house of cards

House of Cards

house of cards

title: house of cards

focus: jimin-centric

genre: is there genre for complete crap writing?+ angst

length: drabble

warnings: eating disorder, suicidal thoughts, implied character death


 He tried to brush it off. But the fans' comments about him losing his abs had engraved themselves in his mind and it was impossible to ignore their disappointment. They said he was fat, should lose weight, doesn't deserve to be in BTS, and worse things still. So he tried to do exactly that.


 Jimin didn't go on a diet. He simply stopped eating entirely (for the most part), living on water and vitamins. When the other members asked, he explained (lied) that he was eating at different times -  a perfectly believable answer considering their schedules were so hectic it was difficult to find time to do normal routine things.


 He spent all of is free time practicing his dance - the only thing that brought him any shreds of happiness. It took an unhealthy toll on his body, especially because he wasn't eating. He lost weight in record time; after a few weeks of barely eating and constant exercise, he wasn't even 90 lbs.


 Of course, the fans noticed. Some congratulated him on his body, but others expressed concern over his eating habits. It didn't matter anymore though. He assured them he was fine, and had just started working out more as an explanation for his thin limbs.


 Jimin thought he'd be happier when he was slim. But he just felt... empty. Without purpose. And tired. Really, really tired. So utterly exhausted that he just wanted to fall asleep and never wake up. His wish came true.


The house of cards that had been so carefully built up, came tumbling down.

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luna_xing #1
Chapter 1: ;-; aw poor jimin