ILoveYou_Forever |★| Ten Kisses

♣ ♦ One Last Silent Kiss |★| Chunjoe One-shot Request Shop ♠ ♥ {HIATUS}

[Byunghun's Point of View]

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Jonghyun made final adjustments to the table cloth as I straightened out the arrangement of the flowers in the vase on the table. 

"You did tell Changhyun what to do right?"

"I did but... I've been friends with Changhyun since we could walk and I know for a fact that acting is not his strong point. He probably has the acting ability of a tent pole." He asserted sceptically. 

"I'll have to trust him not to screw up then. It's too late to change the plan."

"If you say so."

I placed the prepared CD into the CD player before glancing around the room at my handiwork. In my backyard, I had a small indoor space built as an extension of the house which had two floor length sliding glass doors on two sides. It was mainly built for the purpose of eating while admiring the lush garden and water fountain in the surrounding paradise. It was the perfect romantic spot for a Christmas date. 

Most of the preparations were done. The decorations were up, the table was set, the music was ready and everything was perfect.

"Come into the kitchen and help me bring out the food." Jonghyun nodded before following me into the house. Placing the main dishes onto a tray, we carefully transferred the various plates of food over to the outdoor table. I had spent all morning cooking the food and despite having little cooking experience, it all turned out rather edible, much to Jonghyun's surprise. "I'm sorry that you had to miss out on your family dinner to come help me."

"It's fine. Our Christmas dinner usually goes on for the whole night so if I head home now, I won't have missed much. Besides, this plan of yours would be a complete disaster without me. As your friend, I couldn't let you humiliate yourself in front of Chanhee. If you did, Changhyun would kill me."

"Thanks Jonghyun. You're a great friend." I muttered sarcastically. "Changhyun is way too protective over his brother. If Chanhee looks just a little bit sad, he'll give me death glares for the rest of the day."

Jonghyun burst out into hysterical laughter. "That is true."

"I really am sorry though. Thanks for all your help. Chanhee should be here soon. Let me walk you to the door."

"That's alright. Helping you is a lot more fun than watching my family get drunk and sing off tune. There should be a law forbidding my parents from going anywhere NEAR alcohol. It's so embarrassing." 

"I'm sure. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with."

"Alright." Jonghyun finishes putting on his shoes and was about to leave when he suddenly stopped and turned around slowly. "Actually... there is something you can help me with." I tilted my head with curiosity. "I saw these shoes on sale this morning and I didn't have enough money to buy them. Could you lend me some money?"

"Sure! How much do you need?" I take out my wallet, waiting for him to name the price.

"Wait a moment. I've got a better idea. How about a bet? If I win, you buy me the shoes. If you win, I'll pay for all your ice-cream for the next six months."

Free ice-cream for six months eh?

"Hmmmm... interesting. What's the bet?"

"I'll let you decide."

"I bet that I can kiss Chanhee ten times tonight."

"What!? No way. I know Chanhee. He gets embarrassed when you hold his hand! He's not going to let you kiss him ten times in one night!"

"I'm sure I can manage. So are you in?"

"Of course! This is going to be easy. Those shoes are mine!"

"We'll see about that."

Jonghyun steps outside the door into the frosty cold night.

"Don't even try to cheat! I'll just ask Chanhee about it tomorrow."

"Yah! Jonghyun! Are you calling me a cheater!?"

Jonghyun sticks his tongue out at me before running off down the street. I close the door, trying to stop any more cold wind from coming into the heated house. I checked that the heating in the back glass room was still working as I sat down on the living room couch, waiting for my Chanhee to arrive. This was going to be my first Christmas with Chanhee as my boyfriend, so I wanted everything to be special and absolutely perfect. But nothing could be absolutely perfect if Chanhee wasn't here.

[Chanhee's Point of View]

I hadn't even changed into warmer clothes before running out of my house into the wrath of the icy wind. I had received a call from my brother Changhyun and he said that he was in some trouble at Byunghun's Christmas party. The same party that I wasn't invited to. He didn't specify what kind of trouble he was in but I heard the sound of deafening music in the background as well as some screaming and laughing. His voice sounded urgent but not completely desperate. He told me to come to Byunghun's house quickly and hung up before I could ask further questions. 

"I should've worn a thicker coat." I wrapped my thin jacket around my body tightly as I ran and shoved my freezing hands into the pockets. 

As if Changhyun is out partying at MY boyfriend's Christmas party while I was stuck at home like a loner. What makes things worse was that Byunghun hadn't mentioned anything about having a Christmas party at all. His exact words were "I don't have any plans for Christmas Eve. I think I just might stay in and watch some movies."


