
Look for Me in the Stars
The world suddenly stopped. Time didn't press forward. Nothing moved. Nothing breathed. All life drained from Luhan's face. He no longer felt the pulse of the ring on his finger. Even his tears could not pour down his face. His heart no longer beat. For a long while, this was his existence. Then there was the great collapse, and the world started again. When he breathed out, that was his last breath on Mama. Luhan fell hard to the ground and found himself among tall grass. His head lifted slowly, and staring blankly at him was a red haired child. He sat up quickly and stared back at the little boy. "Who are you? I've not seen you on Mama before...", he asked softly, so as not to scare the child away. Although, the small child of perhaps about six years of age did not seem to be frightened so easily.

"Ma... Ma?...", the child uttered softly with confusion.

"Yes, Mama...", Luhan answered to clarify.

"Mama.", the child said with confidence now as well as a nod. Then the boy grabbed Luhan's hand, urging him to get up. Once Luhan was up, the boy pulled him along by the hand. As Luhan looked around he became the confused one. All he could see for miles in any direction was tall fields of grass a little taller than the child that reached halfway up Luhan's body. At the end of their journey was a small village of children that had been almost entirely hidden by the grass. There were several small huts and nine other children of various ages. The youngest seemed to be about three years old, while the oldest seemed to be twelve. Among them was a single adult, a woman with long, thick, black hair that reached midway down her torso. All the other children shared her same gorgeous dark hair, yet the boy that had found him seemed so different. "Mama!", the red haired child screamed in announcement and gestured to Luhan, who was a little startled by this unexpected introduction.

The other children seemed to roll their eyes and dismiss this. They gestured to the woman that was lounging in her hut atop several animal skins. "Mama...", they argued as they motioned towards the woman. Luhan patted the red haired child's shoulder gently to calm him down, since the boy seemed to be frustrated by this.

The woman chuckled and arose from her pile to face Luhan. She wore a dark hooded cape over her long black gown. The only thing clearly discernable amongst all the black was her bright, fair skin, her clouded, white eyes, and her dark purple lips. "It isn't often that we have fully grown visitors... Welcome, my child. You've made it safely. Nothing shall ever harm you again, not while I am here. As you are the oldest now of my children, it is your duty to help me care after your younger brothers and sisters", she spoke with such a soft, calming voice that anyone could easily be lulled to sleep by her sultry voice. "Pell, thank you for bringing the newcomer home. Come eat with us and celebrate. It's always a joyous day when a new member is added to the family", she said to Luhan's new little friend with a sweet smile.

However, the red headed child was much too rowdy to be lulled by anything. He violently jerked Luhan's arm closer to him, almost making him fall. "N-N.... N... No...", he struggled with the word so heavily, but was confident once he had gotten it out.

Luhan looked down at the defiant child and slowly picked him up. He held him close and rubbed his back. "It's okay buddy. Why are you so upset? No one is gonna hurt you, okay?", he said softly and smoothed out the boy's hair. The boy seemed very calmed by this, no longer fighting. He rested his head against Luhan's chest and yawned softly. "I suppose he just needs a nap, yeah? I'm sure he's just cranky because of that", Luhan said quietly to the woman and chuckled a bit. Then he sat in the circle around the woman that the other children had made, holding the now sleeping boy in his lap.

The woman nodded, "Yes, Pell is a very good boy, even if he is a little rebellious at times. He's very outspoken for his age, but I do not blame him. I love all my children regardless", she said and sat across from Luhan at the other end of the circle.

"Who are you? And why do you call me child? You only look to be a few years older than me if any at all", Luhan questioned since despite her soothing voice, there seemed to be something hidden to her words.

"All of this world are my children. I am Serville, mother of the lost children. You have ended up here, because you are lost to the ways of love, so you need a mother's guidance. Do not worry, I provide all for my children of need. In time, you'll see as all my children do, that there is nothing to fear as long as I am here", she explained as if it were just that simple, submitting to her. "What is your name, child? Mother wishes to embrace her newest wanderer of the stars", she asked.

Luhan was a little uneasy still even though things truly did seem to be at peace here. He still wondered how he had ended up here. His heart wasn't fit for space travel, so how is it that he found himself on this new world? Could he possibly be dreaming? As he then opened his mouth to speak his name, he realized he couldn't. "I.... I don't have a name...", he stuttered out with shock. His mind was blank. It was as if his whole being had been erased. Still, he remembered growing up on Mama, and of Sehun, but he could not remember much else.

