Part 2

TaeKook Heaven

“Tae~” the brunette boy whined as he laid upside down on the sofa, his head hanging over the edge of the furniture with a pout visible on his face. The said male chuckled as he saw the interesting scene playing out in front of him, making his way towards the younger before getting the boy to lie down in a more comfortable position with his head on Taehyung’s lap.

“Yes, Kookie?” Fingers running through the soft brunette locks as he stared in adoration at the boy beneath him. “I’m bored~” The younger whined. “Well, what do you wanna do then?” Jungkook sat up and moved so he was sitting on the other’s lap, wrapping his arms around Taehyung’s neck. “Hmm… can we go get ice cream?”

Taehyung chuckles before nodding, pressing his lips softly on the boy’s cheek, “Let’s go get ice cream.” “Yay~” Jungkook hopped off Taehyung’s lap, making his way to the door. “Hurry up, Tae~” Jungkook never bothered to call Taehyung hyung and the latter never questioned this since he loved how Jungkook says his name.

The two made their way out of Taehyung’s apartment and walked side-by-side to the ice cream parlor. If you’re wondering if they’re in a relationship yet or not then no. They’re not. Not yet at least.

They obviously have feelings for each other but Jungkook is a little nervous about confessing since he thinks the older only saw him as a friend. A little brother he looked out for. Taehyung wants to make the first move but is still waiting for the right moment to do so – he had turned into a sappy romantic vampire ever since he met his first lover.

Upon reaching the ice cream parlor, Jungkook decided this time he was going to pay for their desserts seeing as every time he went out with Taehyung, the other was the one who always paid. “One cookies and cream and one strawberry please!” the younger of the two told the person at the counter. “Alright!”

 Just as Taehyung was about to take out his wallet, Jungkook moved quickly and handed the amount of cash he needed to pay for their ice creams to the cashier. “Kook-” “Hush Tae. I’m paying this time.” Jungkook turned to the other, sticking his tongue out in a childish manner and to this Taehyung had a foolish grin on his face. When Jungkook saw that the other didn’t argue, he took their orders and happily (and childishly) skipped towards an empty booth by the window.

When they had settled down and started digging into their ice creams, Taehyung had his eyes on Jungkook the entire time. The way he would grin every time the flavor of the ice cream hits his taste buds. The way he would his lips sometimes. Oh, how Taehyung wish he could ravish those sweet, pink lips to taste the flavor of the cookies and cream ice cream on his Kookie.

Chuckling, Taehyung continued to eat up his own bowl of strawberry ice cream – although he is a vampire, human food don’t really ruin his appetite and it’s easier to eat human food than hunt for blood even though it isn’t as fulfilling. Jungkook looked up at Taehyung, eyeing his complexion,

His plump lips, thicker than Jungkook’s. His sharp jawline. The cute mole on the tip of his nose. A vibration coming from inside his pocket stopped him from continuing to admire the masterpiece sitting in front of him. Pulling out his phone from his pocket, he sees a message from one of his best friends. Jimin.

Jimin :

 Hey Kookie! Wanna hang out tonight?

Jungkook :

Um sure! What did you have in mind, Jimin?

Jimin :

First of all it is hyung to you.

And second, just out. Maybe go to a bar? ;)

Jungkook chuckled slightly and this made Taehyung look up at the boy in front of him, noticing that he was on his phone. “What are you doing?” “Oh just texting Jimin.” “Oh…” Jungkook didn’t notice the disappointed tone in Taehyung’s voice.

Jungkook :

JIMIN… we’re still too under aged you know?

How in the world are we gonna get into a bar?

Plus, I don’t think Tae would like the idea.

Jimin :

I have a friend that could get us in!

Tae’s not even your boyfriend… right?

So why should he be allowed to stop you from having a little fun?!

I wish he was my boyfriend though… Jungkook bit his lower lip as he looked at the older before continuing to respond to Jimin.

Jungkook :

I guess… well I’ll think about it.


Jimin :


Alright. Pick you up at 8!

See ya Kookie! x

“But I-” and before he could send another reply, Jimin was offline. Sighing deeply, he put his phone away and started to angrily attack his melted ice cream. “Kookie? What’s wrong?” “Nothing, Tae.” he shook his head, still not looking at the other.

Soon, he felt someone next to him with arms wrapped around his waist, “What did Jimin say to you?” his deep voice sending shivers down Jungkook’s spine as a blush crept onto his evidently pale cheeks. “H-he just asked me to go hang out with him…” his voice came out in a sort of whisper. Luckily Taehyung was a vampire with a sharp sense of hearing or else that would’ve been impossible to hear.

“Where?” “A bar…” “Kook… look at me.” Slowly, the brunette did what he was told and he swears that he’d forgotten how to breath. Taehyung’s face was so close to his and their lips just a few inches apart. If only those inches would disappear, Jungkook would be the happiest boy alive. [a/n : I just realised that I wrote "happiness boy alive" like what the actual is wrong with me? /facepalms myself to the deepest core of the planet/]

“What did you tell him?” “I- I  just told him I’d think about it.” “You know you’re both still under aged right?” “I know! That’s what I told him!” Jungkook huffed out a breath, crossing his arms as he leaned closer into Taehyung’s embrace. Laughter was heard from the male sitting next to him and he looked at the other once again.

“Do you want to go?” Taehyung asked once he had calmed down. “I don’t know… I’m not sure.” “Hmm I won’t stop you if you want to you go.” Jungkook’s eyes went wide as he heard the words coming out from Taehyung’s mouth. “Are-” “But. I would be very disappointed…”

Taehyung stared at the younger with much seriousness, “I would be disappointed and very sad to see you spending time with him… I do want you to enjoy yourself and I don’t want to hold you back from anything you want to do… I mean it’s not like I’m your boyfriend or anything. But if you really like him and want to spend time with that’s fine. You can go.” Taehyung pulled away from the younger and sent a small smile at the smaller boy’s direction.

“But Tae… I- I don’t like him… I like you…” his words were inaudible to others but to Taehyung, it was like a sweet melody, causing the wide smile to appear on the said boy’s face. Jungkook fiddled with his fingers before wrapping his arms around the blond male.

 “I like you, Tae! I don’t wanna be with anyone else but you!” His voice was loud and clear causing the customers around them to look at the two male, embracing each other. One in particular holding the other as if his life depended on it.

Arms wrapped themselves around the petite waist of the bunny look alike as lips found their way to another pair, moving them slowly in a delicate, sweet pace. All of those unsaid emotions being poured into the kiss. Taehyung pulled away first, pressing their foreheads together, “I like you- wait scratch that. I love you, Jeon Jungkook.”

The brunette bunny was blushing harder than ever as he heard the words the other spoke. “Y-you love me?” “Yes, Kookie. I always have and always will.” Taehyung caressed Jungkook’s cheeks with his thumbs before pressing another firm kiss on his lips. “I love you too, Tae.” The flustered boy finally said, burying his face into the crook of Taehyung’s neck.

Claps could be heard from around them as the audience watched in awe at the scene that had unfolded in front of them. “Now about Jimin…” Taehyung spoke lowly. “I’m not gonna go and I’m gonna tell him now.”

Jungkook pulled out his phone and immediately sent a quick message to the other, denying the offer to hang out not caring whether the other would read it or not before continuing to cuddle up to his Taehyung.


The second part - yay~! It's a little silly though but really to me the ending is the best part. Still in the process of getting it done so enjoy this for now~ x

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Chapter 1: Hi
wonderful story i can read it all day again thanks