
100 Things that Cho Kyuhyun is not allowed to do

51. Just because I have manly alcohol tolerance does not mean that other members in Super Junior also have manly alcohol tolerance.

52. Therefore, I'm only allowed to bet non-hardcore bets when drinking.

53. Betting Sungmin that he cannot drink as much shots as there are members in the group is considered to be hardcore.

54. I am forbidden, under any cirucumstances whatsoever, to enter the kitchen without any supervision from my hyungs.

55. I am not allowed to cook even with accompaniment of my hyungs.

56. Under the rare circumstance that I have to cook for my hyungs, I cannot add in any weird spices or wasabi into it.

57. We do not want Yesung to lose his voice or Heechul to die of coughing.

58. I am to never ever put extra sugar in my hyungs' tea.

59. I am forbidden into doing anything that might lead to misunderstandings.

60. I cannot text Kangin and tell him that Leeteuk is dead or dying.

61. I cannot text Sungmin and tell him that I'm stuck in the bathroom with no toilet paper and then play hide-and-seek with him when he finally arrives with the toilet paper.

62. When we are promoting a current album, I am not allowed to do anything that makes us late to current scheldules.

63. On that same note, I'm not allowed to do anything to make us late to anything.

64. That includes putting itch powder in Shindong's pants.

65. Or switching our water bottles with vegetable drinks.

66. I am forbidden into buying a Harry Potter robe and wand and using that very same wand to point at my hyungs and shout certain curses that are not appropriate at that time.

67. I cannot tell Ryeowook nor Sungmin that Santa Claus does not exist.

68. Nor am I allowed to eat the cookies they set out during Christmas. Those are for the members that actually bought them gifts.

69. I am forbidden into using Photoshop to creat any misunderstandings. (Please look back at number 59).

70. Putting Sungmin's face into the picture of a bride and mine as the groom is considered to be a misunderstanding.

71. Same with Donghae and Eunhyuk.

72. Even if they do like it.

73. I not allowed to convince that Sungmin looks good in pink hair and that he should dye it again when it's time for our next album promotions.

74. I am forbidden into removing all of Sungmin's pink clothes and replace them with dark blue and black clothes that belong to Kangin.

75. Futhermore, I cannot switch anything of Sungmin's and Kangin's.

76. I'm not allowed to swith anything of Eunhyuk's and Heechul's either.

77. Even if I'm "just trying to ease the awkwardness between them."

78. I'm cannot replace Heechul's shampoo with vinegar. And then blame it on Hangeng.

79. Even if vinegar is supposed to help your hair.

80. I am forbidden to take Yesung's turtles, hide them, and then tell him that I lost them.

81. Dealing with a crying Yesung is harder than dealing with a paranoid Leeteuk, a crying Sungmin, and a almost-dead-from-coughing Heechul all put together.

82. Using my very-somewhat deeming glare on my hyungs is not permissible.

83. Especially since it gives them very bad nightmares.

84. Breaking the lightbulb just to see how many Super Junior members it takes to fix a light bulb is excessively forbidden.

85. On a second completely random note, I am not allowed to be with these items when it is dark: scissors, hair dye, eyeliner, and pernament markers such as sharpies.

86. Painting -ahem- unappropriate objects in Siwon's room is not allowed. Ever. At all.

87. Saying that it was for his birthday is not a valid reason.

88. I am excessively forbidden to delibrately get into a fight with Sungmin in public just to tell the people who are watching us fight in public that it's just a lovers' spat.

89. I am forbidden into saying "That's what she said" jokes.

90. Because, no one wants to explain them to Siwon.

91. And, they do get annoying after awhile. Almost as annoying as Leeteuk's laugh.

92. I am forbidden into pinching Henry's cheeks, or else, it looks like Henry got plastic surgery. And no one wants to deal with that rumor.

93. I cannot tell Sungmin that I like ZhouMi better because he has longer legs.

94. Even if it is the truth.

95. For birthdays, I am not allowed to help with anything except the "Happy Birthday! Surprise!" part.

96. Eggs, mustard, bean paste, mayo, flour, clives and brocolli do NOT go into a cake (Please refer to rules 54-56).

97. It is necessary to buy presents for Donghae and Eunhyuk.

98. Because dealing with a crying Eunhae pair is worse than dealing with a zombie apocaplyse.

99. Rolling this contract in a paper ball or making a paper airplane and throwing it at my hyungs is not permitted. 

100. I must follow rules 1-100. Any violations will result in the disposal of my video games, PSP, and my 4 laptops.  


                                   Cho Kyuhyun







Finally done! ^^^^

Sorry, for the long wait. Did you like it till the end? I had severe writer's block from 80-99, so those are probably not as funny. But I tried my best! Oh, and I already wrote 51-70, but then I accidently DELETED it! Damn technology these days.... way too much buttons. I also had to research Kyuhyun's profile to figure out what he likes and dislike and any pranks that he ever did. Sigh....

Anyways, thank you all for subscribing!

And BeastDaB2st, I used your idea of making it into a paper airplane and throwing it to his hyungs. Hope, you're not mad that I used it!

Also, to those who want to see what a too-much-sugar Super Junior looks like (rule number 58):


*Please note that Kyuhyun IS NOWHERE to be found. He definately spiked his hyung's tea with sugar!

Oh, should I write a Heechul's list?

Hmmm, comment below to tell me what you think!!! Subscriptions and comments are love! <3 <3 <3


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Chapter 3: Kyu isnt gonna follow these, is he? ... *sigh* And when I first saw him I was like "OHMYGOD HE'S SUCH AN ADORABLE ANGEL" haha XD whoops
Chapter 4: OH!!! r u ok author-nim?!?!?!?!
oh wells to bad that you can't update anymore *pout*
Jin_Riri #3
Chapter 2: 57 60 66 67 81 82 83 86 91 92 LOL love all of these XD
Jin_Riri #4
Chapter 1: 3, 9 10 13 20 37 40 and 50 XD
Chapter 2: Hahahaha... this is so funny... and i like it ^^
Great! make heechul too :)
Chapter 2: Lol..hey! I Love this especially number 78. HAHAHAHAHA! Btw, I Love this :))) on my way to Heechul's list :)) XDDD
Chapter 2: OMG! I laughed so hard with this list >.< (especially with #84)
I love the troublemaker maknae <3
KoalasRULE25 #8
Chapter 2: Wow I have a feeling he's not going to follow these rules >.<
Haha XD
Chapter 2: HAHAHAHA. Okay seriously this is so funny. And I love that Sungmin is mentioned a lot. HAHA :D So cute.