

In a world of black and white, only love exists in colors.




I live in a world of black and white

But I dreamed of you in colors

That don’t exist.


Brown is the color of your hair. Just like my regular, favorite cup of caramel macchiato.

Blue is the color of your eyes, the ocean deep variety. So clean and mesmerizing, slowly me in, drowning me.

Red is the color of your lips. A pale, chapped version like it needs touch to caress it.

Pink is the color of your cheeks. The sweet side of your seductive lips.


I live in a world of black and white

But why do I dream of you in colors

That don’t exist?


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nurhusnamustafa #1
Chapter 2: Awww
Chapter 2: This so so cute hjaaghdhsj
Caratlovr #3
Chapter 1: I expectating for more
Tanks autornim