Quiet Confessions

Quiet Confessions

Strange swirling clouds encircles Yoongi. From a distance, Jimin watched silently, mouth slightly hung open. The colorful clouds climbed up Yoongi's left leg and grabbed a hold of him, pulling him further away from Jimin. He was helpless. Yoongi didn't see how far away he was getting as he smiled brightly. As for Jimin, he scratched at his throat like an angry cat to search for his voice. Then he was hit in the back of his head and knocked out cold.

Jimin woke up to see the world around him upside down and a figure crouching over him. 

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake," said the figure, tapping Jimin's nose.

"Ah, Yoongi-hyung!" yelped Jimin, struggling under the hold of his tangled bedsheets.

Yoongi stood up and sat on Jimin's bed. He smirked at the sight of the younger whose head was still on the ground, unable to move. Yoongi shook his head saying "tsk tsk tsk" before unraveling the blanket, catching Jimin by the arm just in time before the rest of his body tumbled to the ground.

"T-Thanks," mumbled Jimin, pulling his hands closer to his chest. He looked down at his palm, throwing small glances to the part where his arm was held. It almost felt as if it burned. Yoongi shifted his gaze away from the adorable human in front of him. He checked his watch and said promptly, "Be ready by 8:30 or I'll leave without you."

Jimin nodded quickly before Yoongi promptly left (hoping to avoid Jimin seeing his pink cheeks against his pale complexion). Jimin let out a jagged sigh he didn't know he held. Ruffling his hair in frustration, he replayed the scene. Why had he reacted so blandly? He pouted and began scolding himself at how he should've thanked Yoongi more.

Jimin crawled over to his closet, pulling the door open. He already knew he was extremely lucky to have Yoongi as his roommate. He still got calls every now and then asking for a trade before politely declining their offer. At the school, to share anything with the oh-so-famous Yoongi was like winning the lottery. Upon transferring to the school three months prior, he had (thankfully) noticed the extreme popularity levels Yoongi had.

After the first week in the dorm, he had learned a few essential tips on dealing with female fans and male fans alike. 

1) Bring the mountain of gifts beside the door to Yoongi's room without question. While he wasn't sure what Yoongi did with them afterwards, this meant an extra work out for Jimin. He was lucky enough if they were only fan letters which were usually sealed in a pink envelope with the occasional lipstick mark on them. There were some days where Yoongi's fans would go all out by bringing him an enormous stuffed bear that was taller than Jimin. 

2) When hearing the doorbell, look through the "peeky-peeky" hole, as jimin would call it. One could never be too sure who was out there, be it the pizza delivery guy, his own friends, or overly crazy fans. On days when it was more than 10 rings, Jimin would just give up looking through the hole and think that installing a camera system would be better than to get up and check every hour.

3) Do your best to ignore the flow of morning traffic. Jimin had perfected his skill of snaking through crazy crowds of fanboys and girls.

Clearly, Jimin was flabbergasted by the amount of fans Yoongi had even though neither were seniors yet. Having that many fans was a feat and it was practically like having hundreds of servants who would do anything at his will. What Jimin truly respected was that Yoongi never took advantage of his fans. Late at night, Jimin could see Yoongi struggling to finish his math homework and literature project just like the rest of the students. It reminded him of how normal Yoongi really was.

But of course, Jimin indulged in being close to Yoongi. Close physically and mentally in a sense? Their dorm had only one bedroom which they shared. With the close proximity and living quarters, Jimin noticed the little things about Yoongi and all the mundane things they did together. Like everyone else, Yoongi cleaned up around the dorm, did the laundry, and was just normal. He didn't make Jimin do all of those things alone either, they usually did it together so it wasn't as bad. The other fans wouldn't know how calm the aura around Yoongi was. It just wasn't the same.

But their closeness came at a cost. Jimin grew selfish, though he suppresses the feeling all the time. When Jimin watched from afar and fans would stand too close to Yoongi, Jimin would feel a twinge in his chest. Almost like a small explosion of mixed emotions Jimin just couldn't understand.

Nonetheless, being friends with the school superstar led Jimin to be easily accepted into Yoongi's friend group which consistent of... strange people.

1) Mother Jin who insisted Jimin should wear pink because "it brings out his lips".

2) Papa Namjoon who was the school's smartest, snatching every academic award out there since he stepped foot into the school, while also keeping a music inclined reputation.

3) Happy Hoseok, the super flowery smiley dancey hyung.

4) Taehyung aka Jimin's first friend besides Yoongi aka the reads between the lines friend.

5) Bunny Jungkook, the pretty playboy with a hoard of ladies around his arms (which he never asked for).


While Jimin was still in a thankful mood for his luck, he was interrupted by the woosh of a door.

"Jimin are you done yet?" Yoongi's face was blank and hung with annoyance when he realized. He just walked in on Jimin. While he was changing.

