Understand the whole situation before judging

The Troublemaker

Hyuna POV 

I want to know what is wrong with hara so I went to her waiting room. I knocked the door and she told me to come in. "ehh it is you." she said with an angry look with her face. "What is wrong with you? Why do you glare at me without reasons?" I asked. "Do you think I'm that kind of person that will be angry with someone with a reason? You know me for long so you should know." she said. "Then why are you like this?" I said. " You still got the face to asked me what happen, you this betrayer that attempt to stole people boyfriend." She said. I feel like my heart had been pierced literally. I am so upset with what she insulted me. Does she mean junhyung. 

Hara POV 

She is still acting like she did nothing wrong. My heart is boiling, I calm myself down and talked to her. Why is she being so innocent now. "I didn't, when did I stole Junhyung from you?" she said. "Then what happened after mama, at backstage...hmm. Don't act like you are innocent." I said. 

Hyuna POV 

My mind blinked out all the things that Junhyung did to me after mama. "Do you know the whole situation? Before judging me so hard, please understand and don't listen to what others gossip about." I said. "What happened then?" she asked. "It was a long story, but it was junhyung that still like me and it is him that start behaving intimately with me." I said. 

Hara POV 

My heart stopped. Junhyung actually like hyuna, what is wrong....... My tears dropped. "Arraso. I will take care of my namja chingu from today onwards." I answered. "Next time before understanding everything then come shamming me." she said. "Mianhae......" I said. "Leave me alone." she said and ran out of the room. 

Hyuna POV 

I am speechless, I told her everything. What I hope for now is, for Junhyung to really stop having feelings for me and take good care of hara. She is being over paranoid these days, I don't know her anymore because she changed. 

Hyunseung POV 

Hyuna face became pale when she come back, what is wrong with her.... "Kwenchena?" I asked. "I'm okay. Don't worry." she said. "Let's go for dinner together now." I said. "Arraso! Manager will join us too." she said. "Yes, of course!" Manager hyung said. We then go to the barbecue restaurant. We ordered our food and sat down waiting for it to come. "So you guys will have free practise schedule tomorrow until thursday because thursday there is Mcountdown." Manager hyung said. "Arraso." we answered. 

Hyuna POV 

Soon, our food came. I am so hungry that I ate so quickly, the food was delicious. We all chat while enjoying our food. 

Hyunseung POV 

Times flies, we settle our bills and go on seperate ways. "Hyuna, lets practise tomorrow alright?" I said. "Okay! See you tomorrow." she said. "See you too!" I said. I board my van and went to twitter to revealed my 'js' stage name meaning to the b2utys that I promised. I reached home with a tired body. Hyungs all ran to me. "Daebak! Our hyunseung is so good today." They said. "Ahh thanks. I'm so tired, let me go and sleep first." I said. "Goodnight! Sleep well." They said. I feel really happy, all the supports I received. Finally, I can have a good sleep. 

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htetooyan95 #1
Chapter 21: like it,pls update! !!!!
Chapter 21: Oh no is that all? I cant wait for the next chapter. This story is DAEBAK
Nimamafong #3
Chapter 21: Update soon . :):):):):):):):):):):):):)
xxxx1230 #4
Chapter 21: I like your story,,
Update please...
this chapter make me feel miss Trouble maker TT~TT I want them comeback!!
2hyun moment is so sweet but look like Junie still "likes" HyunA, not love ^^
Update soon~
Hem, after read this chap, suddently I miss trouble maker moment ._.
wahh I liked the last chapter :D I really miss the troublemaker couple!!
it's okay, we understand! and I read those chapters before ;)
ValerieKezia #9
XyTroublemaker: No... My previous chapters 18 & 19 is gone because of the breakdown of aff previously and it really because that is the interesting part. Unfortunately, I have no backups so I will fast forward the story to those lost chapters continuously. Sorry for that.
does the story stop there?
update soon pls (: