The Devil

The Devil

They always say ’the devil made me do it’. But this wasn’t him.


Although some people might disagree, he wasn’t the devil. He was an angel disguised as a devil. With his leather jacket and ripped jeans, his hair that always looked like someone had just ran their hands through it… he was the personification of sin.


But that was all smoke and mirrors, the real him was something completely different. Hidden behind the carefully erected walls of sarcasm and nonchalance, lay a fragile innocence that had been carefully tucked away from the tainted world. Hidden away so that no one could truly see the fragile and innocent man, too afraid to show his real self to the world.


Everyone warned me to stay away from him. That being with him was like playing with fire. Thrilling at first, but you were guaranteed to get burned if you got too close. But no matter how hard I tried to resist, I couldn’t stay away from the angel in devil’s clothing.


He warned me himself to stay away, that being with him wouldn’t end well. But I refused to listen. I had become intoxicated with him. His voice, his smile… his everything.


Despite all the warning signs, I fell for the angel in devil’s clothing.


They always say ’the devil made me do it’. But this wasn’t him.


It was me.


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Chapter 1: Short but impressive
Chapter 1: Honestly tbh same if i ever met yoongi XD
But at the same time I'm so fully curious for more about this
Chapter 1: This seems like a prologue to an amazing story, can't you write one? Pretty please with Yoongi on top?
The descriptions fits Yoongi really well <3
I can only curse myself for falling for him......
whitetulip9765 #4
Chapter 1: aahhhh HE IS MY DEVIL~!!
Chapter 1: wow. that's interesting. i kinda wonder, what is drabble btw
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, can you hear that??? My internal screaming? :O OMG, this was drabble was so captivating, I totally loved it from the first word until the last! The way you portrayed Yoongi was really impressive, I couldn't get enough of your words! Seriously, it had quite a huge impact on me, so thank you so much for sharing it with us! It was beautifully written with so many jaw-dropping metaphors and illustrations, I fell in love with it! <3 And also, congratulations on your 100 stories! ^^
CONGRATULATIONS ON 100 STORIES!!! That's one hell of a lot. I like how his little drabble basically lets you imagine the story in whichever way you want to.