Part 3

TaeKook Heaven

A/N : Do prepare yourself for an unbelievably long af chapter cause well yeah. Carry on~


It’s been 3 months since they finally got together and with each passing day, Jungkook started to notice some things about Taehyung he had never noticed before. The way his eyes would turn a darker color whenever he got angry. The fact that Jungkook had never once heard his heartbeat no matter how many times he had laid his head on Taehyung’s chest when they cuddled.

The way all of his injuries would instantly cure even though it was a terribly deep cut. It all confused Jungkook but he never had the heart to question his boyfriend on the subject. But for some reason today he just felt like it was time Taehyung came clean.

“Hey, Tae?” “Yes, baby?” The older male quickly responded as he looked at Jungkook who had pulled away from his embrace so they would face each other properly. “You’re not hiding anything from me right?” Jungkook fiddled with the hem of his shirt as he chewed on his lower lip.

It just didn’t feel right for Jungkook to think that Taehyung would hide anything from him but it’s that nagging voice in the back of his head telling him to just get it over with so he could just continue on enjoying his time with the other. “What do you mean, Kookie?” Taehyung tilted his head slightly, raising an eyebrow as he watched the boy in a confused demeanor.

“Well… it’s kinda silly but I’ve noticed a few things about you and I just wanna know if like- everything is okay. I mean… your eyes. The number of times I’ve seen the change of color of your eyes are just too many, I thought I was just being delusional. And then there’s that one time you got that cut on your head from that fight with that stupid drunk guy – you were bleeding like a broken pipe and yet the next day, it was gone… just how is that even possible Tae?”

Silence. That was what filled the air after Jungkook was done and honestly, he was kinda nervous of the answer that he was gonna get or not get at this point. “Well… you’re definitely a lot smarter than the others.” Taehyung chuckled lightly as he caressed the younger’s cheek with his thumb.

“It’s a little too soon to tell you but since you have noticed all that then I guess it’s time I did.” Jungkook didn’t say anything while  he kept his gaze on Taehyung, watching him take a deep breath before letting it out. “I’m a vampire, Kookie.” Those four words definitely made it through Jungkook’s hearing organs but he thought the other was just messing with him.

“Are- are you-” “No. I’m not kidding, Jungkook.” Great. He’s using his full name. Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook, cupping his soft cheeks gently with his large hands. “I’m serious. I’ll show you.” And at that moment, Taehyung’s fangs were revealed and his eyes were a beautiful silver color that would make the moon jealous at how beautiful, elegant and shiny they were. 

Jungkook gasped at this but didn’t move. He couldn’t and he didn’t want to. The other’s eyes were so beautiful the more the boy stared and for some reason, he knew he should have ran away by now but he knew that if he really did love Taehyung, he would love him no matter what.

Taehyung had expected the silence as it was always the same one and he knew Jungkook was thinking. Processing. “Wow… I just- Tae… I still love you, you know? I just don’t understand why you wanted to wait before telling me…” The younger of the two had moved himself onto Taehyung’s lap, his hands on his shoulders as a warm smile appeared across his adorable face.

“Well, to be very honest with you, Kookie. I didn’t think you would notice any of those things. I mean the others never-” “What others, Tae? Who were the others?” Jungkook’s facial expression hardened. To say he was jealous was odd because those people were no longer apart of Taehyung’s life right? Right…? “I’ll show you.”

Securing Jungkook’s legs around his waist, Taehyung carried the cute little bunny into his office -  a place where Jungkook’s never been into. He’s basically been living with the older for a while now but he’s never seen the inside of Taehyung’s office. He was afraid to snoop around what was meant to be Taehyung’s private cave.

Once in the office, Jungkook was placed on the desk as Taehyung sat in his chair, pulling out an old looking album from the side drawer. “What’s that?” the smaller male questioned quietly and Taehyung smiled before gesturing to Jungkook to sit on his lap. The latter did as he was told and Taehyung rested his chin on the boy’s shoulder before opening the photo album.

“This is an album filled with pictures of all my past lovers.” Jungkook frowned at this because why would Taehyung want to show who his past lovers were to him. “Why would you show me this?” the older chuckled, knowing that his sweet little bunny was jealous judging by his tone of voice. “Just look at it, Kookie.”

