Chapter Ten

Arranged Love

“I know you’re probably tired. We did practice for three hours today but I was wondering if we could move some of the furniture in the living room so I can practice here at home,” Haneul asked Siwon that night over dinner.

    “Sure,” Siwon took another bite. “In fact, once dinner digests, we can practice together.”

    Siwon leaned his elbow on the table, head in hand, wistful smile on his face. He loved watching Haneul was the dishes. The way she sang along with the radio, her hips swaying and feet dancing when she moved to put away a dried dish. He’d planned on just watching her finish but his body had a mind of its own.

    Haneul jumped a little when she felt Siwon’s strong arms wrap around her waist. Before she had a chance to say anything she felt his lips on the spot on her neck that she didn’t even know existed a month ago. The spot that made her knees go weak and her brain fuzzy. So fuzzy, that she didn’t even notice Siwon take the glass from her hands and place it on the counter. She registered him removing her rubber gloves only enough to know that now she could turn around and run her fingers through his hair.

    Siwon moaned when he felt her fingers in his hair. He moved his hands down and cupped her , lifting her up onto the countertop. His lips found hers with an intensity and passion that was matched equally by her.

    Almost without realizing she was doing so, Haneul wrapped her legs around Siwon's waist and used them to pull him closer. Siwon obliged and moved in until there was no room left between them. All they could notice or feel was each other.

    Siwon lifted Haneul up and carried her to the living room and laid her down on top of the couch. Then he laid himself down on top of her and they continued to kiss.


    Haneul slowly woke up to kisses starting at the base of her skull and trailing across her shoulder and back again. She turned to face her husband and smiled sleepily. “I think we were supposed to practice last night.”

    Siwon chuckled. “I don’t care. I much prefer what we ended up doing. “ He looked around. “I think we did end up moving this couch some though.”

    “Oppa!” Haneul smacked his arm as she turned red.

    “Mmmm,” Siwon groaned. “I love it when you call me oppa.” He moved so that he was holding himself suspended over her. He lowered himself to kiss her.

    “Siwon!” came a call as Leeteuk and Tao let themselves into the house.

    “You need to… Oh my goodness!” Leeteuk saw the couple on the couch, covered with a throw blanket. His wide eyes took in Siwon’s and the clothes strewn about the living room. When he spotted a bra on the floor, he clapped a hand over Tao’s eyes and dragged him back out the still open door.

    “Well,” Haneul deadpanned. “That was embarrassing.” Siwon grabbed his shirt and handed it to her. She put it on and buttoned it up. He grabbed his underwear and pants and put them on. He waited until Haneul had grabbed her clothes and gone upstairs and then he opened the door for Leeteuk and Tao.

    “Sorry about that,” Leeteuk said. “We should have knocked. Forgot that a married couple might need… um… more privacy.”

    “Right, anyway, why did you guys come here?” Siwon asked, desperate to change the subject.

    “That’s right,” Tao said. “Hyung, show him what you found online.”

    “Ah yes, that’s right,” Leeteuk said. “I was watching our new online. I always try to keep ahead of anything that’s out there. I found an article that I think you ought to look at.” He handed Siwon his tablet. Siwon’s eyes widened as he took in the title. “Real life love line between stars of ‘Arranged Love’! Netizens suspect!” He tapped the article and read more.

    Recently, ELF has noticed a change in Choi Siwon’s Instagram and Twitter updates. Several weeks ago on Instagram he posted a selca with a questioning look on his face and a hand on his heart with the caption “What is this feeling?” A day later, Krystal posted on Twitter “This feeling #love #maybe.”

Last Thursday Siwon tweeted, “Which is better? #HarryWinston #Tiffany’s” An hour later Krystal Instagrammed a picture of the famous blue box.

Last night, Siwon tweeted, “Is it a lie to keep it secret? #wanttoshoutitout” Krystal tweeted, “Love is never a lie.#wanttoshoutitout”

What do you think readers? Have these Arranged Love co-stars found off screen love?

