
LKChoi's Poetry Collection

frozen and hallow
a reflection of what was
i peer through the black marbles
and discover a glimpse of one who wants to feel again

firm and fragile surface
too cold to sense my touch
as you fall i reach to embrace
but the pieces scatter before my eyes

shards lay shattered at my feet

i scramble desperately to retrieve your heart
it's jagged edges cut deeply
my blood staining the pale glass
met soon after with salty tears
seasoning what's left..

i gather the core
a sharp chaotic mind
a tender broken soul

with my blood i color it crimson
with my tears i give it moisture
with my hands i give it form
with my breath i give it life

a shimmering ruby in my palms
a radiant gem before my eyes
past remnants faded in a new light

i will be your keeper
you are whole again

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Chapter 5: I don't have the time at the moment to read carefully through your poems right now, but after skimming through them, I really wanted to say that you have such nice diction! There's so much substance and thought behind each word :) Keep it up and all the best for your endeavors!