Human Resources Missmanagement


[Office!AU] Welcome to Co:eX publishing company. Place where all your publishing dreams come true. Athough editorial is not what you'll find here. 10 human resources specialist (and the other two who also want to get recognized) are gathered under the cramped space of Co:eX Human Resources Division. Hired to hire only the best personnel for Co:eX, this is about what is coming in between trying to be star awarded employee.


Hello! This will be my first fic in AFF. I've wrote things before in LJ, but then life happened, and now here I am.

Since everything I wrote will be written in between procrastinating working as a real human resources personnel, this will only be a series of ficlets. And when I said ficlets, it's actually just a bunch of lazy drabble, with no definite start and ending.

This is an OT12 fiction, but you'll see more and more pairings as the story progress.


ps: everything is un-beta, not double checked, whatever. so bear with the grammatical or spelling mistake. english is not my first language.


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Can't wait for the update