Half-heartedly, he did so. When he looked at the first photo, it was obviously very old. The edges of the photo were yellow and a little torn but what caught his eyes was the couple in the photo. One was obviously Taehyung and the other was… him? “T-that’s me?” “Hmm not really. More like your ancestor. Looks like you right?”

Jungkook didn’t say anything but nodded, turning the page to reveal another photo. The couple were dancing at what seemed to be a party – pretty old fashion kinda party but again he saw himself. More pages were flipped and more pictures of Taehyung and a person who looked like him were revealed.

“I-” “Surprised? Yeah, I was too when I met another person who looked just like my first lover. I thought it was just pure coincidence but it kept happening over and over again and I guess you could say it’s a sort of miracle for me…” “So it’s like some sort of reincarnation thing?” Jungkook finally turned to face the other as Taehyung leaned back on his chair.

“I guess… but I was always happy every time because I kept having more and more chances to spend time with the love of life. And honestly, that day when you came into the café, I knew… I knew I had my baby back.” A cheeky grin was evident on Taehyung’s face and this made Jungkook blush.

“But why would you always want to date… me?” “Hmm… my friends ask me the same question. I guess it’s just that I can’t really live without you. You were… no wait- you are the reason why I’m always so happy and content despite not having a soul or a beating heart.” Taehyung laughed at his own joke and this time, Jungkook laughed along.

“I couldn’t even bare to think or imagine being with anyone but you, Kookie. I definitely couldn’t imagine you being with someone else when I was the one who wanted you so I continued falling in love with you. Over and over again.” Taehyung pulled the younger into a kiss filled with so much love and care, making Jungkook’s beating heart raced like it was running a marathon. “I love you, Tae.” “I love you too, mon amour~”


“So you’re like really old then?”


“I mean I knew you were older than me but I didn’t think you would that old.”

“Jeon Jungkook!”

“Hehe… kidding, Tae. Just kidding~”

[a few weeks later]

“Shoot! I’m gonna be late!” Jungkook exclaimed as he tried to pass through the swarm of people in the shop, trying to get out. Soon he had made his way out of the shop, catching his breath. “Damn those people. Seriously…” he looked back at the crowded clothing shop and the sale signs were everywhere in plain sight to the shop goers.

“Good thing I’m done.” the boy said once again as he carried the shopping bags he got from the shop. It was getting dark when he was making his way back to their apartment. The air was cold tonight as he hugged his body in attempt to make himself feel warmer. “Tae’s gonna be pissed.”

Taehyung didn’t like the idea of the younger going out without him in fear of anything happening to him. Jungkook would always tell him that everything was gonna be fine and that he can take care of himself. Taehyung still went to work at the café because he did sort of enjoyed his job there and sometimes Jungkook would tag along when he didn’t have school.

Today however was an exception since it was the winter holidays and school’s been out for a week now and the younger didn’t feel like it would be right to always bother the older when he was at work.

Oh if only he had listened to Taehyung. The apartment finally came into sight as he turned the corner but unfortunately, he was stopped by 3 men. “W-what do you want?” Jungkook spoke timidly. The men looked dangerous, one of them had a Swiss Army knife in hand.

“We want everything you have on you right now. Duh.” The shorter guy said as if Jungkook should’ve known that already. “Just leave me alone! I have nothing to give you!” “Oh but you do, sweet cheeks.” The knife guy finally spoke, his voice sounding very eerie in Jungkook’s ears.

All of them eyed Jungkook from head to toe. “We want your clothes, whatever sh*t you have in those shopping bags and… we want you…” the taller of the three told Jungkook, whispering the last three words into his ears, sending Jungkook shivering and praying for the higher beings to save him from this mess.

Jungkook pushed the guy away from him, landing him on his bottom with a thud. “Bad move, you little sh*t!” All three of them went to grab him but Jungkook kept trashing around in their attempt to grab ahold of him, kicking and screaming out for help to whoever that could hear him.

Jungkook finally stopped moving when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach as he looked down to see a knife stabbed into his middle part. He dropped to the ground in pain and he saw the satisfied smirk on all of the 3 monsters’ faces. “Now that we’ve got you to shut up. Let’s continue shall we?”

