The baby-sitter

Imprinted by You

Weeks later after the man adopted Taeyeon, the kitty was eager to see Miyoung everyday in the room. The kitty was always jumped in the crib just to look at the baby, the kitty had the feeling that she never had felt before and she took an oath that she will be the baby's protector. She will always look after her before she sleeps, before she eat and before everything. She never knew how did she get that kind of feeling but the kitty really liked it. The parents were off to work and Seulgi took the advantage as a baby-sitter, she sat at the couch and scanned the TV channels until she heard a sob coming from the infant's room. She ranned quickly to the room and hurriedly opened the door, all she see that the baby cried louder and the kitty was on the ground looking at the baby-sitter. The kitty turned her head towards to the baby kit and seulgi followede the cats stared she knows what kitty meant and gets the baby's milk, while taeyeon ran towards to the book shelf were the Fairy book Stories were placed. Seulgi carefully placed the the feeding bottle at Miyoung's mouth, the baby-sitter heard the kitty's meowing voice she turned her head and saw the kitty's trying to reach the book

"Careful Taeyeon" She said softly

After the baby dranked the whole milk, miyoung look at the Kitty and gracefully jumped.

"Te teee"

Seulgi kneeled towards the Kitty, the kitty tryied to reach the book but seulgi get the book she meant. Taeyeon gets back to the crib lay down beside miyoung which the baby sits down and waited the story book which to be read.

"The Cat in the Hat?" She looks at the duo. Miyoung nodded her head

"Okay, here we go." Seulgi smiled at them and the duo began to listen the story.





“Have no fear!” said the cat.

“I will not let you fall. I will hold you up high As I stand on a ball. With a book on one hand! And a cup on my hat! But that is not ALL I can do!’ Said the cat… 


Seulgi took a long way to read but clearly she enjoys the story and the duos where focusing on her, as she continue. She heard the doors opening.

"Girls we're home" Mr. Hwang shouted while his wife quickly goes to the kitchen to get ready for their dinner.

"What a busy day." his wife said.

"you could say that" Mr. Hwang agreed

"Welcome home Mr and Mrs. Hwang" Seulgi greeted them and bow

"Hi there Seulgi you can call us uncle and auntie, so how's my daughter? Hope she didn't create a mess." Mrs. Hwang joked.

"Ah no auntie she's perfectly fine, she cried once but Taeyeon helped me to calm the baby." she said 

"Jinja? Ara ara, thabk you so much Seulgi for watching Miyoung and Taeyeon. I really appreciate it" Mrs. Hwang took the plenty of money from her wallet and gave it to the younger girl.

"ah auntie, it's too much." The younger girl returned the much amount of money.

"no no no. Please accpet it."

"Okay then, i have to go now"

"Bye Seulgi be careful."



Taeyeon snuggled closer to Miyoung and scanned the baby's eyes, Taeyeon can see the future for both of them. the kitty carresed the chubby cheeks of miyoung.

"What would you look in 18 years miyoung?"  Taeyeon thought.



An old homeless woman brushed the Kitty's fur, she's dying due to her age, the kitty snuggled more to the old woman's hands.

"You will look someone my Baby, if you have found someone that will be with you eternally you're gonna transform into human once he/she will be 18." The woman said lifelessly and kissed the kitty's head. The kitty cried and heard the last old wamn's words.

"Go on continue find your truly owner who will keep you." She lightly pushed the kitten which the small creature rejected. The old woman had finally set her last sight of her kitten and last breath. The kitty look closer to the homeless woman and snuggled her face but the woman didn't move. The kitty cried more and more no words cannot describe her sadness, she ran to the streets until she saw a mid age man which known to as Mr. Hwang.



"Now that i found you i will never leave by your side and let's continue growing up till we're settle" Taeyeon said in her thoughts and kissed the infant's forehead. 


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 3: Cute. Hope to have more chapter
1123 streak #2
Chapter 3: TaeTae your so whipped hehehe
totoro1109 #3
Chapter 3: So fluffyyyy..
isisaks #4
Chapter 3: awwww i wish taetae be my cat *.*
HungryDog #5
Chapter 2: Aww so cute...
1123 streak #6
Chapter 2: OMG that was so cute... I'm so excited can't wait for the next chap :D
isisaks #7
Chapter 2: why is this so cute ^.^
miselio28 #8
Chapter 2: The cuties story ever......
Fan_sin_nombre #9
Chapter 1: Omg its so cute :') ♡♡♡
isisaks #10
Chapter 1: aigoooo that was super sweet