You Got Abs, Bro




    "What," he asks passively, obviously not caring about what his friend wants to say.


    "There's this girl in the other class who just confessed to me a while ago."


    He stops writing, the loop on his 'g' cutting short as he drops his pen and stares at his friend who had his chair turned around so they could face each other.


    "What?" He repeats, now caring about the topic.


    The man just shrugs with a smirk as he leans back on his table. "Women just can't get enough of," he flexes his arms and grunts deeply while scrunching his face in what he thought was y, "this."


    He blinks at his friend who was practically making a fool of himself. He rolls his eyes before huffing exasperatedly. "Boy, stop kidding yourself. There's nothing to see in you anyway."


    He stops mid-flex and leans in, hands now planted on the table separating them, making the pen fall to the floor. "Jihoon, dude, no. I'm like… The ultimate hottie in our batch."


    Jihoon just raises a brow, a teasing smile now facing his lips. "Cheol, I'd rather get the hots for Soonyoung than you, okay? You're just some stereotypical… I dunno," he squints his eyes, thinking of the proper word, "ah! boy-"


    "At least girls come to me."


    "-without anyone to ." Jihoon ends.


    Seungcheol was gasping dramatically now, a retort about to leave him when he hears loud hoots from the other side of the room, reminding him that they were, in fact, not alone.


    "boy Seungcheol!"


    "Nice serve, Jihoon!"


    More shouts of teasing leave the men, and some girls, when Jihoon has enough and he spares an annoyed glance at them. "Shut up. You guys are worse."


    It was Seungcheol's turn to hoot at them. "You just got served!"


    "God damn it, Cheol, you shut up, too," Jihoon hisses as he picks up his pen from the ground and continues writing his notes.


    A wide grin just plastered on Seungcheol's face, he stands from his seat and moves behind Jihoon to hug the man's shoulders, rubbing his cheek against the younger's head, messing up his hair in the process, as he cooed lovingly at Jihoon. "Aww, baby Jihoonie woves Seungcheowie so much!"


    Now huffing in annoyance, Jihoon elbows the man's gut, though futile since he is met with a hard and tense abdomen.


    The two stop when Seungcheol stares at Jihoon gaping at him.


    "Dude," Jihoon starts.


    "… Dude," Seungcheol replies, not really knowing where this was going.


    "Dude you've got abs."


    Hearing the amazement in Jihoon's voice, Seungcheol cackles before grabbing Jihoon's hand; his other arm lifting his uniform slightly, and he slides Jihoon's hand in.


    "Told you I'm hot."


    Jihoon just continues staring wide-eyed as he doesn't even care about the hand holding his wrist and he just grazes his fingertips on the dips and bumps on Seungcheol's muscle.








    "Woah," Jihoon practically shouts while staring up at Seungcheol.


    "Yeah, woah."


    "Dude you've got six."


    Seungcheol continues cackling with a cocky grin on his face. "Date-worthy, am I right?" He says the last words continuously making him sound more irritating but Jihoon ignore it.


    "If I were you, I'd date myself too, bro."


    Seungcheol was just about to comment something sleazy again when a board eraser hits him directly on his back.


    The two look at the source and sees Seungkwan looking at them disgustedly.


    "Shut up and just ing date, you s!"


    The whole class room turns quiet. The guys staring surprisedly at Seungkwan, turning to Jihoon and Seungcheol. While some of the girls chatting to themselves silently nod in agreement, inclined to what Seungkwan just said.


    Jihoon and Seungcheol just stares at each other before laughing.


    "The hell was that."


    "We're not even compatible!"


    "He was probably just jealous 'cause you got to touch my abs."


    "Kwan probably wants one, too."


    The two just continues to laugh. Only stopping when their professor comes in, first words leaving him was to force Seungcheol to leave Jihoon's side and sit on his respective seat placed at the last row.

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kamoi_mac #1
Chapter 11: From chapter 1 I have been laughing. Cheol is soooooooooooooooo dramatic lol. Being extra with everything. Their friendship is really.
Chapter 11: bro don't do this to me
Chapter 11: I love this so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Chapter 11: great jigyu on the move, will seungcheol feel jealous anyway?
esperfraud #5
Chapter 9: Aaaah this was the cutest thing everrrr
I really really like this idea of Jicheol being the closest friends for the longest time and them being so familiar with each other and just in general being bff goals. Because that is adorable and so fitting considering how close Predebut Jicheol were.
Aaaah this chapter omg. Cheol wyd. That was sweet but embarrassing nooooo. I really like how he connected their tables together. And how he rested his head on his arms and copied Jihoon. Also the putting his arm around him and stoking his hair thing. I just found that really adorable. Aaaah this chapter is too cute!!!
"He gets pinched from time to time but he ignores it, loving the feeling of his best-friend finally with him in class—as well as the feeling of how silky his hair was."
That's happy Cheol in his purest form. It's adorable how happy he is just by having his bf with him in class awws
Not to mention the fun way you write omg I GIGGLED SO MUCH AT THE GEE JOKE
The last part I love it sm I'm laugjing so hard. Cheol stop!!! Cheol's cringey but cute little speech + the kissy face and Jihoon covering his face with his hands was so perfect I can imagine the scene so clearly omg
I love this fic so much author. I am 110% serious when I say it's one of my favorite Jicheol fics of all time. Author nim, we all get insecure about the things we love to do sometimes which . I'm really happy to hear that you managed to overcome it and strived to be better than to mope and give up. FIGHTING, AUTHOR NIM!!! I AM SUPPORT!!!
sky_dreams #6
Chapter 9: Seungcheol is so freaking embarrassing. And Jihoon is so freaking cute. And I'm a potato.
Chapter 9: I hope all is fine with u now~ and yeah pla do write for ur own happiness..i'll support u with what i can
Chapter 9: kill me. jicheol oh my gaowijush
Jihoon_98 #9
Chapter 9: Seungcheol is like one of friend you must have. A friend that always do something weird just to embarrassed you.
Chapter 9: wtf choi seungcheol. You're so embarrassing xD