He didn't even ask if I had plans nor did he try to make plans with me. And then began my temporary depression. Maybe he didn't like me anymore? Maybe he didn't like me enough? I had all these doubts floating through my mind. As much as they made me depressed, it also made me angry. But my own feelings had to take a break for now. My main purpose of going to Byunghun's house was not to bite Byunghun's head off for not inviting me but to "save" Changhyun from whatever mess he got himself into this time. 

I turned into Byunghun's street expecting to hear the loud music that I had heard over the phone but instead it was dead silent. All the houses along the street including Byunghun's were decorated by bright rainbows of color and light but there was no booming music at all. In fact as I approached Byunghun's house, I noticed that his house was pitch black. The blinds were shut and there was no light peaking through at all. 

Did Changhyun tell me the wrong place? 

The house looked practically deserted. There was definitely no party going on here. I reached further down into my pockets and pulled out my phone. I dialled Changhyun's number but all I got was the annoying voice telling me that he was unavailable. 

"Changhyun, I'm going to kill you when you get home." I turn around away from the front door, ready to go home and forget that this ever happened but I stopped in my tracks when I heard the door click open behind me and the sound of running footsteps. I peered over my shoulder to see that Byunghun's front door had magically opened. 

Instinctively, I stepped into the foyer of the house and closed the door behind me. The house was dark and I saw no sign of anyone that could've opened the door. I took off my shoes and jacket and left them in the foyer as I ventured further into the dim house. 

"Hello?" I called loudly. "Anyone there? Byunghun?"

I crept further until I reached the kitchen. From the kitchen, I saw a faint light source coming from the recently built room that was extension off the house. Following the lights, I walked into the room. My eyes immediately widened in surprised when I saw the layout of the room. There was a small rectangle table in the centre of the room that was decorated with a pure white table cloth, red candles and white vase of red roses. The walls were decorated by strands of fairy lights which were also arranged in the outside garden. The water flowing out of the water fountain glistened and sparkled in the light. Plates of food were already arranged on the table. 

In my bewilderment, I didn't notice him creep up behind me. He blew into my ear and kissed my cheek as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I jumped at the sudden contact.

"Surprise." He whispered.

I swivelled around in his embrace and was greeted by the smiling face of Byunghun. 

"What is all this?"

"What does it look like to you?" He let go of my waist much to my disappointment. "It's my special Christmas present especially for you."

"But Changhyun told me that you were having a huge Christmas party and that he was invited! He even called me telling me to come here to help him! I could hear the music, screaming and laughing the background!"

"That was merely some music that Jonghyun prepared. The screaming and laughing were probably just Niel and Minsoo in the background. I asked Jonghyun to get Changhyun to trick you into coming here. Think about it rationally Channie. Would I have a Christmas party and not invite you?"

I facepalmed myself for being so stupid.

"But you told you me you had no plans! You didn't ask if I had plans so how would you know if I would be able to make it tonight?" 

"I know you well enough Channie. Once you heard about the party from Changhyun, you would be too upset about me not telling you about it to accept other offers that you got from other people." He winked. 

"Shut up." I turned away from Byunghun with a slightly pissed off expression. I was feeling really dumb for being so desperate.

"Come on. Don't be angry. It's our special night." He kissed my cheek again as he led me to the table. 

"Fine." I moved my hand to pull out the chair but it was slapped away by Byunghun. 

"Let me do it. Please." He pulled out the chair for me and gestured for me to sit down. He grabbed my right hand as I sat down and he pushed the chair in. He raised my hand up and kissed the back of it before letting it go. 

He's really touchy tonight for some reason and he's treating me like some princess. Maybe he's just trying to make it up to me.

"If I had known you had planned something like this, I would've worn something... nicer." I looked down at my own casual clothes and glanced over at Byunghun who was seated opposite me in his dress shirt and dress pants. 

"It's fine. You look cuter this way." Blood rushed towards my cheeks in response to his forward comment. 

"Well ummm... thanks." My eyes darted around the room awkwardly as I rubbed the back of my neck. "Thanks for planning this."

"You're welcome. Let's start eating."

As we ate we shared stories, reminisced about our high school years, joked around and basically just enjoyed each other's company. After the entree comprising of salad and bread, Byunghun had prepared a roast chicken dish that was surprisingly really nice. He told me that he had personally made all the food himself this morning but I didn't really believe him. The food was high class restaurant standard and I knew that Byunghun had less than average cooking abilities, but had ensured me that he had been specifically practising and learning to make this meal for me. I blushed again at the intimate gestures and tried to hide my embarrassment by shoving the rest of the main course into my mouth as fast as possible.

"Careful. You'll choke." He laughed as he handed me a napkin to wipe my mouth. "Wait here. I'll go get the dessert."

