
Emergency love attack
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"let's find out!"

God it's hurt like hell but as I heard one voice,yeah husky voice that I remember like few hours ago all this pain just gone.gosh my brain must be injured  badly is it? it's heaven to hear her voice.HER?okay I'm totally gonna faint now.

"get me the CT scan for this patient!"

"I'm sorry Dr.hwang we didn't do yet for her as you request to perform the surgery first"

"WHAT???BULL! you should do immediately after we done her surgery God! ! bring her now to make the scanning."

"yes doctor, we're sorry"

"God taeyeon what if we miss out something from the CT,I'm gonna regret this for the whole of my life!"

"hey hwang relax let's pray that she will be okay and not much damage caused to her brain"

"must be something if she was having the coma.God why I didn't realise it sooner about the scanning things..such a useless"

"hey..hey relax let's go we must check her now!let's pray she will be okay!"

"I hope so tae"'please be okay jessica'she keep on praying.

they make way to the CT room.Tiffany definitely gonna regret if something happen to the girl.they did save her from the critical condition.but now she had no idea why jessica having the coma stage.

They arrived in the CT room.jessica was having the CT scan now and they wait for the result to come out.

And it's finally out.

"Here we got the result." Sooyoung pass the file to taeyeon and tiffany.

When taeyeon open the result...

"Ohh it's some damage on her brain it's TBI!(traumatic brain injury)"

" it's because she had the car accident didn't she ?"tiffany cut  taeyeon.

"yeah...how. .did you?"

"I attend her when they bring her into emergency room!"

"We need to stabilize her to prevent further injury."

"Yes need to ensure the blood and oxygen are flowing properly to her brain and ensure her blood pressure is controlled!"

"she will need another surgery to repair the ruptured blood vessel or

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Chapter 7: Awww can't wait for the update on this
Thea050713 #2
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update... Can't wait to have jeti inlove
Thea050713 #3
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update... Can't wait to have jeti inlove
Thea050713 #4
Chapter 6: Please please update this story..I'm ur new sub. Love the story
Chapter 6: Pleasd update author. I will be waiting. Thank you.
Chapter 6: Poor Jess but I am still waiting for my JeTi.
hahaxixihehe #7
Chapter 6: my poor jessi TT
its great story authornim so refreshing. i'll wait for next update. thank you
Chapter 6: Wellcome back!!!
Finally soojung met her unnie...
Uhhh donghae make a move, well fany have wooyoung so ??? I'm curious fighting!!
Chapter 6: Pleasse continue the strory author shi..fighting
Rose-gg #10
Chapter 5: ..oh my i hate her father...hmMmpP!!!!
..more jeti please...i hope you will be able to update soon!!!