The poor boy had his eyes shut tightly as he prepared himself for whatever that was gonna happen. But after what seemed like forever, he didn’t feel anything so he dared himself to open his eyes and there was his savior. Beating the sh*t of the three, his eyes a deep, dark red color and soon they were unconscious, barely alive is what Jungkook thought as he saw their bodies lying on the ground in front of him.

“Baby…” Taehyung’s deep, soothing voice snapped Jungkook out of his thoughts but when he moved to try to get himself into the older’s embrace, he felt a sharp pain, “Sh*t.” Looking at his blood stained shirt as he began lifting his shirt, revealing the deep wound the knife had caused.

Jungkook felt light-headed, he was losing too much blood already and he wasn’t liking it one bit. “Kookie… this is too soon. ! I had a feeling that something was gonna happen. I should’ve stayed home with you baby. But why the were you out of the house god damn it?! I told you never to leave the house without me!”

Taehyung’s voice was filled with so much worry and anger – he was angry at himself for letting this happen and of course, he was angry at the younger for not listening to him but to him, Jungkook lets out a light chuckle, his eyes threatening to close but he kept it open so he could look at his boyfriend’s beautiful face. His very own masterpiece. The one that belonged to him and only him.

“I- I’m sorry. I just wanted to get a f-few things.” He coughed as his trembling hands pulled weakly at one of the shopping bags – pulling out a shoe box, the word TIMBERLAND written across the top. “I k-knew you’ve been eyeing this for a-awhile and I just wanted to get them for you, Tae…” Jungkook’s voice were slowly getting softer, almost becoming inaudible.

“Baby, no more talking. We’ve got to get you to the hospital!” Taehyung tried to move Jungkook from the ground but his attempt was stopped when the latter pulled him into a desperate kiss which didn’t last very long since Jungkook’s breathing was barely stable at this point. “C-can’t you just… change me, Tae?”

“I-” “I know you said that there’s always another chance for us to be together but… I don’t want to wait that long a-and it’s not like I’ll remember you. You’ll t-then need to go through a lot of waiting and I don’t w-want that Tae… please…” Jungkook dragged the last word a little longer, keeping his gaze on the other even though all he wanted now was to sleep.

“But- I mean- well…” Taehyung bit down hard on his lower lip, his eyes were now glossy as tears threatened to escape from their confinement. “I- fine… It is too soon and I really love you, Jungkook-ah…” his hands were now cupping Jungkook pale cheeks – drained from all the blood. “Well then here it goes…”

The older male took Jungkook’s hands, opening them so his palms were visible and quickly pierced his sharp finger nails into each of Jungkook’s finger tips, “Done.” “D-done? That’s it? Aren’t you gonna bite me?” Jungkook questioned, looking up at the other with eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“Stupid vampire movies… and we definitely do NOT sparkle!” Taehyung’s jutted out his lower lip but his facial expression was quickly replaced with a worried one as he watched Jungkook losing consciousness. “Rest now, my love. You’ll be alright soon.” Jungkook was already out by the end of the sentence.

[the next day] A/N: damn this part is longer than I expected XD

A tired groan emitted from the brunette boy who was lying on the bed. His head was pounding hard and his throat was dry, as if he hadn’t drank for years (obviously exaggerated). Slowly he opened his eyes, adjusting to the room that was lighted by the beam coming from outside the only window that existed in the room. “How long was I out for…?”

He tried to move himself so he was sitting on the bed but boy did his body ache. “Slow down there cowboy. No need to rush yourself.” A voice came clear from the entrance of the room, “Tae…” “Hey, Kookie.” Taehyung made his way towards the bed and sat on the edge right next to Jungkook’s sitting figure.

“I-” “Here. Drink this first. You need it.” A tall mug was held up to his lips, the scent of the liquid hitting Jungkook’s nostrils as he started to drink it up with the help of his boyfriend. After a while, Taehyung thought it would be better to pull the glass away so Jungkook could get use to the liquid but when he tried to do so, Jungkook jerked the mug back to this lips and downed the entire glass making Taehyung watch him in amazement.

