Don't we all just love Myoui Mina?


Momo Unnie 🍑: I'm crossing the street now. I think I see you! 

Okay she's here. My hearts beating like crazy. I've never done this before. As a matter of fact, I don't even think I've ever liked anyone which makes all of this even scarier. I don't even know why and how I've actually mustered the courage to confess. Ever since I was young, I always dreamt of my prince charming confessing to me romantically. I never actually thought that maybe I would be making the first move and it's on a girl. I cross my fingers and pray for the best as I see her walking towards my direction. 


"Unnie! Wow you're actually early for once!" 

"Why wouldn't I be early for a date with my favorite dongsaeng? It's been too long since we went out alone together and nice roses by the way who are those for...?" 

"It's for you actually. I just wanted to give you a small gift." 


I'm freaking out now. First off did Momo just say date? Secondly, I'm her favorite dongsaeng. What does that even mean? DID SHE JUST AGE-ZONE ME? Is age-zone even a thing oh gosh. Calm down Myoui Mina calm the fk down. You need to chill. I passed the roses to her and she was so excited and genuinely happy. I knew she loved roses and she once said that she finds it romantic for someone she likes to give her roses so thank god she likes it. Step 1 clear! 



I just freaking like age-zoned myself. W T F Hirai Momo. Okay but Mina got roses for me? She didn't get just one stalk but a bouquet. Gosh she's so romantic but it's probably just a friendly gesture I mean friends can give each other flowers too right? Or maybe she likes me but nah why would she like me right...? Oh , I should've given her a gift too. I at this. I decided to ask where we were going because Mina had apparently already planned our schedule. 


"It's a surprise! You'll know when we get there." 


Hmm a surprise. I like surprises. I let Mina lead me to the bus and we managed to get a seat right at the back of the bus. We had our hoodies and mask on so no one would recognize us. 


"Momoring, you can take a rest first. Your schedule has been packed these days and this ride is about 20 mins. Put your head on my shoulder and sleep. I'll wake you up." 

"No it's f..." 

"Just rest. Tomorrow we're gonna be super busy too so just rest. For me?" 


I gave in to the younger girl. I loved how she always took such good care of me even though she was supposed to be the younger one. God, I really want this human being to take care of me for the rest of my life. I let my head rest on her shoulder and decided to make a move. I slowly found my way to her hands and interlocked our fingers together. I was so nervous and amazed at how perfect our hands fit together. I don't think I've ever felt so completed in my life. I slowly let myself fall asleep on her shoulder. 



I felt Momo leaning her head on my shoulder but what I did not expect was her interlocking our fingers. Her hands were so soft and they were so warm. I've held her hands many times but it felt different this time. This is giving me hope that maybe she likes me too but she's just the resident gay in TWICE along with Sana. She's touchy with everyone. I've never seen her not be gay for more than a minute. I looked at her sleep on my shoulder. Even though she had a mask on, nothing could cover up how beautiful she looked. Sometimes I really get jealous of Jeongyeon. They share the same bed and Jeongyeon gets to see Momo's sleeping face every morning and I would honestly die just to be in Jeongyeon's position. We soon arrived at the place. I woke Momo up and she looked so cute with her confused face. I got up and led her out of the bus with our hands still locked together. 


"Namsan tower! I've been dying to come here since we filmed here a few months back! Let's go check out the view and look for our huge lock." Momo squealed as she pulled me along with her. 


I wanted the atmosphere and the mood to be nice when I confessed to her so at least if she rejects me, the view can comfort my broken heart. We went up and took a glimpse of Korea.It wasn't our first time there but still it managed to wow us. I decided that this was the right time. It's now or never anyway. 


"Hey Minari, don't you just love the view here?" 

"Huh, oh uh yeah it's really nice." 

"It's been awhile since I've felt really relaxed and happy. Thank you Mina. This is great. Being here with you makes everything even better. I actually erm sort of like erm have s..some...thing to s..say" 

"What is it? Are you very cold cause you're stuttering quite badly?" 

"Actually Mina, ever since you came into JYP as a trainee, you've always been a very special person to me. You mean a lot to me and I'm so eternally grateful for you. I know this might ruin everything that we have now but I just want you to know that I..." 


my phone started ringing. I quickly picked up the call and it was Sana telling us to hurry back because there's an "emergency" of some sort. As much as I would love to just ditch the members and continue with what Momo had to say and what I wanted to say, I couldn't so I hung up the call and told Momo the situation. We rushed off to find a cab and headed back to our dorm. 


The two girls quickly ran up the stairs to their dorm and walked in. They saw that the living room was totally dark when suddenly the members jumped out of nowhere and surprised them. 


"CONGRATS ON FINALLY GETTING TOGETHER GUYS! The between y'all was stressing everyone out so thanks for finally settling that." 

"Huh? What do you mean? Mina and I aren't together..." 


"Oh wait you guys haven't told each other? I thought..." Tzuyu covered Sana's mouth to prevent anything more from coming out of . The room fell into an awkward silence as Mina and Momo quietly stared at anywhere except each other. Of course they were both internally happy that their feelings were mutual but no one knew how to break the awkward tension between everyone. Finally, Momo decided that she was going to break this silence. She hated being in awkward situations but she needed to let Mina know her feelings. 


"This is awkward and there's erm so many people listening to whatever I have to say but I don't care because I want everyone to know. Myoui Mina, you have always been there for me ever since we met. Whenever I'm down or tired, you would always try to cheer me up. Even when I practice till late at night, you would stay and practice with me because you know I don't like being alone. You've been such an important person to me and you make me happy. Honestly you make me happier than Jokbal. I like you Mina. Not just friend "like" but as in "date me" like. You've always been the one taking care of me but now would you let me be the one who takes care of you and love you even when we're old and frail and wrinkly? Would you do the honors of being mine?" 


All the other members were all taking pictures and being jealous of the scene in front of them. Sana and Jihyo were actually tearing because they Momo was so sweet and they were so proud to see their ship sailing. After hearing whatever Momo had to say, Mina had already started sobbing. She never knew that the older girl had always felt the same way about her and to finally know that it wasn't one sided the whole time made her feel blessed. 


"Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!" The members chanted as Momo nervously waited for Mina's reply. 

"Of course, I would love to be your girlfriend." Mina replied as she went to hug her girlfriend. The new couple hugged each other tightly as the other members started shouting remarks. 

"No PDA in front of us." 

"No ." 

"Don't neglect the rest of us!" 

"NO !" 


That night, the couple slept together as they cuddled and talked through the night. As they fell asleep in each other's embrace, they knew all the hurt and confusion of the past was worth it.  They may face obstacles and challenges in the future but what mattered was now. Their love was now and nothing could take that away from them.

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Chapter 1: God. It's so tragic. I love it *^* Ty for putting the link to this bk in ur fanfic *^*
Chapter 1: Now I can't wait for Mihyun! Keep writing authornim! But please, no angsty T^T
Chapter 1: How did Mina die? This is so tragic TT