kihyo-ah." Youngmin greeted and he and his other friends sat down. "I want you to meet my friends! Guys introduce yourself." he commanded them to speak up.
"Annyeong, Donghyun imnida." he held out his hand and I accepted.
"Annyeong, Hyunseong imnida." he smiled at me sweetly and I smiled back.
"Annyeong, Jeongmin imnida." he held out his hand that had a stick of gum that he was offering me. I gladly accepted that.
"Annyeonghaseyo, Minwoo imnida." he did his best aeygo and I just giggled at how cute he looked.
"Annyeong, Eunmi imnida." a girl waved at me and I waved back.
"Annyeonghaseyo, Kihyo iminda." I replied back to all of them. "You don't have to be formal Kihyo-ah it's okay, just call the older ones oppa, like me Hyunseong, Jeongmin, and your Youngminnie oppa." I just nodded my head, "Neh oppas." 
"So, Kihyo tell us about yourself." Eunmi said to me. I thought about what to say about myself. "Well...I only live with my brother, my parents are still in the states, My favorite color is blue...umm...YAH!" I looked at Youngmin sitting next to me stealing my french fries. "Those are mine" I crossed my arms and pouted. Youngmin and the others laughed. 
"It's not funny!" I spat out at them. "But you just look so cute when you pout." Jeongmin oppa said. I just glared at him. Then everyone started laughing again.
???'s POV
"I'm only giving you a warning this time. Leave them alone , especially Kwangmin. You're only using them so you can get more popular." I muttered and left to go back to the cafeteria to the rest of my gang. 


How are the first 2 chapters? Are they good? I think they :(



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could you update? I don't want to try to bother you or anything...jebal?
Chapter 12: please update okay...its getting interesting.....:)
@woomin4ever It's for me to know and for you to find out :3
Why Kihyo is always suffering? T.T
kihyo, you could've just given each of them a round house kick to the jaw and won! WHY NOT?!
poor kihyo!
i will kill them all! xD
the triplets must die~~ haha
oh snap, this just got real! update soon!!