Briskly, he brought out the final course which was a piece of ice-cream Christmas pudding with rich chocolate sauce. He stared at me eagerly, waiting for me to take the first bite. I carefully brought a spoonful of the dessert to my mouth, letting the flavour engulf it. I my lips before nodding. Taking a few more spoonfuls, I commented that it was very delicious.

Byunghun seemed to jump slightly at my praising comment and I laughed at his momentary excitement. 

"I'm really glad you like the food."

"Of course I like the food! You made it."

"So it's a biased opinion then?"

"No. It really is good." I placed the final bit into my mouth.

Byunghun chuckled unexpectedly. 

"What's so funny?"

"You've got chocolate sauce on your face."

"Where?" I grabbed the napkin and started wiping the left side of my face but that just induced more laughter in Byunghun. 

"Stay still."

He got up off his seat and rushed over to my side. He gently placed his right hand on my chin with his thumb just below my lips and tilted my head upwards slightly. He swiftly brought his lips down onto my cheek and kissed me right on the corner of my lips. I felt his lips brush against my skin and I shivered at the gentle movement, my eyes once again open in slight shock. While I was still incoherent from the intimacy, he quickly shifted his lips from the corner of my lips and planted another quick peck right on top of my own lips. I pushed him away instinctively, trying not to do it too hard. He smirked at my reaction.

"Did I really have chocolate sauce on my face or were you just using it as an excuse to kiss me?"

He chuckled at my suggestion. "Maybe you did. Maybe I just love kissing you because you're so irresistible."

I swear this guy wasn't this cheesy the last time I saw him.

Despite feeling awkward about all the skinship, deep down I liked it. It meant that Byunghun really cared about me as much as I cared about him. 

"Now that we've finished eating, let's move onto the next event."

He walked over to the music player that was on a separate table in the corner of the room. He pressed the play button and music began to fill the room. [

Byunghun paced back to my side as I stood up to greet the music. He grabbed my wrists and placed my arms over his shoulders while snaking his own arms around my waist. We swayed side to side along with the gentle music. He stared lovingly into my eyes as I tried to look away from his intense gaze. Maybe it was the lighting, the warm temperature of the room or even just the fact that we were both alone with the music, but I found myself more and more addicted to him. I craved for his delicate touch, the faint sweet smell that permeated off him and the glistening spark in his eyes. I was growing more and more intoxicated by his presence. 

As the song hit the chorus, I sensed Byunghun move his face closer to mine. At first, I moved my own head back but Byunghun gripped my waist tighter, causing a sudden shock of tension to pulsate through my body. I knew what he wanted and a part of me wanted it too. So I stopped moving my head back and let him come forward. Our eyes fluttered closed as the distance between us decreased. His lips gently brushed up against mine as if he was caressing them. 

It wasn't our first kiss but it sure felt like it was. It was just as tender, just as sweet and just as enchanting. It sounds clichéd, but I really do feel the sparks every single time. 

As our lips parted, Byunghun faintly whispered "I love you" to which I replied with a soundless "I love you too."

We parted from our affectionate embrace and I coughed to break the awkward silence. 

"I've got another gift for you." He began digging around in his pockets. That was when I remembered.

"Wait a moment! I've got a gift for you too! Wait here."

I rushed out of the room and back to the dark foyer, being careful not to trip on the way. I grabbed the small box inside my jacket pocket and ran back to Byunghun. Puffed, I took a few moments to catch my breath.

"You didn't have to run." He smiled.

"Merry Christmas." I presented the small black box to him. He took the box with both hands and flipped the lid open and his eyes sprung wide open. "Do you like it?" He started laughing for an unknown reason. "Is that a no?"

"No! I love it. Thank you." He leaned in for another peck on the cheek before satisfying my curiosity. He pulled out the silver stylised ring from the box and placed slipped it onto his left ring finger before placing the box on the table. "It's just that..." He reached into his own pocket and pulled out an identical box and opened it. "I got you the same ring." Now my eyes were the ones to spring open. "Merry Christmas my Channie." Dislodging the ring out of the box, he positioned the open box right next to his own that he had just put down on the table and took my left hand with his right. He gently slipped the metal ring onto my left ring finger before leaning down to kiss it. 

"Thank you." I held the ring up to the light to admire it. As I analysed the grooves of the ring, I really began to question Byunghun's actions tonight. He was finding any reason that he could to kiss me one way or another. I knew he liked to show affection and that he was probably making it up to me for making me feel depressed but even this was a little over the top for him. The amount of skinship was really suspicious.

"I have one more present for you!"

"Another one?" 

"It's the last one, I promise." He dragged me back over to the side of the table and promptly grabbed something from under his chair. "Ta-dah!" He dangled the object in front of my face. To me, it looked like a bunch of leaves but being knowledgeable of the date, I made a perfectly accurate deduction as to what the object was.