“Ah~ that was so good. What was it, Tae?” the younger his lips once he was done. He didn’t even notice the smirk on Taehyung’s face when he saw the little stain on Jungkook’s lower lip, “Blood.” “B-blood?” To say that he was shocked was an understatement. “W-wha-” “And you’ve got a little something on your lip.” His beloved boyfriend said, leaning in closer to the other’s lower lip, on it for a bit and this action caused Jungkook to mewl softly.

“Hmm~ it definitely taste a lot better on you…” a childish giggle was heard from the older when he saw how embarrassed Jungkook looked. “So I’m like alive?” the boy cautiously asked. “Well you’re more dead than alive but yeah I guess you could say that.” “Yah! I’m being serious.” Jungkook pouted, feeling his body gaining a little bit more energy than he did before after drinking the delicious red liquid.

“Where’d you get that? You didn’t kill anyone did you?” “Well I could’ve killed those guys and drained their blood but nah. I wasn’t gonna let you drink sh*tty tainted blood so I stole them from the blood bank.” This didn’t necessarily make Jungkook feel any better though, in fact he felt worse. He would’ve gladly drank those idiots’ blood, “But those are for people who need blood!”

“Well you needed blood so you count as well.” They argued for a little while on the topic before Jungkook finally gave in after Taehyung told him that he wasn’t gonna let his lover die of thirst, his eyes serious and boring into Jungkook’s own pair. “Fine… so what now? Do I get special powers? Can I read minds? Oh oh! Will I be able to predict the future?!” the brunette was now sitting on Taehyung’s lap, bouncing up and down excitedly as he clapped his hands like a retarded seal.

“Yah! I’m serious! Stop watching those damn Twilight movies! But yes you will have something – we’ll figure what it is after a while and no, Jungkook that doesn’t make me your ‘master’ just because I changed you.” Jungkook was pouting once again but that was soon replaced with a more mischievous expression as he inched closer to the older, hands on his chest before whispering close to Taehyung’s ear, his hot breath hitting the sensitive area Jungkook knew all too well, “But what if I wanted to call you master or maybe even… daddy?”

His tongue latching onto Taehyung’s ear, feeling the metal object that was Taehyung’s hoop earring on his tongue then giving it a light as the latter let out a throaty moan. “, babe.” In one swift move, Jungkook’s back was on the mattress with the older hovering on top of him, hands on either side of the boy’s head, gripping slightly onto the pillow that supported Jungkook’s head.

“When did you get this brave, hmm?” “Well, I guess since you pretty much saved my life and gave me another chance to live, I decided I needed to thank you in the one way I know we would both enjoy.” The younger of the two his lips in a seductive manner, his eyes still on the other and his hands the material covering Taehyung’s gorgeous body. “You don’t have to give me to thank me, babe. You know I-” “Make love to me, Kim Taehyung!” That was all he needed to say and that was definitely enough to make Taehyung give in.

Now Taehyung doesn’t have to spend any more time crying and mourning over the death of his lover and he also didn’t have to wait anymore because now… Now his lover was gonna be with him for the rest of their immortal life and even though Taehyung loves the idea of falling in love over and over again, he finally realized that the process was still happening with every passing time he spent with Jungkook and that’s their love story.

“So can I top now?”

“Shut up, Jungkook. I’m the one who wears the pants in the relationship.”

“Well, technically we both wear pants-”

“Not when I rip them off of you.”

“Ooo~ daddy’s rough. Kookie likey~”



A/N : Well that's the end of this one shot. Don't you worry your little booties cause I got a few more ideas for these two cuties.

I do have to apologize to any Twilight fans out there, I'm just kidding about the whole thing but I did read that the right way to change a person into a vampire is by the exchange of blood not by biting them. If you are bitten, you die. Superb ain't it?

Btw, I don't know if it's obvious but I have a serious cause both Taehyung & Jungkook are daddy af and maybe even an earring kink but I guess that only applies to Tae & Kookie cause I just can't help but feel a little just by looking at a picture of their peirced ears - like damn daddy please.

Okay well that's enough of my self- 

If you guys have any suggestions on what you want me to write on these two - any song inspirations or just anything really that you guys have in mind just comment down below or message me if you'd like. Gotta make sure all of my Taekook shipper babies are quenched of their TaeKook thirst. c; 

But do enjoy this 3292 word count chapter :3 

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Chapter 1: Hi
wonderful story i can read it all day again thanks