Chapter 10

Only Yours (Love Me, Oppa sequel) [Hiatus]


Author’s POV

Young Saeng couldn’t wait for the concert. He wanted all TS to know about his suffering already. He knew they would understand how he felt.

“Yah, hyung!” Jung Min slapped his back.

“Ouch!” Young Saeng slapped his stomach in return. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“He needed to.” Kyu Jong said from behind. “You were staring at thin air with your mouth hanging open. Of course, Jung Min wanted to bring you back to your consciousness.”

“Aish, whatever.” Young Saeng sat down on the couch beside Hyung Jun. “Yah, maknae. You think we’ll have a chance of finding ~~~~~-ah?”

“Ne. With all the TS all over the world. I’m sure they’d be more than willing to help us find her.”

Hyung Jun paused and thought for a while. “Well, that is if they won’t be jealous of you searching the WHOLE world to find a girl.”

Young Saeng sighed. That was true. Some fans were too obsessed with them already. He didn’t want any of their fans getting mad and all because of the girl he loves.

“We’ll deal with them. What’s important is we find  ~~~~~-ah.” Young Saeng checked out his phone again, hoping that least that he would receive a message from you. He sighed when it showed 3 messages from their manager.

“Don’t worry, hyung.” Kyu Jong tapped his shoulder. “We will find her.”

After that, they had dinner and went home to their dorm. All of them dozed off to sleep as soon as they got on the bed except Young Saeng who was still thinking about you.

*~~~~~-ah, I hope you’re still waiting for me. I’ll find you no matter what.*


“You okay now, oppa?” You asked Jason as he walked down the stairs.

“Ne, dongsaeng. Komawo.”

“Chonmaneyo, oppa.”

As usual, you had breakfast with your oppas before going to school. It was your free time so you stayed at the gym with the hesitant Brigette.

“Why are we here? I think we should go to a salon or something.” Brigette bragged.

“I miss home.” You sighed, looking around the gym. You had a vision of your old school’s gym.

“Oooo-kaaaay.. Your house is a few miles away, Alex.” Brigette waved her brush at you.

“I mean my home. Korea. I miss Dong Hae, omma and Young Saeng. I miss my teammates and my teachers. I miss walking home with my oppas and staying at their houses. I miss my old life.” You said.

“Why don’t you go home, then?” Brigette asked.

You shook your lowered head. “I can’t, Brig. I’m being held captive here in California. I can’t go home.”

“What do you mean? Those three knuckerheads won’t let you go?” Brigette asked jokingly.

“Aniyo. I haven’t really told you why I’m here, have I?”

Brigette shook her head.

“I was kidnapped, Brigette. It was two years back. I just had lunch with Dong Hae and we were staying at the grounds. Suddenly, men entered our school. One knocked Dong Hae out and carried me away. Young Saeng tried to follow us, but…”

You stopped talking. Tears were forming in your eyes. Just the thought of the two boys you love and love you dearly made you cry.

“Is that true?” Brigette didn’t know whether you were joking or not.

You just nodded, unable to make your voice work.

“Oh God..” Brigette never thought that you’ve been through that kind of experience.

“Do your oppas know?”


“Can’t they help you?”

“Aniyo, nobody can’t.” You said desperately. “I can’t even find a way to know how they are.”

*But I hope they are finding a way to know how I am.*


I am so sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm just really busy with school works and trainings. And we have volleyball games every weekend. T_T. Please tell me if you want me to update faster :)

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Stelena #1
Pleaseeeeee update soon :-)
mako336647 #2
Chapter 17: Just got hook by your story author-nim. Please update soon. : )
mako336647 #3
Chapter 14: Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh Saengie! Finally you founs her. : )
mako336647 #4
Chapter 4: My gosh! I think it's Donghae! Is it him author-nim? Answer me..... *shaking your shoulder*

Hehe, don't be mad at me. : )
really want to know about young saeng condition..
please updated :)
I finally caught up please update again very soon!!! :)
Gahhh please update this! I have been reading this over and over again hahaha. I'm so curious what will happen next >.<
TheBochongPig #9
I'm glad you updated :D I was beginning to think you abondoned this fic, but yay you didn't! Anyway~~ even though Donghae Is a horrible person in this fic I still... want them to be friends D: I hope they do! I don't Want fishy to be forever alone lol xD