Chanyeol Gets Drunk

Chanyeol Gets Drunk

When Chanyeol enters my home, I am singing out loud while wandering on the living room, dancing as I hold a huge black and red cup filled with some cold drink. Chanyeol frowns and steps in.

- Is Baekhyun in here? (He asks and squirms as I start to jump while singing a "No". He frowns even deeper.) Are you drunk?

Me: not yet! (I asure, but he doesn't trust on me. Maybe bc my voice sounds a lil bit different.) Why are you guys always looking for him in here? This is not his house, you know?

- I know, it's just… (He loses his focus once I start to jump again.) Can you just hear me out? Am I interrupting something?

I stop jumping immediately and sit down the floor, looking up to find his annoyed gaze. But it doesn't bother me. I flash him a grin and smug when the tip of his ears get red. He is so very cute.

Me: Can't I just get drunk today? I didn't manage to sleep more than an hour and I need to stress out. Plus, it's sunday and my friends are not here - dongsaeng went to a date with Suho-sshi and Do-ya have an exam for college.
- Sure, I will accompany you.

Now I am the one frowning.

Me: You sure? I dont think you should drink-
- I am sure! (He interrupts me while rolling eyes, getting closer to me and taking the cup from my hands.) I am a man, I can handle a few alcohol in my blood.

~~ Time break ~~

- I am dying! (Says the man sinking his head on the sanitary with a loud groan - which makes me roll my eyes.)
Me: Chanyeol, you just had some sips from my cup, it's not enough to kill you. (I say while patting his back.)
- That was enough to make my car move! What did you put on that?!
Me: It was vodka and lemon juice.

Chanyeol does not answer. Instead, he sinks his head and spill out his lungs. All I can do is caress his back up and down until he finish it.

Me: You shouldn't drink if you cannot take alcohol.

Again, he is silent. Chanyeol glance me a deadly gaze before sinking again.

Once he is done vomiting, I handle him some medicine and a cup of water. Now we just wait for the hangover to come. We sit at the porch while watching the sky. It's not as starry as we would like. In fact, there's no stars at all. Suddenly an airplane appears, shining at the nocturn dark sky. It makes me smile.

Can we pretend that airplane
On the night sky
Like shooting stars?~

Chanyeol sings slightly with his bass voice almost crispy, but still beautiful, as he reads my mind. It makes me smile even wider. I crawl towards him to enclose our distance. Maybe it's just the remains of the alcohol in his brain, but he wraps his arm around me - such long arm… it embraces my whole body so easily, so comfy. I can't help but squirm while cuddling on him.

- What would you wish for? (He asks, fingers absently brushing my hair.)
Me: For this to never end.

~~The end~~


N/A: Sorry guys, this was rly short and I hope you like it! Forgive any grammar error, please! I know I have bad english. See you guys next time (maybe?)!

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ByunBaconHyun #1
I Loved it, although I didn't understand many things


But, i liked !

correct me if I written wrong it, I don't know much english, you know about it xD

Buh-Bye -Chan <33

Baekiss >3<

- I endeavored me to written just it ç.ç I wait that don't be written much wrong heheh

Running ~