
The Author's Whim

What a long boring day at uni with nothing to do…

Chanwoo sighs. He glances at his watch; still an hour and a half before his next class. Oh well, need to find something to kill some time, right?

Chanwoo giggles a little as he takes his phone out and starts searching for ‘Double B’. Nothing better to waste time than searching for his favorite pairing; looking at all the cute pics that he has seen a hundred times but are still as cute.

Hmm… Maybe someone wrote a new fanfic?

“You’re still into that?”, a sudden mocking voice interrupts Chanwoo from his BL-fanboying. He looks at the source of the voice and finds Junhoe next to him peeking at his phone.

“There’s nothing wrong with this!”, Chanwoo said with a pout.

“Yeah, right.”, Junhoe said as he takes a seat across Chanwoo.

“Go away! Don’t disturb me!”

“Nah, I’m bored.”

“And what does that got to do with me!?”

“Well, make me not bored.”, Junhoe said nonchalantly.

Chanwoo rolls his eyes. “Whatever.”, he replied, returning his attention to his phone.

Oh, a new fanfic is up!

Who is the writer? Ju-Ne? Who’s that? I never saw this writer before; is (s)he new?

It doesn’t matter. Let’s start reading.

Chanwoo starts engrossing in the fanfic.

Oh wow, this is good!

Meanwhile, Junhoe can only stare at Chanwoo, wondering what he’s doing. But, from his expression, he probably found a new Double B material or something.

Curiosity got the better of him. He moves his chair next to Chanwoo and starts peeking.

After a while, Chanwoo looks up from his phone with an impish smile; looking particularly bright.

“Is it that good?”, Junhoe asked, interrupting Chanwoo again.

Looking at Junhoe still sitting next to him, Chanwoo’s smile turn into a pout again. “You’re still here?”

“Well, where else am I supposed to be? And you didn’t answer my question; is it that good?”

“Of course it is! But someone like you will never understand the beauty of BL pairings.”, Chanwoo said. “Time to leave a comment! Hmm… What should I write?”

“If it’s that good then you should just message the writer. You know, it might leave a better impression.”, Junhoe commented.

“Eh…? But I never message the writer before…”

“Then you can start now.”, Junhoe said. “Just do whatever you want; I’m going to the toilet.”

“Don’t come back!”

When Junhoe leaves, Chanwoo sits there staring at his phone for a while. “I never do that before… but I guess there is no harm in trying.”, he contemplated. So, he clicks on the Ju-Ne username and starts writing a message.


From: Chanumon

I really really like your fic!!! XD Thanks for writing! :) Are you new here? I don’t think I’ve seen you before… :P


“Ok, done!”, Chanwoo said to himself. “I wonder if he will reply…”

As soon as he thought that, a notice came in. Ju-Ne just replied!


From: Ju-Ne

Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it. :D Yes, I’m new. Nice to meet you! :)


From: Chanumon

Oh wow! That’s a quick reply. :P I feel so flattered~


From: Ju-Ne

Well, I happen to be online. :3 You’re a writer yourself, right? Any idea I can steal? :P


From: Chanumon

We just met, and you already want to steal my idea! You’re a horrible person!!! XD Come and get it then!!!


From: Ju-Ne

Ahaha I will! Might as well still your heart on the way. ;-) Btw, where do you live?


From: Chanumon

Seoul, why?


From: Ju-Ne

OMG!!! I’m from Seoul too! We should meet sometimes! :D Oh, I have to leave soon. Have fun! I already added you as a friend. :)


Chanwoo can’t help but giggles at his sudden new friend. Oh my, a closeted BL-fans like him have never thought of having a real-life friend-in-BL, let alone a fellow writer!

“So, what did you do?”, Junhoe asked, interrupting Chanwoo’s thought for the nth time.

Chanwoo sighs. “Why are you coming back? Besides, it’s none of your business!”, Chanwoo shouted although he ends up giggling as he remembers his interaction.

“Let me guess, you messaged the writer and had a good time.”

“Ow, go away!”, Chanwoo protested. And yet, he cannot help but blush a little hearing what Junhoe said.


Author's note: Hmm... I wonder who this mysterious Ju-Ne is?

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R_nine21 #1
Chapter 2: yeah i do, thanks huhuhuhuhu
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 1: I cant stop smiling
so qt TT.TT
ave9229 #3
Chapter 2: Aww chan's reaction is so cute. You always make june characters 'geniuses' :p i wish chan would show more interest tho!
onjongkey2min #4
Chapter 2: So cute! This otp makes me weak in the knees!!! >.< they're my favorite!!!
Chapter 2: Hey thats cute. Never crossed in my mind that June will doing that.
Chapter 2: Hihi this is so cuteee..
Chapter 2: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
channie91 #8
Chapter 2: it's cute and nice. this story make me smile when i read it. even if i can guess the end already when the first chap but i love the end of the story. thanks for you story.. ^_^
lulukkaebhyun #9
Chapter 2: omg omg so cute >< .. waaaaaaaaauuuwww