⭐Chapter 2- Problems⭐

Our Tragedy From Long Ago Is His Fantasy

It took awhile for Jaehwan to regain some consciousness, but what he didn't expect was the constant poking feeling he felt on his face. He tried to ignore it, but all he could do was groan in annoyance. Which he, unknowingly caught the attention of the two presences there, causing the poking feeling to stop abruptly.

"Hey! Its working, keeping going", the serious voice said.

"Are you sure? The human could be mad at us when he finally wakes up" a low-toned voice warned his companion.

"Oh come on, we needed to wake him up somehow", the clear and serious voice said back, while noticing that the human is somewhat waking up. "Oh look! He's starting to wake up".

As Jaehwan's vision cleared fully he notices two strangers in front of him. "Did Hakyeon send you here to kill me?", he said full of hate and anger when he remembered what happened before. "And why were you poking my face?"

"Well you jump to conclusions way to fast", the calm and serious voice said. " And no were not here to kill you, in a sense...trying to help you get your lover back from Hakyeon".

"Plus, we had to wake you up, so we decided to poke you in the face", said the low-toned voice said. "We could have done worse, but be lucky we didn't feel up for it".

"Okay?...wait! What do you mean help me?", Jaehwan questioned.

"To help you get your Taekwoon back from what Hakyeon's done to him already", the calm and serious voice replied. "We need to stop he went to far this time".

"But I don't even know your names, how can I trust you guys?" Jaehwan moved himself off of the foor to stand up and face then properly.

"That's right I forgot to introduce ourselves", said the calm and serious voice. "I'm Hongbin, as for who we are we'll tell you that once your more rested".

"And I'm Ravi", said the low-toned voice, "And your name?".

"Huh? My name?", Jaehwan asked.

"Well, yeah", Ravi asked. "We told you are names, how can we trust you without your name as well, or do you want us to call you human for the rest of your life".

"Not really no, but...fine. My name is Jaehwan", he says reluctantly.

"Alright, now we got that out of the way, let's get well rested for tomorrow", Hongbin explained. "We have a big day ahead of us".

"But, how is this forming trust?" Jaehwan questioned, he was unsure as to how any of this will turn out okay, but not much of a choice was given to him yet.

"Just calm down, we're going to help you anyway. Just as your helping us", Ravi said.

"And how can I possibly help you, I couldn't even save Taekwoon", Jaehwan said which made him feel even sadder than before.

"Don't worry we'll see what we can do about that", Hongbin reassured him. 

⭐End of chapter 2- Problems⭐



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I plan to update this Thursday or Friday. I'm sorry I haven't been able to update at all


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Happiness03 #1
Chapter 4: Ohhhh cant waitt!!! Pls updte it asap ♡
Happiness03 #2
Chapter 3: Keep it!!!!
Happiness03 #3
Chapter 2: Ohhhhh tooooo shorttttㅠㅠㅠ make it longer pleaseeee :D
Cant wait for the nexttt!!!!
Chapter 2: Oooh interesting. I wonder what will happen next and maybe you should be careful with "Jeahwan" hahaha I'm not mad or anything but I just laughed a bit XD sorry, I'm too tired xD
Chapter 1: This was not what I expected. This is really different cause a god is being created out of a human!? Looking forward to the next update! I wonder how Taek and Jae are going to fight for their love...I hope they still love each other!
Happiness03 #6
Chapter 1: Ohh!! Cant wait for the next chap!!!
Happiness03 #7