|| Fifteen ||

The Moon and Her Stars
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"Are you that happy?" Lu Han asked.

I nodded and smiled widely. We were on our way to the bus stop from his house and I was staring at the picture on my phone that Lu Han took after the truth or dare game. The picture was of Lunar Sages and me. Waaah. I can't believe it. An exclusive photo of LS, and I was in it. My fangirl heart was full.

"Thank you for letting me meet them," I said, remembering I've never really thanked Lu Han for it. It almost erased the fact that he rejected me before I could even confess. Almost.

"You're welcome," he said, but curiously, Lu Han had a defeated look to him and he was staring at the ground as we were walking.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Lu Han stopped walking and opened his mouth to speak. He just ended up staring at me without saying anything. Then he started walking again.

Aww. Why did he look so down all of a sudden? If anything, I should be the one looking glum. I was the one who got rejected, not him. He was clearly fine before I went to the kitchen earlier.

Wait. Did he see Sehun and me? Was... Was he really jealous? Ugh. I couldn't even dwell on that thought since all I wanted to do was to cheer him up. I jogged to catch up with him.

"What's wrong? I can go home on my own if you're tired," I said, deliberately peeking at his face.

He shook his head. "Nothing's wrong. I told you I'll take you home."

I frowned.

Before I could ask him further, Lu Han's phone rang. He answered it and just listened. "Yeah. Why?" Lu Han said into the phone after a while. Then he sighed and handed the phone to me.

I raised an eyebrow as I took his phone. Who could it be? When I put the phone to my ear, I almost screamed out of surprise. It was Sehun.

"Is this for real?" I said to the phone.

Sehun chuckled on the other line. "Is Lu Han next to you?"

"Yeah. Why?" I asked as I looked at Lu Han.

The birthday boy looked glummer than ever.

"Funny. You have the exact same answer when I asked if you're next to him," Sehun said.

I snorted. Then Lu Han just suddenly started walking ahead of me again. "Ugh," I voiced out loud.

"What's wrong?" Sehun asked on the other line.

"Lu Han's suddenly so out of it," I grumbled as I stared at Lu Han's back. He was walking further and further ahead.

"Then it must be working."

"What's working?" I asked.

"Can't you see?" Sehun chuckled over the line. "He's jealous."

A sharp twinge in my chest made me pause. Shouldn't I be happy since it was a sign that maybe Lu Han really did like me? But I wasn't. And I think I know why.

"I changed my mind," I said to the phone, my realization becoming more solid. "I don't want to make Lu Han jealous. I don't want him to think, even for a second, that I like someone else."

There was a pause on the other line. "But won't that be the fastest way to make him realize his feelings?"

I shook my head as if Sehun could see me. "Maybe. Maybe not. But you know what, I don't think I really care. At the moment, at least." Lu Han rejected me thrice tonight, but all I wanted to do was to cheer him up. Who cares if he really didn't like me romantically? He liked me more than he ever liked Aeri. His words, not mine. Ha! I'll take that small victory for tonight and figure out the rest later on. "I just don't want him to think that I'll become another Aeri," I finally said.

Sehun was silent for a moment, and then he whistled. "Wow, you're a lot cooler than I thought. I approve. Looks like my brother really lucked out on the girl department this time around."

I couldn't help smiling. Try imagining your all-time bias saying you were cool and see if you could maintain a poker face.

"Anyway, thanks for your concern. Now I have to run and catch up to this sulking brother of yours."

Sehun just chuckled, and then I hung up. I couldn't believe that I didn't take advantage of a phone call opportunity with Sehun. Seriously, what was Lu Han turning me into?

Said boy was still sluggishly walking forward when I finally fell into step beside him. I handed him his phone.

"What did Sehun want?" he asked without looking at me.

I shook my head and instead, asked directly, "Are you jealous?"

That stopped him in his tracks.

My eyes widened. Even under the dim lighting of the street lights, Lu Han's burning cheeks couldn't be more obvious. It wasn't fair how he could blush so easily. As if he wasn't adorable enough.

"Why?" I pressed. I expected him to deny it and move on.

Lu Han heaved a sigh and looked at me with the worst kind of puppy dog eyes, the kind that made me feel like a bad human being for subjecting him to this kind

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2480 streak #1
Chapter 15: I like where the story ended up going instead with Yeona deciding to not go through with the initial plan, since it shows how sincere her feelings are for Luhan. ^^ Very adorable and I love their banter as well! x]
Chapter 15: Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot~!

I can't wait to see them trying to awkwardly hint without just blurting it out!
Chapter 15: Awww they're so cute. I love their conversations. Sehun really know how to make luhan jealous of them.
Chapter 15: And if I just lose it from the overwhelming cuteness???? AHHHHHH!! I’m so freaking in love with these characters (but then again, that’s me with all your characters) I loved that ‘my person’ part so much! It was genuinely so adorable I can’t!!!
The amount that I spaz in the comments is a bit of a problem lol!
I’m so excited for the next update ahhhhh!!!
Chapter 14: Skinny love? Kinda not really lol???

They're so cute. I want them as a couple without breaking Luhan's heart to do it.
Chapter 14: HABDJABSHAMBSNA!! Frick, my boy Luhan has got to get it togetherXD I genuinely can’t explain how much I love them! But these misunderstandings are hurting me ahhh! I almost lost it when Sehun suggested making Luhan jealous—I love where his head is! But! That ending part of the chapter hurt! ALSO HIM TALKING ABOUT HER LEANING ON HIM WAS SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!! I’m looking forward to the next chapter so so much~~ this chapter was great!
2480 streak #7
Chapter 14: LOOOOL, I feel second-hand embarrassment on Luhan's behalf, especially knowing that he accidentally shot himself in the foot by telling Yeona that he doesn't like her romantically. OTL On the plus side, looks like Sehun's going to spice things up and I'm very curious to see what he has up his sleeve. :P
2480 streak #8
Chapter 13: Awww, I don't blame Yeona for fainting when she finally met Lunar Sages, because I honestly would've done the same if I were in her position and meeting my idols all of a sudden. XD