-Chapter 8-

Why Pick On Me?


"Yeah Sehun?"

"Instead of the park, I'm taking you somewhere else okay?"


"Just some place I looked at."

Luhan looked at Sehun questionably, but nodded.


"Okay, close your eyes!"

"Wai- Wha-?"

"Close your eyes!"


Sehun grabbed Luhan's hands and placed it on his eyes.

Luhan felt his cheeks burn and kept his hands there.

Five minutes later, he heard someone to tell him to open his eyes.

"T-Tao?" He said, looking at the boy on the swing.

"Hi Lu!"

"H-Hi, where's Sehun?"

"Oh, you'll find out soon, anyways come sit on the swings here!"


"So, why are you here?" Luhan asked while swinging his legs.

"Eh, I just felt like playing on the swings, what's that?" Tao said, looking at a rolled paper in the chains of the swing.

Luhan shrugged and looked at the paper.

'The first day, I met you.'
Where did we first meet?

Luhan squinted and recognized the initials as 'Oh SeHun'

 "Ah, sorry Tao, but I have to go somewhere."

"Alright Lu, nice talking to you for two minutes."

Luhan started running to the school.


He walked around and saw a paper hanging out his locker.

'After I met you, I shoved you into this locker, and regretted it.'
I caused you severe pain the next day, and you ended up where?

Luhan shivered, remembering the incident before running towards the exit.

He accidentally bumped into something, well, someone.

"Ouch, that hurt Luhan." Kyungsoo said, rubbing his head.

"Sorry hyung! I wasn't looking." Luhan said while looking down.

"Heh, it's okay, watch where you're going when you get to the hospital okay?"

"Okay... wait wha-" But Kyungsoo was already giggling while walking away.


When he entered the hospital he saw a doctor smiling at him.

"Xiu-Xiumin hyung?

"Hi Lulu!" Xiumin said, hugging Luhan.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you forgot something when we left the hospital, it was your results." He said handing Luhan the papers.

"Results?" But Xiumin was already heading out.

Luhan rolled his eyes and looked at the paper.


'The next day, I made you cry.'
What room did you stay in at the hospital?
        (P.S I'm sure the room is empty)

Luhan giggled before going to the room.

He saw another paper on the bed.

'The next day, I held your hand'
I'm happy with the feeling now. Thanks for helping me Luhannie.
But, where did I hold your hand?

Luhan folded the paper and put it in his hoodie, along with the others.


When Luhan got to the bubble tea place, it was empty and a table had two bubble teas there.

The table also had a unicorn sitting there.

"Hi Luhan!" Yixing waved.

Luhan smiled and sat down, looking at the taro bubble tea in front of him.

"Don't worry, Sehun paid for them." Lay said, sipping his.

Luhan nodded and drank his.

"Luhan, you got some on your face, here's a napkin."

When Luhan grabbed it, it wasn't a napkin, but another note.

Luhan blushed and Yixing laughed.

'Yesterday, I hugged you'
Your hand is really warm you know?
Where'd you hug me? You better not forget, it was the second best thing that happened to me.

Luhan frowned.

"It's okay, the first best thing is cute." Yixing said.

Luhan tilted his head.

"Don't you need to go somewhere?" Yixing smirked.


Luhan stood in front of Sehun's house, not knowing where to go.

"Luhaen!!!" He heard a familiar voice.

He turned his head and saw Baekhyun running towards him. 

"Sorry I'm late!" Baek said while panting, hands on knees.

Luhan giggled before Baek handed him a paper.

"I didn't know where to hide it, so I wanted to give it to you." He pouted.

'Today, I'm going to do something better than holding your hand, and hugging you.'
You can go to the park now ;)

"Ohh, I wonder what he's going to do." Baekhyun squealed.

"I'll go to the park with you okay?"

"Okay Baek hyung."


When Luhan got to the park, he saw Tao, Kyungsoo, Xiumin, and Yixing sitting at a bench together.

Another bench had Kris, Jongin, Chen, Suho, and Chanyeol there.

Baekhyun smiled at Luhan before he sat beside Kyungsoo.

Luhan just stood there in front of the fountain.

"Where's Sehun?" He finally asked.

The others just smirked.

Luhan suddenly screamed as his back got wet.

He heard a familiar chuckle before turning around.

"That was funny Lulu!" Sehun said while laughing.

"Aish Sehun-ah!" 

"Here Lu." Sehun said, handing him a paper.

If you saved the papers (knowing you will) take all of them out and give them to me, including this one.

Luhan raised an eyebrow at Sehun before giving him the papers.

Sehun smiled before raising the one Tao gave to him and flipping it over.


He placed it on the table.

The one where he bumped into Kyungsoo.


The one Xiumin gave to him.


The one on the hospital bed.


The one Yixing handed him as a 'napkin.'


The one Baek handed him.


Finally, the one Sehun gave him.


Luhan gasped as he read the sentence on the table.

'Will you go out with me Luhannie?'

"Yes Sehun-ah!" Luhan screamed before hugging Sehun.

Sehun was shocked but hugged Luhan while smiling.

"That was really cheesy, and my legs are tired." Luhan pouted while looking up at Sehun.

"Then sit here." Sehun patted the space on the fountain edge.

When Luhan sat there he immediately sprung up while screaming.

"Oh Sehun!" He said as his back was wet.

Sehun started laughing again before Luhan chased him.

"Why can't you be like that to me!" Baek, Kyungsoo, Tao, Yixing, and Xiumin shouted to their boyfriends.

Their boyfriends just smiled innocently before running.


The next day, Luhan was kissed.

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Chibbypanda #1
Chapter 7: hope sehun remain loving and caring always! i like this change in him!
Chibbypanda #2
Chapter 6: i feel this tingling feeling too right now!!!!!! hunhan is so cute though sehun was jerk first i hope he now change for good!!!!! who is jongin's boyfriend and why sehun punch him??? nice story authormin!!!
Chapter 5: Awh. That's cute at the end "Luhan's hand was held" awhhhhh
Asdfghjklzz #4
Chapter 5: Aww sehun's a jerk but I hope he change.
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update ❤️✨ :))
Chapter 2: Love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️✨✨