Chapter 1: Meeting him


;Your Pov

It was one of another school days. It was not fun doing the same routine everyday, but here I am without a choice. I'm Eunjae, 17 years old, a Junior at Chukgae High School. And did I tell you i'm a fangirl?Yes, I am. Not really but whatever.

During lunch time I always meet up with my bestfriend, to eat lunch of course. We always do this, as I told you about doing the same routine. Not that I complain about being with her, but she talks too much about her favorite group!

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed while looking at her phone.

"What happened?" I asked, sounding worried that someone texted her and its about emergency and stuff. You know that always happen or not?


I rolled my eyes. Why did I even ask? 

"Would you please calm down?And eat! It's just an album for god sake. They always release new album are you not used to it?"

"Duh! You don't know the feeling so don't say anything to me like that." She tsk me then when back on scrolling her phone with a smile.

"What?I'm a fan too! I know the feeling!" I said. Trying to defend myself.

"Oh really?which group?Block B?EXO?GOT7?BTS? And what kind of a fan are you?You just just listen to their songs, look at their pictures and say they're handsome! That's all! You didn't even appreciate their hardwork and stuff!" She said, this time she sounded so pissed. Oops. 

"Alright alright! I'm not a fan okay! Can we eat now?" I asked, not trying to argue anymore. As what other people say argue to a normal person, not to a certified fangirl. 

We continued eating, or should I say I continued eating while her continued on fangirling. After lunch, we went back to class as usual. Just the same boring class like other no need to emphasize how boring it is. 

Yawning. Stretching my arms. Everything I already did just to pass the time then finally the bell rung signally the end of class. I stood up fast to pack my things and went out. Just about the same time when my bestfriend walk out from her room.

"Yuna!" I called  but she ignored me and continued on walking away. She was probably annoyed at me. I catch up on her, grabbing her arms.

"Heyyy. Are you mad?I'm sorry okay?What about we go have a coffee?" I said trying to apologize.

"Your treat?"

"Alright my treat!" Giving in. She's my bestfriend, we treat each other equally. And I guess its my turn this day.

When we reach the cafe not so far from our school we or rather me ordered for our drinks meanwhile Yuna went in the toilet.

"One caramel flan latte and  caffe mocha tall, please. Oh! Also, two double chocolate chunk cookie." I told our orders to the cashier.

"Is that all ma'am?That'll be $12" Giving the amount she said. I look around looking for where Yuna is sitting but didn't see her anywhere near. I guess she's still in the toilet.

"Here's your order ma'am! Thank you & have a good day" the cashier girl gave me my order.

"Thank you" I smiled. Turning around I bumped to someone. My order are now on the floor. Ready to shout on who the person I bumped into but got shocked when his shirt are now wet from the coffee.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Let me wipe it!" Trying to wipe his now stained shirt using my hand

"No no no, it's alright. I'm fine. Don't worry" he said, smiling. He's still smiling on me?shouldn't he be mad or something?

"But let me buy you your coffee instead" I offered, feeling guilty.

"Okay, let's get it like this. You'll buy mine, and i'll buy yours."

"But- okayy"

He went to the counter to order my drinks, then gave it to me. I also went to buy one for him.

"I'm sorry again and thank you" I bowed.

"No worries, thank you for this too" he replied, raising the drink I bought him

"I need to go. See you around" he added and turn to leave. I also went my way to Yuna.

From all the day that I need to embarrass myself , why now?Sighing. I sat down.

"What happend to you?And why you took so long?" Yuna asked. Did I really took long or her?Sighing again.

"Your not gonna answer me?



"I just embarrass myself to a guy. I spill our drinks on his shirt. And I let him buy our drinks, but I also bought him his though. But still, I didn't even expect him to buy the drinks when I'm actually the one who bumped into him."


"To him" pointing using my eyes only so it won't be too obvious. I saw him leaving the cafe with some friend I guess.

"OH MY GOOOOOOOD" She screamed, giving me a shock.

"YA! Stop screaming, I already embarrassed myself. Don't add more"

"What did you said?He bought this drink?And this?And you bump & talked to him?" She flooded me questions.

"Yes, and he said it's fine when it's not actually fine"

"Oh my gooood! You don't know who he is?"

"Apparently not. Why? Is he someone we know?"

"Oh my god really oh my god. You idiot! That's Jung Daehyun from B.A.P! Who is he with?"

"I guess that was his friend. He's friend is tall though"

"Oh my god! He's with Zelo! Why you didn't call me? This need to be shared on my twitter oh my god. My best friend just bumped into Daehyun and got her to buy him a drink. Yup, that will be it. Oh my god where's my phone" She said like she's the only one who understand it.

What Daehyun?B.A.P? What?I don't understand. B.A.P?What B.A.P?Oh! Isn't it the group she's fangirling just this morning? I bumped and spill coffee to someone who is an idol. Wow, what a great day to embarrass myself. Really.


He smile like an angel. And also he seems so nice. I smiled to myself without noticing.


Author's note:

First chapter is up! lol okay this may seem boring, but it'll get better soon. I hope. ^^ 




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