the pink and blue party


yoona:i'm leaving!

yuri:drive carefully!

yoona: are you guys sure not to follow me, hyo and sunny will be upset

tiffany: we want to, but i'm not feeling well

jessica: yeah me too (rubbing her stomach) this is all your fault sooyoong! you made us a poison dinner

yoona:*sighs nevermind it's not her fault i'm sure hyo and sunny will undestand

tae: yah! drive my car slowly 80km/hr

yoona: araso, i wonder what time will i be arrive

yoona leaves

yuri: good acting girls

tae: okay come on girls we have lots of work to do!

yuri: tae where's the boys?

tae: i asked them to pick the birthday cake that we booked,theey suppose to arrive now

just a second after that...

~ding dong ding dong~

tae:that must be them (opens the door)

woo: hi we're here!

tae: what hi!? parli we have no time!

the boys rush in to help the others

meanwhile, taeyeon put the 3-tiered birthday cake inside their refrigerator

they began to blow the balloons they bought at the party shop


at the Gimpo airport

~flight 7675,flight 7675 has safe landed irepeat, flight 7675 has safe landed~

yoona: hyo! sunny!

hyo: yoona'ah

yoona hug them tightly

yoona: it's been awhile

sunny: yeah and there's so many story to be told!

yoona: okay let's go the girls waiting!

hyo: yoona can we stop by to a restaurant? we're hungry

sunny: yeah me too (shows  her aggyeo)

yoona: *chuckles fine let's go!

they went to a restaurant,

after they all finish eating

yoona looks at her watch

yoona: yah! it's 3:55, the girls will be worried sick! let's go

hyo and sunny: okay we're done!

just like they had planned before, yoona leaved house at 2:30,the girls started decorating  their penthouse at 2:45 with the help of the boys,hyo and sunny will arrive at 3:15,the guest will arrive around 4 ,they leave the restaurant around 3:50 and took a 25 minutes ride back home, actually the restaurant is quite near but like taeyeon had asked 80 km/hr so they took a little bit longer.

the girls and the boys had transform the penthouse to a pink-blue party barn





the foods,cupcakes,drinks were specially ordered







all was setted before yoona came home, she even didn't realise her housemate are planning a suprise birthday party for her

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Chapter 21: Daebak~ Happy TAECYOONIES~~~
Chapter 21: wah~ happy ending :D
what is the title called for the sequel because when I copied the link it said that there was no story so Can you tell me the title of the story for the sequel
dynasTY #4
aww~love the ending~
Awwwwww.... a sequel plssss
MeBeSilly #7
aww "taecyeon: i knew it before i even know your name.....' *-*
you guys wanted a sequel or a new story? please kindly comment to give your opinion! :)
xHeartsoul #9
Poor taec !!! I Hope she doesn't have Feelings for seungi anymore and come to taecyeon >.< lol taeyeon at the end cute :) update soon <3
... DDD: nooo don't go back to him, yoona... xPPP hehe update soon!!