
Skies Apart

The next day was the weekend and Kai shamelessly insisted to be shown around. 
"Get yourself a tour guide", Ravi snapped. 

"I'm sure we have time", Ken said instead as he slathered cream cheese on the bread for breakfast. Wonshik was next to him, making coffee. Meanwhile, Kai uselessly loitered on the counter. 

"What do you mean by 'we'? I was talking about 'us' as in brothers", Kai snapped instead. 

Wonshik immediately grabbed his brother by the collar, "How dare you, you . First, you invite yourself here and now you're being a total ! I am calling mother to ask her to make you leave!" 

Ken was taken aback but he didn't want to start a fight. 
"Um, I - uh, Hakyeon hyung mentioned that he wanted to hang out so I guess I'll visit him instead", he offered. 
Ravi didn't say anything when Jaehwan left the kitchen to get ready for his day. 
In fact, he felt extreme hate for his brother and terrible for Jaehwan. 
Saturdays were specially marked for the two to spend time together since Wonshik was often busy on Sundays. They'd spend time being lazy and talking about their week but clearly, Kai was being a hindrance. 
Wonshik knew that if Jaehwan remained with them during the day, he'd just be targeted repeatedly by his prick of a brother. So maybe it would be better for him to be with his friend. 

Jaehwan didn't take long to get ready and dialled his hyung's number. 
"Hakyeon hyung?" 

"... It's Leo"

"Oh Taekwoon hyung, is Hakyeon hyung there?"


"Are you guys at home? Is it too much trouble if I come visit?" Jaehwan asked. 

There was a long pause so Jaehwan said instead, "It's fine if you're busy---"

"Yeah, you can come over", Leo interrupted, "I'll text you out address". 

"Ne, thanks hyung" 

"Bye Wonshik, I'll see you later!" Jaehwan said brightly. Wonshik got up to see him at the door. Jaehwan also smiled and waved at Jongin who didn't say anything. 

"So you're going to Hakyeon hyung's place? Call me if you need me to pick you up", Wonshik said and hugged Jaehwan. 

Jaehwan's plastered smile was gone as soon as he stepped into the elevator. He didn't want to show it but he was indeed upset about being unwanted that day. 
But mostly, he felt really hungry. Last night he didn't get to eat and this morning, he didn't have any breakfast so he was starving. 

Hakyeon was ecstatic and attacked Jaehwan with a hug even before he entered. 
"Come in, Leo made lunch and it's really yummy!!" 
Ken's mood was instantly lifted as he went to the kitchen. Leo wasn't finished but Jaehwan was looking over his shoulder eagerly.  

"Sit down and wait" the elder ordered and Jaehwan pouted. 

"So what brings you here?" Hakyeon asked. 

Leo was also curious since Jaehwan was always excited about going home and clearly he and Wonshik were smitten with one another. He hypothesized that Wonshik must be at work for Jaehwan to come over. 

"Why? Can't i visit my favorite hyungs?" Jaehwan pouted cutely.
But he was given away by his growling stomach. Leo raised and brow and Jaehwan blushed bright red. 

"Either you guys ran out of food or you were kicked out of the house", Hakyeon snorted in disbelief.  

Jaehwan avoided eye contact, keeping the smile on his face.
"Of course not hyung" he chuckled. 

Noticing that Ken was feeling uncomfortable, Leo stated that lunch was almost done.   

Ken eagerly asked for seconds as he dug in with enthusiasm. 
"Wah, this is amazing hyung! I was hungry since last night but now, I feel like I can't eat another bite!" 

"Yah Jaehwan, why were you hungry since last night?" Hakyeon demanded in interest. 

"Well, Wonshik's brother has paid a surprise visit", Jaehwan said then went on to explain the whole story to his friends.  

"Then Wonshik isn't happy about Jongin huh?" Hakyeon said. 

"Yeah, they don't seem to be getting along" Jaehwan said, " so I didn't want to make him uncomfortable either. But I'm sorry for barging in on you guys on a weekend".

"Don't be silly, it was fun", Hakyeon waved him off. They all watched a movie when Jaehwan noticed that Hakyeon and Taekwoon had barely looked at each other. 

When Hakyeon later excused himself tho use the washroom, ken turned to Leo. 

"Hyung, did something happen between you guys?" 

Leo took his time responding, "Just an arguement". Jaehwan nodded and didn't think too much of it since he assumed they'd be back together in no time. He vaguely remembered the previous argument that the couple had. Hakyeon was being very clingy and overly affectionate in public even when knowing it made Leo uncomfortable. So when Leo finally yelled at him, they stopped talking. But a week later, Hakyeon apologized and Leo welcomed him with open arms. 

After the movie, Jaehwan decided he imposed enough so he bid them farewell with his regular cheerful smile. 

He wasn't thick skinned; rather he smiled away everything except for cheerfulness. It had only been two days and Jaehwan wasn't looking forward to go home. He took a deep breath before entering. 

"I'm home!"

sorry for the wait guys ------ the story mayyy go on haitus after a few more chapters #WritersBlock

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bellochoco #1
Chapter 5: Authornim,why you didn't finish/complete this fanfic?I really love it,I'm still waiting from last year,hehe
vixxvamp #2
Chapter 4: I want more about neo relationship hmmm
bellochoco #3
Chapter 5: I read this fanfic all over again,can't wait for the next chapter huhu
bellochoco #4
Chapter 5: Authornim,when will you update this?Everyday I'm waiting for this,hehe