Actually Meeting

The Author's Whim

And so, it begins. Chanwoo starts regularly messaging his favorite author Ju-Ne; sharing cute Double B pics or exchanging fanfic ideas. He even tried to meet him, but alas, their schedule always conflict.

One day, Chanwoo sees an advertisement for a Double B fanfics writing contest. Oh, and there is a prize for winning!


From: Ju-Ne

Hey, do you saw the ads for a writing contest?


From: Chanumon

Yup. :) Are you joining? You should! You’re so good! :D


From: Ju-Ne

Yeah, I will. :3 What about you?


From: Chanumon

Nah, I’m not good enough…


From: Ju-Ne

But you should try! Nothing to lose, right? What about this, if you win, I will do anything that you want when we finally meet! :) Only one thing, though. :P


From: Chanumon

Woah! Really!? What should I ask? hehe XD


From: Ju-Ne

But only if you win! And… if I win…


From: Chanumon



From: Ju-Ne

You have to be my boyfriend! ;-) Yay!!! XD


From: Chanumon

Hahaha lol, How do you know I’m a boy!?


From: Ju-Ne

BL intuition XD


From: Chanumon



From: Ju-Ne

… I’m serious.


From: Chanumon


From: Ju-Ne

Like, serious serious.


From: Chanumon

Seriously!? But we haven’t even met yet…


From: Ju-Ne



Chanwoo sits there staring at his phone. He’s never in this situation before. Heck, he doesn’t think anyone has ever been in this situation before! He stands up and starts walking around, panicking a bit.


From: Chanumon

Ok. I’ll do it.


From: Ju-Ne

Yay!!! Promise? :)


From: Chanumon

Yes. Promise. :)


From: Ju-Ne

Alright, see you on the battlefield!!!


Chanwoo takes a deep breath. Phew, that’s something. “Well, then…”, Chanwoo said to himself as he turns on his laptop. “Either I won the contest and got a prize, or I got myself a boyfriend. It’s a win-win situation… Well, win and sort-of-win situation, I guess? Time to start writing!”


A month later.

The winner will be finally announced tonight.

Chanwoo is already nervous since the morning. Will he win? Will Ju-Ne win? Or will someone else win?

He stares at his laptop and keeps refreshing the competition page. “It’ll be up soon… Soon it’ll be up… Why don’t soon come sooner!? Just put it up already!”, he said to himself in frustration.

Until finally, the page is updated!

He quickly read the announcement:

After combining the scores from readers’ votes and judges’ ratings, we proudly announce the winner of this writing contest is… (drum rolls) Ju-Ne! Congratulations!!! We’ll contact you soon for the prize.

Chanwoo gasps. He lost!

He got a message straight after.


From: Ju-Ne

I won!!! You’re mine now~~~ :D


From: Chanumon

No-Not yet! We’ll wait until we met, right.


From: Ju-Ne

Well then, let’s meet tomorrow!


From: Chanumon

Wait… I have…


From: Ju-Ne

Have what? :(


Chanwoo sighs. He is actually free tomorrow, but he wants to lie so bad… He will feel like a jerk if he lies, though.


From: Chanumon

Nothing… I don’t have anything on tomorrow, you lucky!


From: Ju-Ne

Yay! :3


Ju-Ne then sends Chanwoo an address; it’s a café.


From: Ju-Ne

We’ll meet there at 11.30 AM sharp. Don’t be late! I can’t wait to meet my boyfriend~~~ ;-D


Chanwoo sighs again. He moves to his bed to sleep; although he’s sure he won’t get any tonight.


When the morning comes, Chanwoo slowly drags himself out of bed. He doesn’t really want to go, but he sorts of want to. What if this Ju-Ne is a really nice person? He’ll hit the jackpot.

Oh well, can’t be helped. A promise is a promise.

After doing his morning routine, Chanwoo opens his drawer. What should I wear…?

He then realizes… this is his first date! Oh right, what should I wear!?

Should I go casual? Or cute? Or maybe something elegant? Or should I just do a bad-boy look?

He never takes much attention on his clothes, but this is different!

He ransacks the whole drawer, trying to find something nice to wear until he notices it’s already 11.05

Oh no!

He quickly picks up a few clothes that look nice together and runs straight out.


It’s already ten minutes past the meeting time when he arrives. He quickly enters the café and looks around. The café is mostly empty; maybe Ju-Ne isn’t here yet?

Then, he notices Junhoe sitting down in a corner, playing with his phone.

He approaches Junhoe. “What are you doing here?”, he asked.

Junhoe looks up and smile. “I’m here to take my prize.”

“Hmm? What prize?”, Chanwoo asked with a tone that hints confusion.

Junhoe stands up and places his hands on Chanwoo’s shoulder. He then grabs Chanwoo closer by the waist.

“As I said, I’m here to take my prize.”

Chanwoo’s face becomes bright red when he realizes what Junhoe meant.

“You… How dare you…!”, Chanwoo shouted, but, before he can finish his sentence, Junhoe kisses him right on the lips; taking Chanwoo by surprise.

Chanwoo’s face only becomes even redder when the kiss ends. He wants to protest, but he can’t. His brain isn’t working.

“I… I…”, Chanwoo tried to say something. He finally sighs. “Ok, I’m yours.”


Author's note: And that's it. :3 I'm sure it didn't take 5 minutes to read everything, but I hope you enjoyed it.

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R_nine21 #1
Chapter 2: yeah i do, thanks huhuhuhuhu
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 1: I cant stop smiling
so qt TT.TT
ave9229 #3
Chapter 2: Aww chan's reaction is so cute. You always make june characters 'geniuses' :p i wish chan would show more interest tho!
onjongkey2min #4
Chapter 2: So cute! This otp makes me weak in the knees!!! >.< they're my favorite!!!
Chapter 2: Hey thats cute. Never crossed in my mind that June will doing that.
Chapter 2: Hihi this is so cuteee..
Chapter 2: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
channie91 #8
Chapter 2: it's cute and nice. this story make me smile when i read it. even if i can guess the end already when the first chap but i love the end of the story. thanks for you story.. ^_^
lulukkaebhyun #9
Chapter 2: omg omg so cute >< .. waaaaaaaaauuuwww