Happy anniversary

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Ji Hyun pov:


It's our wedding anniversary in two days time, and we planned to go and have dinner out. He wanted us to go somewhere for a couple of days but I refused since I have a lot of work. Last week, I went to buy him a gift of course with the help of Jiyong. 


I bought him a Hermès watch and I was hoping he'll like it. It still surreal to me that it already been a year since we got married. It seemed just like a few days ago. Well, maybe I just felt like that because we only started being a couple only a few weeks ago. Of course for this celebration, I bought a nice new dress. 



Time passed faster than I thought, and it was already our wedding anniversary day. As usual, we woke up and had breakfast together and then we both went to work. Inna was blaming me all the time and saying that I shouldn't come to work and all and when the rest of the guys knew they forced me to go home and like Inna said '' Get ready ''. 


Eventually, I end up going home from 3 pm. At first, I ate something and then went to take a shower. The water was warm and I felt my body relax in the water so I may have stayed longer than I planned. And while preparing myself, I decided to call Seung Hyun. 


'' Hey '' he spoke first 

'' Hi, you still at work? '' I asked

'' Umm, I still have a few things to take care of and you? ''

'' I returned home a few hours ago ''

'' Why? are you okay? '' he questioned worriedly

'' No, I am okay but I just came to get ready '' I told him as I was trying the best shoes to wear

'' Oh, okay, I may be late so go to the restaurant and wait for me, I promise I won't be late '' he requested

'' If you're that busy we can stay at home you know '' I informed him but I hoped he'd refuse

'' No, no, we're not staying at home on day like this, I'll do my best to come early '' 

'' Okay, then I'll hang up now, see you later '' 

'' Okay, I love you '' he cheesily said 

'' Me too '' 


I then resumed preparing myself and doing my makeup slowly. I had more than enough time after all...  Once I was ready to leave, my phone ringed, it

was Chaerin 

'' Hi Chae '' 

'' Hello, where are you? '' she suddenly asked 

'' At home but I am going to a restaurant now, you know it's our anniversary '' I told her

'' Oh, I totally forgot sorry '' she apologized and I am sure she hit her head with her hand 

'' Why? Do want something? '' 

'' No, I was having dinner with Seungri and Jiyong and Dara are also coming so I thought maybe you two could join us, but I totally forgot about your anniversary. Anyway, go and have fun. See you tomorrow, bye '' she said hurriedly and hung up. Crazy girl...


I checked myself in the mirror one last time and then I left. I went to the Park Hyatt hotel and to The Lounge restaurant where we were about to have dinner. I've always wanted to have dinner with the person I love in that restaurant because I fee like it has the romantic vibe.  





Since we made a reservation a few days ago, a waiter helped me to my table. I checked my bag to see if I didn't forget the watch and sat there waiting for Seung Hyun to come. 


'' Would you like to order something? '' The waiter suddenly came and asked

'' No thank you, I am still waiting for someone '' I politely answered

'' Okay, then would you like something to drink? '' he asked again and I shook my head and then he left. 


I sat there waiting excitedly for him to come, but it already passed an hour and he still didn't show up. I waited for another few minutes and then I called him but he didn't answer. I was getting slightly worried and nervous. Why didn't he come yet? 

Then I decided to call the company to see if he was still there. I called his secretary but unfortunately, she told me that he left half an hour ago. So maybe he's on the way? Yeah, he's probably on the way... 


I kept telling myself that but it already passed another hour and there was still no sign of him. Where is he? why didn't he come yet? what is he doing? why isn't he answering the phone?... 

I was getting more worried with each passing minute and the fact that he wasn't answering his phone nor coming was making me almost shiver in my place. I tried to think of the best scenarios and wait for a little more. 


But it was already 10 pm and he didn't show up. It was then when I decided to finally leave. I paid for the glass of water and wine I took and then finally headed home. I was praying to god that I'll find him home. It's okay if he didn't come but at least I hope nothing bad happened to him. But I couldn't help this uneasy feeling inside of me.



Much to my displeasure, no one was home. I was pacing back and forth in the living room not knowing what to do especially since his phone is now turned off. I was so afraid that I forgot my anger for him because he didn't come. As soon as he'll be fine everything will be okay.  


At 11 pm, I couldn't take it anymore and called Seungri. I don't know why but I just thought maybe he went to see him even though I was most likely wrong. 

'' Ji Hyun? everything okay? why are you calling at this hour? '' Seungri asked probably worried since I was calling him in the middle of the night 

'' Umm do you perhaps know wher

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Chapter 46: just read for the second time....enjoyed it just as much as the first time! ty
Chapter 19: Kyaaaa.... Short DaraGon in this chappie.. And I kinda don't want to kick Tabi's anymore so here I am and can comment peacefully...
ThatFanGirlA #3
Chapter 43: I wonder if I can vote twice ;-)
ThatFanGirlA #4
Chapter 35: God the fluff
ThatFanGirlA #5
Chapter 24: Rereading this story, I notice when people are telling him not to let go of Ji hyun is actually foreshadowing for what's about to come
Chapter 43: 3AM here but I couldn't fall asleep without reading your story till the end. I loved it and please write more because you are really good at this.
JokerAtWork #7
Chapter 41: Seriously this fic is such a roller coaster. I think everything's going great and then BAM! Drama. I need to keep reading but I had to stop to breathe for a second!!!!
Chapter 16: Wahh...if i an jihyun.i dont no wheter i cn tolerate himmm..sobsob