
Accumulated Loneliness

The first time we saw the night sky together, there were no stars. Even so he looked at the vast darkness as if it was the most interesting in the world. He gazed at it as he told me things; how he finally managed to get his rice cooker to cook the rice suited to his liking, how the seat of the bus he took this morning felt softer and comfier than usual, how he got some coffee spilled onto his shirt, creating a butterfly-like shape under the right pocket.

The second time we saw the night sky together, there was one star. He let out a small squeal before pointing at the star, asking me if I saw it too.
If you look at a single star very closely, you’ll see the other stars too, he said. I tried as he said, but moments passed and the star was still alone. But then, when I was about to turn my gaze away...

There they were. One on the upper right, two on the bottom left, and more around the first star. They blinked dimly, but they were there.

I turned to my left to see him. He was staring at the stars, lips curved up, eyes glinting. Then he turned to face me. I was about to give up but then they showed up, he said in an enthusiastic voice.

The smile he showed that night was brighter than those sparkles in the sky.


When Seokmin opened his eyes, he was laying on the sofa, blanket draped neatly over him. He didn’t remember getting on the sofa. Neither taking the blanket with him.

He smelled something. Something burnt. His half-closed eyes opened instantly. He quickly got of the sofa and walked around it, to the kitchen behind.

“I burned the noodles,” said Jeonghan when Seokmin reached to the pan and turned the stove off. Then Seokmin turned to face Jeonghan and he was greeted with an innocent smile.

“Eat out?”

Seokmin couldn’t hold back a smile. Never with Jeonghan.

They went to a nearby diner. A small place and a favorite for factory workers and students. It has a variety of menu, including vegetables dishes, to satisfy the neighborhood’s tongue and nutritional needs. Seokmin got two dishes with a plate full of rice, while Jeonghan got himself rice a third of Seokmin’s and small portions of various side dishes.

On the walk home Jeonghan said that he wanted to take Seokmin and stop by somewhere. Seokmin nodded without much thinking. The road they took was leading to a shabby area, its houses were and apartment buildings were decorated with faded colors and dots of cold looking concrete peeking out of some places (Seokmin thought that his neighborhood was shabby enough. Looked like he was wrong).

It was almost like walking in a monochrome world, if not for Jeonghan.

Seokmin and Jeonghan never talked much when they were walking. Sometimes Jeonghan would stop to take a picture of some grass or store sign, they would look at the objects and the pictures, back to the objects, then proceeded to walk without many words exchanged. This time was no different. Jeonghan stopped to take a snap of worn off paint on what looked like a small office. The places where the paint disappeared were shaped almost like a flower. Seokmin watched Jeonghan took the picture and he realized how the black and white world seemed to regain its colors around Jeonghan.

Seokmin let out a small chuckle, small enough to go unnoticed by Jeonghan, and thought how silly it was. He used to not get involved with people, only initiating interaction when necessary. Yet now he couldn’t imagine his days without Jeonghan.

With such thing in mind Seokmin continued to follow Jeonghan. It took a good 20 minutes until they arrived in a two story apartment building (run down, like everything in this area), walked to the second floor and knocked the door at the far end opposite the stairs.

The door swung open and revealed a scrawny man, the one Seokmin saw at the town’s bus stop and seemed to be Jeonghan’s acquaintance. It was long enough for Seokmin to recognize the man but not enough to figure out what was behind the blank expression. The door swung again and almost reunited with its frame, but Jeonghan held it with his leg (Seokmin was worried that Jeonghan might hurt his leg but the latter didn’t even wince).

Jeonghan talked to the man. Seokmin couldn’t grasp the words even though they were not even whispering. When they’re done, Jeonghan pulled the fabric Seokmin’s right sleeve and guided him inside.

That was the first time Seokmin visited Minghao’s place.


“You don’t have to be considerate and ask me to come with you.”

It was the 6th time or so that Seokmin visited Minghao with Jeonghan, and when Minghao was out to get some books or something (it’s hard to catch Minghao’s words), Seokmin felt like it was the time to express his thoughts.

Jeonghan looked confused. “I’m not being considerate.”

Seokmin thought “Oh” but he didn’t let it out. He only hummed.

“You didn’t want to come here?”

Seokmin thought about the answer and it didn’t took look to figure out that it was no. He didn’t hate Minghao, but he didn’t enjoy being with him either.

“It’s okay,” answered Seokmin.

Jeonghan smiled in response.

They continued to hang out at Minghao’s. Not much talking at Minghao’s part, as usual. Minghao was always typing something on his computer. Sometimes Jeonghan would walk to him, asked about what he was typing, having a chat, but Minghao’s attention always went back to the screen. The only time Seokmin saw Minghao not in front of his computer (except the first time they met) was during their third visit. Jeonghan suggested to eat out and the three of them went to a nearby diner. Aside from that Minghao was always with his computer. Jeonghan didn’t seem to mind though.

“Let’s go home,” said Jeonghan. Seokmin looked at his watch and noticed that it was already past 6.

Seokmin nodded and Jeonghan got up from the floor, walking towards the next room and stopping just behind Minghao’s chair.

“Minghao, we’re going home. See you later.” Jeonghan said with a lively voice.

Seokmin saw Minghao’s fingers stopped, hovering above the keyboards. When the latter twisted his neck to face Jeonghan, Seokmin’s gaze went to Minghao’s eyes. No matter how many times Seokmin had seen them, he couldn’t understand, not even imagine what sort of emotions those orbs held. Even so, this time Seokmin thought he was able to see something. Still difficult to comprehend, but at least there’s something else than those blank stares.

That something encouraged Seokmin to say this.

“Let’s stay for a little while. I’ll go to the supermarket and cook something here.”

Jeonghan turned to Seokmin with a wide smile on his face, the usual smile he showed every time Seokmin was going to cook.

“Minghao! We’re eating Seokmin’s cooking!” said Jeonghan when he turned back to Minghao. Minghao still had that blank look on his face, but Seokmin thought he saw the edges of Minghao’s lips were pulled slightly upward. Maybe he saw it wrong. Didn’t matter.

Seokmin went to get his bag and walked back to Minghao’s work room before heading out to the supermarket. Jeonghan and Minghao were facing the window near Minghao’s desk, their heads slightly tilted up. Seokmin couldn’t see through the window because of the angle, but when he was out of the apartment, out under the open sky, he saw the twinkling lights over the black veil. He could feel his lips curving up.

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XueXing #1
Chapter 4: I am not sure what to think about the story. It is definitely different from any other stories that I had read and the story line/plot is different but in a good way. I like it a lot. It is not like any those typical stories. It is refreshing actually, I like it a lot.
I thought I want more of the story, to continue with their relationship development but I think it is quite alright to end it this way too. But then again, this is not a typical kind of story so I am not sure how it will actually turn out. Kinda like giving the reader some suspend but not too much.
All and all, I like the story. Keep up the good work author-nim~ =)