the irrevocably patient


on the other side....

yoona as usual went to the rooftop to meet taecyeon and can't wait to tell him about the good news.

she runs towards taec

yoona: oppa!

taec: yoona,you're so loud,i happened to get heart attack!

yoona: mianhe (laughs histerically)

taec: what makes you so happy?

yoona: i'm going to meet seungi oppa tomorrow night! we're...having a date!

those word makes taecyeon's heart ache

taecyeon: sincha! (smile sarcasticly)

yoona: oh my what am i going to wear tomorrow?! i'm so excited

taec: love is not all we can have,seeing you happy is enough for me, yoona (whisper to hisself)

yoona: what did you say?

taec: uh? nothing

yoona smiles

taec's pov:

after meeting yoona at the rooftop

i follow my head to relieve all my depression,so i decided to go to the beer bar near the marc

i ended up overdosed and i started to say crappy things

i love you yoona, can't you see it?

taec's pov ends

at the girls penthouse...

sooyoung: yoona,can you buy me a bottle of coke at the hypermarket,i really really wanted to drink it i'm so thirsty.

yoona: i need a beauty sleep

sooyoung: but...please

yoona: aish araso

after done with the hypermarket,yoona drove herself back home,on the way to the marc,yoona saw a familiar figure

yoona: it's taecyeon oppa what is he doing? wandering around the street at this time?

she then, approaches taecyeon he seems really drunk

yoona: omo,taecyeon oppa! what happened

taecyeon seems really weak, he was like a sick drunk man.

yoona rushes bring him to her car and bring him to his penthouse

yoona rang the bell door,but no one answering

yoona: where they might be? *ding dong ding dong

yoona then, slip her hands through taec oppa jean's  pocket to take the access card

she give taecyeon supports to walk with putting his hand around her shoulder

she layed taec oppa on his bed in his and nikhun's room

yoona: where are they? the house seems empty

yoona called one person that came to yoona mind is her taeyeon unnie...

yoona: unnie!

taeyeon: what take you so long? sooyoung is like a thirsty ghost now,parli!

yoona: i'm at.....uhmm btw do you know where's wooyoung oppa or the other boys?

taeyeon: uhmm he called me before said that he and the rest of the boys went to the hospital visiting junsu's cousin admitted there. why?

yoona: is that so,hhmmm thank you unnie,i'll be back soon

taeyeon: yoona why did you asked?

yoona hung up the phone

yoona went to the kitchen preparing a hot tea for taecyeon..

she then put it on the side table

she then grabbed her bag to go home suddenly, taecyeon arm grab her hands

taecyeon: yoona don't leave me (talking unconsiously)

yoona: oppa? you're awake?

taecyeon: please don't leave me yoona, yoona

taecyeon continue to sleep well

yoona was very shock leaves the taecyeon alone in the penthouse

at the girls' penthouse....

sooyoung:  there you are! (grab a plastic bag contains a bottle of coke from yoona's hand) thank you yoona (smiles)

yoona : you're welcome

she then enter her room

yuri: ohh you're back? (talking while appying lotion on her hands)

yoona: unnie do people speak the truth when they are drunk?

yuri: hhmm from what i know,drunk people is really honest and never lie why?

yoona: nothing just curious

yuri: (chuckles) let's sleep


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Chapter 21: Daebak~ Happy TAECYOONIES~~~
Chapter 21: wah~ happy ending :D
what is the title called for the sequel because when I copied the link it said that there was no story so Can you tell me the title of the story for the sequel
dynasTY #4
aww~love the ending~
Awwwwww.... a sequel plssss
MeBeSilly #7
aww "taecyeon: i knew it before i even know your name.....' *-*
you guys wanted a sequel or a new story? please kindly comment to give your opinion! :)
xHeartsoul #9
Poor taec !!! I Hope she doesn't have Feelings for seungi anymore and come to taecyeon >.< lol taeyeon at the end cute :) update soon <3
... DDD: nooo don't go back to him, yoona... xPPP hehe update soon!!