Jimin suddenly realized, covering his bare chest. "G-GO AWAY!"

"S-Sorry," mumbled Yoongi as he slipped out the door. He clicked it closed before exhaling and trying to calm his pink cheeks.

Jimin slid on his shirt and fell to his bed. "Crap... he saw me."

Jimin muttered under his breath before speed racing himself though his morning routine before bursting out the door at exactly 8:30.

"So kind of you to finally join me to school, Jimin," said Yoongi, following behind him. Whatever he was doing to keep it from being awkward was certainly working.

"Mhm." Then Jimin internally beat himself up for such a pathetic response. Why couldn't he as eloquent as Namjoon?

In the middle of his thoughts (again), he felt Yoongi's large hand pull him back by the shoulder... Where the unfortunate (or possibly fortunate) landing point was directly on Yoongi's chest where his cheek was pressed again the fabric. To make it worse, Jimin suddenly remembered Yoongi seeing him shirtless causing him to blush even harder from embarrassment. 

Just as he was about to ask why Yoongi pulled him in, Jimin heard crazed screams in the distance that surprisingly wasn't in front of their door. The fan's clamor was louder than usual. Jimin shuddered, fearful of the crowd he might have to face.

"It'll be fine. We can handle it," Yoongi said, as if reading Jimin's worries. Jimin jumped at the sudden touch to his shoulder where Yoongi's large hands traced the muscular outline of his outer arm. "We just need to move fast."

At this, Yoongi pulled Jimin closer as he began walking towards the staircase. Though it would be the same crowd, Jimin usually never went with Yoongi. While Yoongi went to greet the fans waiting for him, Jimin took another route, watching from a distance. A safe distance. A safe distance away from the mob of wild people.

Jimin shook his head, his lip trembling. If anything, he didn't want to go out there with Yoongi. Jimin would become the victim of bullying for being so close to Yoongi. Jimin saw flashes of scenes where he saw himself beaten up with red cuts and bruises across his face. His shudders grew more violent. Yoongi looked down to see Jimin breathing quickly, nearly hyperventilating.

"Uhh, are you okay?" asked Yoongi, making the gap between their faces near zero. In a second, Jimin pushed Yoongi's chest and tripped backwards, just barely catching himself. Yoongi's arms were already out, catching Jimin as they both fell to the ground.

"Are you really okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" asked Yoongi, his eyes searching. Jimin looked down. His decision needed to be fast but he didn't want to regret it... but he just couldn't bear going on front of a crowd. It was too much. Last time he did, he nearly passed out from a class laughing.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry hyung," he stuttered before adjusting his glasses. As Yoongi was about to put his hands on Jimin's shoulders, the younger pushed it away, causing Yoongi to stumble backwards. Jimin stood up, tears beginning to fall, and ran away leaving behind a shocked Yoongi.


After running quite a but, Jimin finally fell to his knees on the grass, hidden away from sight just so he could have some alone time before class started. He looked up and down, closing his eyes, inhaling and exhaling until he felt all his energy drain away and he fell on his side to the grass. It brushed his cheek softly. Still panting he began whispering to himself.

"...Why did I do that. Will he understand? I was just scared... He'll never like me anymore. Should I brace myself to being ignored today?" Jimin's lip trembled as he said these forbidden words. "Should I just... run away?"

While debating on when to run away, Jimin checked his watch and saw that class was soon to start and he sprinted off towards the school. He could avoid Yoongi for just a day.


Throughout the first part of his schedule, he skillfully managed to avoid Yoongi at all costs. He took unfamiliar hallways, he took twisted detours, he even ran around outside of the school if that was his only escape. By lunch, he was feeling accomplished by this feat as he silently congratulated himself. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder when he was at his locker. 

He turned around sharply and slapped the hand off his shoulder as if it were a spider. But it was only Taehyung who was surprised at the unusual response of his friend.

"Uh hey Jimin," said Taehyung. His eyebrowd knitted but Jimin could never understand what that could mean. It could be that Taeyung knew everything already or was just being strange. "Wait a second, I'm going to visit the bathroom for a second."

And Taehyung was off again like the alien he was. But back to Jimin's spectacular plan of escape. Jimin wasn't going to risk it. He took his lunch and ran out of the school, as fast as his little legs could carry him. 

After all his running, he found himself on the roof. For some reason, he let out a strangled laughter. 

"What have I come to?" he chucked to himself, sitting down near the ledge and setting his lunch beside him. He found that sitting near the end, dangling his legs over life and death calmed him a bit. It made the world a whole lot more realer than it used to be. And it made his problem at lot less significant that it used to be. Laying down on the pavement, Jimin looked up at the bright blue skies in silence, waiting for time to pass.

Unfortunately, his time of peace was ended when the door to the roof slammed open. "PARK JIMIN, ARE YOU OUT HERE OR NOT!?" 

