Goodnight, Bro


    It's been a week since Seungcheol last saw Jihoon. A week of pure despair after receiving a text from the man saying that he shouldn't start thinking of school as a joke and that he should just go to class like a normal student. Well, Jihoon has a stick up his , that's what.


    All he wanted was to have the same ol' same ol' quality time he spends with his bestfriend but Jihoon obviously made things hard.


    But who was he to go against his bro's words?


    So here he was, head cushioned by his arms as he forced himself to sleep during break time. He really wanted to go to Jihoon's classroom but he promised himself that he wouldn't irritate Jihoon anymore.


    It dawned on him that he really had nothing to do without Jihoon (he really has to fix that). He should try talking around for once. Maybe even get a girlfriend if he was lucky.


    So he just stays there with different thoughts jumbled in his head.


    Jihoon, however, was far from pleased.


    He remembers telling Seungcheol to stop bothering him but that didn't mean that he should stop talking to him altogether. He was starting to believe that his friend really was a little bit weak in the comprehension department.


    And being a great man when it comes to decision making, Jihoon decides to toughen himself up and not reach out to Seungcheol as well.


    Well, two can play at that game.


[ N Y A R K ]


    Seungcheol slowly noticed how Jihoon, too, was starting to avoid him. At first he thought that their usual pee trips (that was synchronized, mind you) was just Jihoon not hydrating himself enough but then he saw how the man's eyes didn't even look at him when they passed by each other down the hallway.


    And that hurt.


    A lot.


    But he tried not to think much about it. Jihoon was probably in one of his moods where he preferred to hold interactions as least as possible. (But he also tried to fancy himself with the thought that maybe Jihoon was just too fun sized and he was just too lazy to look up).


    But a week turned into two. Then into three. And Seungcheol is having none of this anymore. It was complete horse .


    So he does what he does best. Randomly entering Jihoon's classroom without even looking first if there was a professor or not. He didn't have time for dilly-dallying.


    "Lee Jihoon, the moon to my stars! The shoe to my foot! The to my hole! I, Choi Seungcheol, am inviting you for a sleepover tonight at my humble abode! We shall ponder over things we have not spoken abo-"


    "Um... he's asleep?"


    Well... he did not see that coming. "Uh... just relay what I said to him when he wakes up?"




    "If you can, yeah... please?"


    "That was pretty complicated, dude."


    "Oh! I can write it down for you, 'kay?"


    "Yeah, sure."


    Seungcheol grabs the piece of paper from the student near the door, writing down his script, not even caring about the ridiculed face of the professor in front.


    And not even aware of how Jihoon was snickering against his desk.


    Boy, did his best friend know how to make a scene.


[ N Y A R K ]






    "You didn't think this through, did you?"


    "Not really. Just wanted us to go with the flow."


    "Oh... 'kay..."


    The two were on their backs, Jihoon on the bed while Seungcheol lay on the futon laid on the floor beside him.


    "Hey," Seungcheol starts, "remember when we were kids and I couldn't stop holding your wrist when I fell asleep?"


    "Of course I do. I always had a hard time twisting around because of you holding me down," he snickers.


    "I miss those days."


    "You holding me down?"


    "I wish," Seungcheol jokes, "I meant that I miss those days when the two of us would just have random sleepovers because we felt like it."


    "We could still do it, you know?"


    "... yeah."


    Jihoon looks down and sees a tight smile on Seungcheol's face. He smiles back despite not knowing why Seungcheol seemed so... sad.


    Silence envelopes them before they start feeling sleep reaching them.


    "Good night, Cheol," Jihoon yawns.


    "Night, Ji. Meet me in your dreams."


    Jihoon doesn't stop his laugh from leaving him.


    The night was uneventful but they have never felt this content in a few weeks.


    A telltale hand moving its way around Jihoon's wrist.


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kamoi_mac #1
Chapter 11: From chapter 1 I have been laughing. Cheol is soooooooooooooooo dramatic lol. Being extra with everything. Their friendship is really.
Chapter 11: bro don't do this to me
Chapter 11: I love this so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Chapter 11: great jigyu on the move, will seungcheol feel jealous anyway?
esperfraud #5
Chapter 9: Aaaah this was the cutest thing everrrr
I really really like this idea of Jicheol being the closest friends for the longest time and them being so familiar with each other and just in general being bff goals. Because that is adorable and so fitting considering how close Predebut Jicheol were.
Aaaah this chapter omg. Cheol wyd. That was sweet but embarrassing nooooo. I really like how he connected their tables together. And how he rested his head on his arms and copied Jihoon. Also the putting his arm around him and stoking his hair thing. I just found that really adorable. Aaaah this chapter is too cute!!!
"He gets pinched from time to time but he ignores it, loving the feeling of his best-friend finally with him in class—as well as the feeling of how silky his hair was."
That's happy Cheol in his purest form. It's adorable how happy he is just by having his bf with him in class awws
Not to mention the fun way you write omg I GIGGLED SO MUCH AT THE GEE JOKE
The last part I love it sm I'm laugjing so hard. Cheol stop!!! Cheol's cringey but cute little speech + the kissy face and Jihoon covering his face with his hands was so perfect I can imagine the scene so clearly omg
I love this fic so much author. I am 110% serious when I say it's one of my favorite Jicheol fics of all time. Author nim, we all get insecure about the things we love to do sometimes which . I'm really happy to hear that you managed to overcome it and strived to be better than to mope and give up. FIGHTING, AUTHOR NIM!!! I AM SUPPORT!!!
sky_dreams #6
Chapter 9: Seungcheol is so freaking embarrassing. And Jihoon is so freaking cute. And I'm a potato.
Chapter 9: I hope all is fine with u now~ and yeah pla do write for ur own happiness..i'll support u with what i can
Chapter 9: kill me. jicheol oh my gaowijush
Jihoon_98 #9
Chapter 9: Seungcheol is like one of friend you must have. A friend that always do something weird just to embarrassed you.
Chapter 9: wtf choi seungcheol. You're so embarrassing xD