Pizza Date

A Date With My Idol


Chanyeol rushed to the car once his concert was over and looked out the window to see many fans chasing after his car or getting into taxi’s to follow him. When he arrived at the hotel in which he was staying, he wasn’t surprised at all when he seen a crowd of fans waiting for him and being held back by two giant muscled guards. 

He was hurried into the hotel and was safe once inside as hotel security took over the situation. Once in his suite which had a terrific view of the city around him, nothing he hadn’t seen before though, he flash-backed to a moment during his concert. He swore he saw a small familiar looking boy waving his light stick excitedly and screaming his head off. The boy looked an awful lot like Baekhyun but he couldn’t be sure as their were so many fans in the crowd. Unable to get the boy out of his head, he decided to give him a call.

‘Hello~’ Baekhyun sang into the phone. A chuckle escaped from Chanyeol’s lips.

‘I know that laugh! Chanyeol is that you? It is, isn’t it! Oh my gosh, i’m on the phone with Park Chanyeol!’ Baekhyun squealed, slightly hurting Chanyeol’s ears.

‘Yes, yes, it’s me.’

‘Why are you calling? Do you need help for another disguise? By the way your concert was amazing!’ 

‘No disguise needed this time, but i knew it was you that i saw tonight. I’m glad you had fun’ Chanyeol smiled, happy just listening the boys voice.

‘You saw me! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!’ Baekhyun squealed again. Chanyeol heard noises of honking and people talking in the background.

‘The concert’s over though, shouldn’t you be on your way home by now?’ he asked.

‘Well, the one down side to concerts is trying to get home. I still haven’t been able to catch a taxi yet, at this rate i’ll be home by next week’ Baekhyun joked, but his words made Chanyeol think of a great idea.

‘The hotel i’m staying in is only about 5 minutes from the concert venue. If you want, you could-‘

‘Are you inviting me to your hotel room? It would only be our second date…are you sure your ready for my nutella abs yet?’

‘Haha, very funny. But it’s fine, if you don’t want-‘

‘I’m on my way!’ And with that Baekhyun hung up, leaving Chanyeol smiling thinking of the bazaar conversation he just had. He texted Baekhyun the hotel name and room number before having a shower to prep himself.

He just slipped on his white and fluffy robe, when he heard a loud ruckus from the hall outside of his room. Curious, Chanyeol stepped outside to see what was happening. He found Baekhyun dressed in a pizza delivery uniform, with a pizza, and arguing with his guards…and he looked redder than a roasted lobster with his sunburn.

‘Baekhyun? It’s ok guys, he’s with me’ Chanyeol told the guards and they backed off, letting Baekhyun pass and they both went into Chanyeol’s room.

‘Woah! This is some suite. Wow! The view is awesome! I guess being super famous pays off’ Baekhyun said as he looked around his room and through the window that overlooked the city. 

‘This life style does have its down falls…’ Chanyeol trailed off thinking of how lonely he can get sometimes. He finally took notice of the pizza and motioned to it.

‘This is your order of super cheesy pizza!’ Baekhyun smiled and sat down before opening the box, letting the steam and cheesy smell waft into the air. Chanyeol sat down beside him and his lips at the sight of the delicious food.

’It was nice of you to bring pizza since i’m starving, but i only asked you to come over so why did you dress up?’ Chanyeol asked as he took a slice of pizza and looked at Baekhyun’s outfit. 

‘It’s your disguise of course’ Baekhyun looked at him as if the answer was obvious and took a slice for himself. 

‘I told you i didn’t need one since we’re not going outside’ he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Baekhyun paused but then shrugged his shoulders, ‘oh well, it’s always fun to dress up.’

‘Your so cute…i mean, um…where did you even get the uniform?’ Chanyeol changed the subject as he felt embarrassed for exposing his thoughts and just hoped that Baekhyun didn’t hear. A silence passed between them as Baekhyun side glanced him and tried to quickly think of an answer to his question.

‘I have some connections…’

Chanyeol let out a sigh of relief.

‘Ok, i can’t hold back any longer. You are so red! How on earth did you get so sunburnt?’ Chanyeol finally asked as he let out a small chuckle.

‘Well, it all started this morning’ Baekhyun said dramatically.


**Early that morning**


Baekhyun woke up just as the sun began to rise and made his way to the concert venue with his best friend, Kyungsoo, as they both had tickets to Park Chanyeol’s, once a year, concert. 

Once they got there, they joined the merchandise line up to purchase light sticks and limited edition shirts. Even though they arrived early, it seemed that every other fan had the same idea so by the time they got there the line was already pretty long.

As the day went on, the sun boiled and made the heat almost unbearable. Kyungsoo cursed the weatherman a dozen times over as he had announced that it was supposed to be cloudy. In result neither of them had brought water or an umbrella and they sweated like crazy, while roasting like sausages.


**Back to the present**


‘And that’s how i came to look like a traffic cone. But it was totally worth it.’

‘I’m sorry you had to suffer’ Chanyeol said and burst into hysteric laughter.

‘Well, i’m glad you find my pain and suffering humorous’ Baekhyun poked out his tongue.

‘Oh, and i think your cute too’ he said and  took a big bite out of his pizza. Chanyeol froze and his face blushed just as red as Baekhyun’s terrible sunburn.



A/N: ok, so the last chapter was only supposed to be a one shot but then i thought of this chapter and wrote it this morning. I hope you like it ^^


EXO pizza stylessbdbdjsbdkjsdkjbdjd!!!!

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mayajay #1
Chapter 5: I loved it
It's sooo cute
2Min4CheckingUOut #2
Chapter 5: Too cute
Chapter 4: This was so cute! ><
Chapter 4: Lol im Kyunggie. No just no lol its so cute and i wish i could have the album. T~T
niceniks #5
Chapter 4: Waaahhh! Oh-oh jealous alert for kyungie...but overall I love it!!
Chapter 3: Aww this was so cute!! >< Thanks for this! :)
niceniks #7
Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS~ It's super cute!
Chapter 2: That was so cute! I really liked the idea of pizza as an ending theme because now, I feel like ordering so pizza. ^^ Keep up the amazing work!~ Have a wonderful day! <3
Chapter 1: Awww, that was ADORABLE!!!!! AND FLUFFY!!! >< Thank you so much for writing this!! <3 Keep up the great work!~
Cute :)