
LKChoi's Poetry Collection

Your words were curses

Haunting the minds of those who heard them

And as they spilled from your lips


I read between the lines

Discovered their truth and beauty

And turned it into poetry


Those who dared to look upon you

Were met with Medusa's gaze

Never seeing your face in it's entirety


Until I peeled off the mask

Retraced your visage

And molded a sculpture of flawless jade


Your promises were ripe lies

Red as the forbidden apple

And like Eve the victims fell


But I saved the seeds

Extracting purity from the poison

And harvested a garden of possibility


I was your redeemer

The light that pierced your darkness

You testified before the pulpit

Why did you forsake me


The nails have rusted in my body

My blood dries upon the wood

Aw-struck stares mock my suffering

But even through the indescribable pain

I can't help but smile


My love for you remains

Even as I die for your sake

Can you see your soul as I do

Do you know that it still shines without me


I've risen from this

I can't save you anymore


Did you know

Forgiveness is in your hands

Until you realize it

You will suffer eternally


Still walking with your demons

Thinking I was your god

When I'm only a messenger


I'm singing a new hymn now

My soul has found redemption

I can march with the saints

Because I didn't ignore

The sacrifices of my savior


As you cry before my empty tomb

I watch you fester in regret

My heart still weeps for you

My love

Simply out of pity


I only pray that you can be saved

From yourself

Just like I was

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Chapter 5: I don't have the time at the moment to read carefully through your poems right now, but after skimming through them, I really wanted to say that you have such nice diction! There's so much substance and thought behind each word :) Keep it up and all the best for your endeavors!