Attack the Devil


Pourquoi mon coeur bat-il ?

Why does my heart beat ?

Tout en évitant ton regard je prétends ne pas être intéressé

Pretending not to be interested, avoiding your eyes

Mes sentiments enfouis resurgissent , mon instinct surgit 

My pressed down instincts are popping up, instincts are popping up

Tu te cacheras et me lanceras des regards

I hide, watching you, and you’re surprise

Tu m'appelles "monstre"

You call me monster

Accepte-moi comme je suis

Accept me as I am

Apprécie la douleur que tu peux supporter

Enjoy the pain you can endure

Succombe encore plus.

Fall deeper

Basée sur les MV Lotto et Monster de Exo.

Inspired by Lotto & Monster MV by Exo



Enjoy !

French & English translation of my story about Exo inspired by Lotto & Monster MV. 

If there some problems with my translation, tell me as soon as possible and I'll do my best ! 




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