⭐Chapter 1- The Beginning⭐

Our Tragedy From Long Ago Is His Fantasy

"What on....earth did you do.....to me....Hakyeon!?"Taekwoon struggled to speak as he couldn't move at all from were he lay on the bed, "I thought you...were my friend".

"Yes, but...I want to be more than just friends with you Taekwoonie", Hakyeon replied in a serious tone as he watches the effects of his potion slowly work on Taekwoon entire being.

"What...are you...talking about...?", Taekwoon questioned and thought about it his body began to feel numb, "Please don't...tell me you–!".

"Yes, that's right I want you taekwoonie and I won't let anyone take you away from me" Hakyeon confessed, "Even if that means I have to make you into a God so no one else can have you but me"

"God?!...What are you ...talking about...Hakyeon?".

"It's what I'm doing to you right now Taekwoonie it's a process that is most effective but slowly drains your energy away to give you a new life, so that you can never die or age you'll be the same as you are now. You'll be a God just like me, but as to which God you'll be is what I'm unsure of".

"Hakyeon please...stop...this...I...don't have feelings...for...you" Taekwoon pleaded, "I..already...told...you...about...Jaehwan, he...and...I are...already togeth–"

"Stop! I don't want to hear about it, I don't care that your with someone else I want you and only you no matter what! Hakyeon yelled at him growing frustrated already, that he didn't hear that someone entered the room hearing part of there conversation.

"Hakyeon?,What the–what did you do to Taekwoon!?" someone yelled standing in front of the door."Get away from him this instant!"

"Jaehwan"Taekwoon said weakly before falling unconscious.

"Taekwoon!?"Jaehwan tried to get to his lover but was pushed back by some heavy force and hit his back on the wall, he hissed in pain.

Sorry, I can't let you near Taekwoonie anymore he's mine, Jaehwan!" Hakyeon said furiously at him.

"He doesn't belong to you Hakyeon, he was never yours at all"Jaehwan slowly tried to get up but once again got pushed back.

"Shut up! He will always belong to me now and forever!". Hakyeon walked to were Jaehwan was, he has had enough of this conversation already, "He's going to be with me, even if it means I have make him into a God so that no one can have him especially you Jaehwan!".

"Hakyeon I don't care as to who or what you are anymore. Even if your a so called "God", Taekwoon is my lover and he will stay here!", Jaehwan argued back.

"We'll see about that", Hakyeon then hit Jaehwan on the back of his neck but causing a different effect of gradually losing your consciousness instead in of blacking out completely. He walked back to were Taekwoon was.

"What the hell did...you do to me?". Jaehwan began to feel extremely tired, his vision began to blur and he couldn't focus at all.

"Just something to make you pass out for a short period time, so that I can finally leave this place with Taekwoonie" he said, looking at Jaehwan from over his shoulder and then proceeded to gather Taekwoon in his arms bridal style and turned around to face Jaehwan. "Goodbye Jaehwan", and vanished completely along with Taekwoon.

"Hakyeon come back!",he yelled but couldn't move, his whole body was tired. '..I'm...sorry..I..couldn't....save...you....Taekwoon..', was his last thought before he passed out completely on the floor. Unaware of the presence of two other people who came afterwards.

"Hakyeon went to far this time, we have to stop him" said a clear and serious voice said.

"Obviously, but does the human help as well, he's technically part of it now, since Hakyeon took his lover away by force", a low-toned voice said back.

"Well let's wait till he wakes up, we'll discuss it then", the clear and serious voice said.

⭐End of Chapter 1- The Beginning⭐

Author's note ⭐So this is the first chapter of my story😆, not sure if my writing is good, but I think I did pretty good. It's all typed on my phone so I'm unsure as to how it would look normally. But I hope you guys like the chapter, I'll try to update regularly😄⭐ 



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I plan to update this Thursday or Friday. I'm sorry I haven't been able to update at all


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Happiness03 #1
Chapter 4: Ohhhh cant waitt!!! Pls updte it asap ♡
Happiness03 #2
Chapter 3: Keep it!!!!
Happiness03 #3
Chapter 2: Ohhhhh tooooo shorttttㅠㅠㅠ make it longer pleaseeee :D
Cant wait for the nexttt!!!!
Chapter 2: Oooh interesting. I wonder what will happen next and maybe you should be careful with "Jeahwan" hahaha I'm not mad or anything but I just laughed a bit XD sorry, I'm too tired xD
Chapter 1: This was not what I expected. This is really different cause a god is being created out of a human!? Looking forward to the next update! I wonder how Taek and Jae are going to fight for their love...I hope they still love each other!
Happiness03 #6
Chapter 1: Ohh!! Cant wait for the next chap!!!
Happiness03 #7