

in a world where exo is torn apart, sehun tries to hold on and put the pieces back together.



pairing: onesided!sebaek
genre: gore/angst?
length: drabble
warnings: gore? necrophilia? idk

notes: i've never wirtten anything like this before and i swore i would never post it... but then my friend got a hold of it and somehow convinced me to (which is what happens with everything i write).

edit: one of my close friends told me that she read a really similar (bts) fic to mine on another site. she showed it to me and i've never seen it before so i just wanted to say that in no way was i stealing someone else's idea when i wrote this fic. i still feel really bad though, and am probably going to take this fic down eventually.


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Chapter 1: Umm so Baekhyunie is dead??? TT
luna_xing #2
Chapter 1: asdfajdi poor sehun