Siwon silently handed the tablet back to Leeteuk and shook his head. He stood and growled in frustration.

    “Aish!” He began pacing. “I don’t know how to get through to that girl! I thought actually meeting Haneul would convince her to stop her scandal ideas. But apparently she decided to create one on her own!”
    “Wait,” Tao said, two pieces of information connecting in his brain and he suddenly felt as if he could see the whole picture. “Jie jie met Krystal? On set?” Siwon nodded. “Krystal wants to have some sort of scandal with you, hyung?” Siwon nodded again. “Where’s jie jie’s phone?” The three of them look around the living room. Finally, Leeteuk found Haneul’s phone and handed it to Tao.

    “I knew it!” Tao showed the phone to Siwon and Leeteuk. It showed a text from an unknown number that included a link to the article and a derogatory remark about Haneul. “When Key hyung and I took Jie shopping, she mentioned that a co-star of Siwon hyung’s had said something that motivated her to lose weight. Just now, you told us about Krystal’s desire for a scandal and I remembered what jie said. I wondered if Jie was being harassed in any other way and I was right. Look at all of these texts from Krystal. Jie’s been inundated.”    

    Siwon snatched the phone from Tao and read through the texts Krystal had sent. There were almost a hundred from over the past three days. All of them following the same theme of Haneul not being deserving of Siwon due to her (supposed) frumpiness and weight.

    “Let me take that before you break it,” Leeteuk said, prying the phone out of Siwon’s clenched hand.

    “Hyung, Tao, thank you for bringing this to my attention,” Siwon said his angry eyes snapping back into focus. “I think I know how to take care of this but I’ll need you two to leave now. Since Haneul hasn’t come back down I’m assuming she’s embarrassed about earlier. I’ll update you two about the Krystal situation later this evening.”
    “Jagi,” Siwon stuck his head inside the bathroom door to talk to his showering wife. “I’m going to pick out an outfit for you to wear today, okay? We have an important meeting.” He ducked back after getting a vague affirmation from the cloud of steam surrounding the shower.

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194 streak #1
Chapter 13: Just happened to find this . pleasantly surprised !
Queenka94 #2
Daebak!!! <3
I'm so glad I stumbled upon this. It was well written with no unnecessary drama. And though it is somewhat short, is fluffy and full of colors the different characters bring to it.
Thanks, author-nim! :)
Okay I read this fic in one go and deym. How can you make me feel so fuzzy and stuff.

Baby this is well written! Thank you for this amazing fic as sometimes I am no straight and yet I finished this! LOL
Chapter 13: Well Krystal got what she deserved ,servers her right!!!!!
I'm so glad that Siwon finally figured out that he had a wonderful women in Haneul and has accepted the marriage fully and lovingly and that all Elf has also accepted their marriage along with the other members :) I really loved reading this story and look forward to reading more from you <33333333
Chapter 12: Yahoo! He finally announced to the world that he is in love (not with Krystal) and that he finally gave her a ring to claim her as his :)))))))))
Love it that ELF were so happy about it too!
Wonder what Krystal is going to do now ?
Chapter 11: What is going to happen next is going to be sooooo goood! :)
I'm really enjoying reading your story <3333333333333333333
Chapter 10: What a that Krystal is ,she wanted a scandal so she made up one !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope that Siwon will fix it and that it blows up in Krystal's face !!!!!
Just hope that fans will not pick on Haneul too much when they found out the truth . Kinda hoping that once they find out they will go after Krystal...
Chapter 9: I figured that Krystal might spill the beans before they can announce their marriage ,just hope the fans will be okay with it and her plans backfire on her !!!!!
Chapter 8: Glad that they are both getting along better and are now starting to act like a married couple :)Can't believe that Krystal is still after Siwon even knowing that he is married ,she is something else!
Just hope who ever is texting her so much is not going to cause trouble for them ,just when things are starting to work out ...
Chapter 7: Yahoo! Finally Siwon is seeing his wife in a different light and wants to become a better husband for her!