"Now you have to kiss me Channie."

"But..." Before I could say more, he smashed his lips onto mine again. This time I pushed him away roughly, making him drop the mistletoe in the process. "Okay. This is getting really weird. Why are you so touchy feely today? It's not like you. What's going on?"

[Byunghun's Point of View]

Okay. I felt a little bad for using him to win a bet, but I couldn't help myself. He just looked too cute. He clearly hadn't changed after receiving the call from Changhyun because he was here in sweatpants and an old shirt but it really did make him look cuter than usual. 

"Jonghyun and I made a bet. I bet that I could kiss you ten times tonight."

"You guys did what!?" He looked like he wanted to hit me.

"Wait!" I grabbed onto his wrist, hoping to calm him down. "I really did mean everyone one of them though. The bet was just an excuse. I really just wanted to be closer to you. You don't really respond well when I get close to you. We hold hands and we hug but anything more than that, you tend to shy away from me. I just took this opportunity to show you how much I care about you. Don't get angry. Please?"

I felt him relax under my grip so I let go of his wrist. Suddenly, Chanhee jumps onto me and wraps me in his tight embrace.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologise. It's my fault." I his back gently as he sobbed lightly on my shoulder. 

"No it's mine. I should be more open to you. It's just... embarrassing. I was scared. I haven't done this with anyone else before. You were always my first. I guess I just didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to show you how much I care."

"It's all fine. I understand. Don't cry." I pull him off of me still keeping a close distance between us and wiped away his forming tears with my thumb. 

"If you don't mind me asking, what did you bet?"

"If I couldn't kiss you ten times, I would need to buy Jonghyun a pair of shoes that he wanted. If I won, he would pay for all my ice-cream for six months."

"Hehe. You really like your ice-cream don't you."

"Not as much as I like you though." Chanhee's cheeks were tinted pink.

"So how many times have we kissed so far?"

"Let's see. Firstly when you got here, then before I led you to the table, I kissed your hand when you sat down, twice when you had chocolate sauce on your face, once while dancing, twice with the rings and then just then with the mistletoe. That's nine kisses so far."

"So you're one off from the target?" 

"Yea. But it doesn't matter anymore."

"No. Let's finish it." 


Chanhee leaned in closer and whispered into my ear.

"But I'd like it to be in a different location." His voice was laced with a spark of lust.

"What did you have in mind?" I whispered back.

"What about... in your bed?"

Hearing those words, I rapidly lifted Chanhee up bridal style, much to his protests. 

"Are you sure? Only if you're ready. I don't want to force you."

Chanhee wrapped his arms around my neck to help me support his weight. 

"It's fine. I love you after all. I think I'm ready. But Jonghyun is going to owe you a lifetime's worth of ice-cream after all the kisses you'll be getting tonight."

We both laughed joyfully as I briskly carried him upstairs to my bedroom.

This was definitely a very eventful Christmas. An absolutely perfect Christmas with my dear Chanhee.

YAY! I finally wrote the next one! I've neglected this fic for so long! I'm sorry!! I got really confused between Changhyun and Jonghyun in this one so if I messed it up somewhere, let me know. :) Also since I had to finish editing this on my iPod, I'm not sure how this transferred over. Let me know if a bit seems to be missing or something. I did check briefly but I can't be sure.

From the beginning of the music/dancing bit I was really cringing at everything I wrote. Especially the implied ending.  I'll leave what happens next up to your imagination. ;)

I was going to update this on Saturday but just as I finished writing it, the site crashed. :/

ILoveYou_Forever- I hope that it was worth the wait and that it didn't disappoint you. 

Thank you for all your loyal support!

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ukissmekevin16 #1
Those were cute!
hurrhurr~ I like the way Chanhee things c;
Omg! I love the ending it was perfect~~
ILoveYou_Forever #4
FML!!! Fml!!! FML!!! FMl!!! FML!!! FML!!! FMl!!! FMl!!! FML!!!~~~
Seriously, you seriously live up to my expectations! Wow~ It's worth waiting!! Seriously, wow~ I really really love it!! FML! It's just so awesome!!! Thanks for the awesome work!! You did great!! Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow~~~ To tell the truth, I am deeply in love with the oneshot! FML! I love this so much!!! Wow~~~ Thank you so much!!! Definitely one of my favorite authors! Hehe~~~
Ooh~ Christmas with Chanhee and Byunghun! I love the ending! XD
Christmas in March >.<
oh gad chapter 2 broke my heart T_T i hope the next one shot will be angst first but happy ending at the end ><
what was the sec fic about though?....
i didnt listen to the song yet, but while i was reading the tape and i had to start crying!