"As I thought... The lost children never remember their names. It's how they become lost, and so I give them new names so that they may be reborn again as my own, because if they have a home with me, they are no longer lost. You'll answer to Yuryeong. Now, dine with us~ Fill your stomach full of all the greed you wish. No one will be denied or shamed from the feast of your honor. Welcome Yuryeong, to our family~!", she exclaimed happily. Then her hands suddenly fell down to the ground, a great draft blowing back her hair from its force. She smiled wickedly as the children cheered and chanted incoherent mumblings for her. Her delicate fingers traced a few invisible patterns in the soil just before vines sprouted and took shape into a large round table that stretched as big as their circle. She untied her cloak and laid it over like a tablecloth. From her hood, she pulled various dishes and utensils. With a final snap of those magical fingers, a banquet appeared. Luhan seemed to be the only one concerned by this. The children took to the food eagerly. Luhan was a little hesitant, and this made Serville purse her lips a little with distaste. "Can you not eat even one meager plate? We are celebrating you after all, Yuryeong....", she said softly with a hint of tension to her voice that made Luhan all the more uneasy.

The boy on his lap stirred a little from the enticing scents that filled the air from the feast. "M.. M-Ma... Ma....", he muttered lowly and gripped a fist full of Luhan's shirt tightly. Luhan looked down to see the boy staring up at him weakly with squinting eyes.

"Hm? What is it, Pell? Are you hungry?", He asked softly, bringing a piece of chicken close to the boy's mouth. The boy frowned and slapped it away. "Nnnnn!", he grumbled and Luhan ruffled his hair playfully.

"Still cranky, eh? Go back to sleep. I'm sure there will still be plenty for you later", Luhan cooed as he tried to calm the boy again. The boy wouldn't be so easily tamed this time though. He squirmed in Luhan's arms, so the man let him go. Pell ran off through the grass, and Luhan leapt quickly to his feet with wide eyes. "Pell! It isn't safe by yourself!", he called out, about to take off after him when a soft hand stopped his arm.

"Let him go. He will come back soon enough once he is hungry. If not, I'll collect him later when he has fallen asleep. As I said before, he can be very resistant at times. Sometimes I fear that I did not show enough love towards him when he first arrived. I try so hard to care for all the children equally, but perhaps I am growing too weary to be of much guidance to him. I am losing my touch with time... I may appear young, but I have been here for many centuries", Serville said softly.

Luhan shook his head and gently pulled away from her grasp. "I'm sure it was nothing you did. You seem like a wonderful mother. Maybe if I go talk to him he'll tell me what's wrong. He does seem more comfortable around me after all", he suggested. Serville did not appear to be so pleased with this. She pursed her lips a little and looked away, but did not try to argue with Luhan. Although it was frowned upon by the rest, Luhan couldn't leave a small child to wander through the wilderness all alone. He rushed in the direction Pell had gone in, but in such tall grass the boy could be a foot away and no one would see him. "Pell?... Pell! Pell, come here. It isn't safe! Come back!", he called out numerous times, but there were no answers.

Night came hours later, but still Luhan was searching. He had been so preoccupied with worry for the lone little boy that he only then realized that he had become lost among the endless ocean of desert colored grass. "Pell!", he called out once more, even though at this point his heart had given up its enthusiasm. Although, this time he got an answer. It wasn't a verbal reply, but rather a physical reply of sorts. Luhan was tackled to the ground by a tiny, yet forceful and unexpected body. The little red haired boy sat on his chest, holding his hand over Luhan's mouth to keep him quiet. Luhan's brows furrowed with deep confusion, but he stayed quiet. He got up slowly once Pell got off and followed the boy further through the grass. The boy took him to a cave in the distance, making Luhan wonder how exactly such a young boy could navigate through this maze of a planet so easily.

Inside, Pell clapped his hands together and a fire started in its center. Luhan's eyes widened. "You have powers like Serville? Does everyone here have such abilities?", he asked. He knew he should probably be afraid of such happenings, but neither Pell or Serville really seemed to pose any threat to him yet. The small fire in the center of the cave stayed within a circle of pre-placed stones and revealed many strange paintings on the walls. "Did you paint these?", he asked, but Pell answered neither question. In the corner, the small boy was collecting mushrooms. Once Luhan noticed he quickly stopped him. "Hey! Those could be dangerous!", he scolded, which only earned an eye-roll from the boy. Before Luhan could take them away, Pell stuffed a handful of mushrooms in his mouth. He quickly chewed and swallowed before squirming out of Luhan's grasp to pick more. Then he offered some to the taller after showing him that the mushrooms would not hurt them. Luhan was as hesitant as he had been with Serville, but took a few. He chewed them slowly, but once he swallowed his world suddenly spun. Before he could do anything, Luhan dropped to the ground, Pell followed him just moments after.
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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 4: Please update soon
Chapter 4: My heart hurts, hope you update soon.