Jimin rose quickly to this loud voice. Turning around, he saw Yoongi shouting. From a distance, the sight was comical. The skinny popular guy had his fists balled up and shaken in circles. His mouth was wide open and his cheeks red like strawberries.

"PARK JIMIN COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" shouted Yoongi who was beginning to stomp over to Jimin. The younger looked around for an exit when he found one that would save his life. 

Three. Two. One. He took the chance and ran for the door just barely missing Yoongi's snatch. He ran through the doorway and sped down the stairs.

Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Just at the bottom of the stairs and a step to freedom, the dizziness from suddenly standing overcame him causing him to miss the last step. He tumbled to the ground, the wind knocked out of him. Despite the pain, he forced himself up and ran away. Again, leaving Yoongi confused and alone on the rooftop.


Jimin made his way to his locker, packed up his things, and collapsed at home on his bed. 

He was done. He couldn't face Yoongi again after his fear got the best of him. He might as well just coax himself into a deep sleep and hope he'll never wake up from it. 


Back at the school, Yoongi walked back to the cafeteria, back slumped and cheeks pale. As he approached his usual table, his friends immediately noticed. 

"Hyung, did you get into a fight?" asked Jungkook, sipping his juice box. Yoongi shook his head as he sat down at the edge of the table.

"... Did something happen between you and Jimin?" asked Taehyung. Yoongi's insides did a flip at the mention of his name.

"No, it's fine," he said gruffly. "I just don't feel good, that's all."

Yoongi looked down at the table, a dark shadow over his eyes. The tablet knew best to say nothing the rest of lunch. It was a problem only Jimin and Yoongi could sort out alone.


The moment Yoongi stepped foot into the dorm, he felt chills. Literal chills. Chills that meant the room was like around refrigerator temperature. He frantically fixed the temperature. Once that problem was solved, he remembered the looming shadow of regret resting on his back. Gulping back his manly tears, he walked up to Jimin's door and knocked. 

"Jimin? Are you in there?" As expected, Yoongi got no response. "Jiminnie, I'm coming in alright?"

He turned the knob and slid inside the room. It was pitch black. Yoongi switched the light on and saw Jimin sprawled on the bed, face buried in a pillow. The sight of it made Yoongi's breath hitch before returning back to normal. 

He walked over to Jimin and set his hand on the younger's back --

"Don't touch me," said the muffled voice. "Please."

"Jimin," Yoongi pleaded. "Don't do this... What's wrong?"

"I'm wrong. Everything is wrong," snapped Jimin. "Don't act like you can fix me because it's impossible. I'm broken."

"You aren't the problem," said Yoongi, leaning down beside Jimin. He reached out his arm to backhug the younger until he felt Jimin tense.

"Jimin tell me what's wrong." Yoongi could feel Jimin's chest raise only slightly.

Silently, Jimin pulled up his shirt revealing a few bruises on his side. He whispered, "I'm sorry."

Yoongi sat up and inhaled the sight. The blooming blue brusies spread across the side of his body was fearfully wonderful. But immediately, Yoongi felt a twinge of guilt.

"This was my fault wasn't it," said Yoongi, his voice dropping. "You're hurt all because of me. It's not your fault, it's mine."

To this, Jimin sat up and looked Yoongi in the eyes. The older noted the puffy red eyes he saw. "I'm sorry. It's me. I tripped down the stairs and now look at me, I'm the mess. You're perfect."

And to this, Yoongi grabbed Jimin shoulders and shouted, "I'm nowhere near perfect!"

Jimin yelped at the sudden movement. Yoongi's eyes widened at his outburst. He awkwardly released the younger's shoulders and said again, "I'm nowhere near perfect. I made a mistake."

"Well I made a bigger mistake!" shouted Jimin, "I never should have gotten close to you."

"I'm afraid I'd end up hurting you." These words hit Yoongi like a set of sharp knives.

"The only way you could hurt me is if you left my side. I feel more assured that you're there than when you're not."

Jimin looked up. Yoongi looked straight into the younger's eyes hoping to convey his feelings. "I can see you're afraid of crowds and that's why I hesitated this morning. I wanted you to be with me and I forgot."

Like a child, tears rolled on Jimin's cheeks. Yoongi pulled him into his arms, careful not to touch the wounds.

"It's okay. You're in my arms now."



Day's after the incident, their friend group noticed the increasing amount of skinships between the two.

"What happened between you guys," said Jungkook, eyeing Jimin who was sitting in Yoongi's lap watching the tv together.

The two didn't respond, both happily absorbed into the kdrama they were watching.

"Kookie... Let's goooo," whined Taehyung, climbing onto Jungkook's back like a monkey. 

"Like you two don't show skinship either," scoffed Jin when he finished putting a bow in his hair.

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Chapter 1: moooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz