Of Dogs and Diners

Part-Time Superhero

Sana woke up to her dog jumping on her bed. Artemis was slobbering all over her. Sana groaned in disgust before sitting up.

“What is it Artemis?” Sana rubbed her eyes and let out a huge yawn.

Artemis barked softly and whined.

“You gotta pee? Okay, please wait~”

Sana got out of bed and put her robe around her silk pajamas. She walked downstairs and opened the door for her dog.

“Go quickly!” Sana ordered Artemis.

Sana watched Artemis sniff a bush before peeing on it. She then saw a large group of people with binoculars chasing a bird.

“Is that a blue-footed y?!” Someone in the crowd shouted as they looked at the bird on the tree near Sana’s house.

What the heck?

Sana looked at Artemis again and saw her in an awkward position.

“Aw, Artemis! Not in front of all these people!”

Everyone faced Artemis with their binoculars, watching closely.

What is wrong with these people?!



Tzuyu woke up in a daze. She looked at her clock and saw that it was 9 A.M.

I’m late for school!

Tzuyu quickly changed out of her pajamas and went through her morning routine. She grabbed her backpack and was about to run out the door when she heard her father.

“Honey, it’s Saturday!”


Tzuyu dropped her backpack and sat on the couch. Chewbacca ran to her and demanded cuddles. Tzuyu sighed and started petting her dog.

“I’ll take you to the park today, you’ve been a good girl… kind of.”

Chewbacca looked at her with a very happy expression, wagging her tail wildly.

Oh yeah, I promised Sana that I would call her if I decided to go to the park again with Chewbacca.

Tzuyu took out her phone and looked for Sana in her contacts.

Your Puppy Lover

So cute.

Tzuyu smiled a little as she called her.

“Hello?” Sana’s bubbly voice sounded through the phone.

“Hey Sana, it’s me, Tzuyu.”

“Oh! Hi~” Tzuyu can practically hear Sana bouncing around.

So cute.

“I was about to go to the dog park with Chewbacca, you wanna come?”

“Of course! I’ll meet you there in 10 minutes!” Sana replied excitedly.

Tzuyu chuckled.

“Okay, see you later.”


Tzuyu ended the call and looked at Chewbacca.

“If you do anything to make me look weird, I’ll end you.”

Chewbacca looked at her owner and snorted.



Sana was very happy to have received a call from Tzuyu. She’s been waiting to let their dogs play together again. She’s definitely excited because she wanted their dogs to play again. It’s not because she’s about to meet Tzuyu.

Totally not excited because of Tzuyu.

“C’mon Artemis, we’re gonna see your girlfriend!”

Artemis looked at Sana so fast that she nearly cracked her neck. Her tail started wagging really fast and she barked happily.

“Let’s go!” Sana attached the leash to Artemis’ collar and they both walked out. They made it to the dog park in exactly 10 minutes. Sana saw Tzuyu picking up her dog’s poop. She laughed at Tzuyu’s disgusted expression.

Her face looks so funny!

“Tzuyu!” Sana walked over to her quickly, waving at her.

Tzuyu jumped at the sound and dropped the poop. She looked at it in disgust again. She looked up at Sana and smiled.

“Hey!” Tzuyu waved back as Sana walked close to her.

Sana let her dog go. Artemis immediately ran over to Chewbacca. They started cuddling with each other. Sana giggled and hugged Tzuyu tightly.

“I missed you!”

“We saw each other yesterday though…”

“What’s your point?” Sana stared at her with a blank face.

“Nothing, I… missed you too?” Tzuyu said awkwardly.

“Yay~” Sana continued to hug Tzuyu.

Sana was about to get closer to Tzuyu when she was suddenly shoved away.

“What?” Sana pouted.

“You almost stepped on Chewbacca’s poop.” Tzuyu pointed at the poop below them.

“Oh!” Sana jumped back.

Tzuyu bent down and used her plastic bag to pick up the poop again. She threw it into a trashcan and wiped her hands with some baby wipes that she carried around with her.

“C’mon! Let’s sit!” Sana said as she pulled Tzuyu to a bench.

They both sat and looked at their dogs. Chewbacca was growling at some puppies that were trying to get close to Artemis.

My little Artemis has her own savior too~

“I had a fun time with you at the ice cream shop yesterday, even though you left early.” Sana leaned over to Tzuyu, resting her head on Tzuyu’s shoulder.

“I-I had fun too.” Tzuyu slowly rested her own head on Sana’s.

“Oh yeah!” Sana suddenly faced Tzuyu, “There was some crazy old lady with a bomb in there yesterday! The Force came and saved us all!”

“I heard about that, are you okay? Were you hurt?” Tzuyu pretended to be shocked.

“I was completely fine! The Force protected me so well!” Sana’s body shook in happiness as she thought about her encounter with The Force. She thought about how The Force came into the ice cream shop to save her, how she tackled the man to protect her, and how she stopped the old lady from detonating the bomb so that she wasn’t injured.

All for me~

“So, did you ever fix that toaster?” Sana asked Tzuyu.

“What are you talking about?” Tzuyu was really confused.

“You told me that your dad wanted you to help him fix your toaster yesterday.”

“Oh right! Y-Yeah, we fixed it.” Tzuyu looked away nervously.

“That’s good!”

There was a moment of silence.


Sana stomach grumbled.

Tzuyu smirked at her.

“You sound hungry,” Tzuyu teased, “You didn’t eat-”

Tzuyu’s stomach grumbled. Sana giggled and patted Tzuyu’s belly. She felt some nice abs.

Very nice, feels familiar.

“You’re not in the position to say anything to me! You’re hungry too!”

“S-Shut up.”

Sana giggled again and palmed Tzuyu’s cheeks.

“Aw, does cute, little Tzuyu want to eat some food?~” Sana caressed Tzuyu’s cheeks.

Tzuyu pulled away from Sana and felt blood rushing to her cheeks. She let out an awkward cough.

“I forgot to eat this morning.”

“Me too…”

Tzuyu stood up and held out her hand.

“Well, let’s go eat somewhere.”

Sana smiled with glee as she took Tzuyu’s hand. She was surprised at how perfectly their hands fit together, like two pieces of a puzzle.


Tzuyu whistled at her dog. Chewbacca ears perked up and she immediately ran to Tzuyu, with Artemis in tow, of course. The dogs followed their owners. Well, it was more like Chewbacca was following Tzuyu and Artemis was following Chewbacca.

“This is fun! I haven’t really had the chance to explore this city-”

Sana tripped over nothing.

Tzuyu quickly hugged Sana to stop her from falling. Her arms were wrapped tightly around Sana’s waist.

“You sure are clumsy.”

“Shut up!” Sana huffed.

“It’s okay, I think it’s cute.” Tzuyu gave a little smile as she patted Sana’s back.

Such a charmer~



After Sana composed herself, she took Tzuyu’s hand again and intertwined their fingers.

I like this… this feels nice.

Tzuyu smiled to herself as she led Sana and their dogs to a local diner: Pit-A-Pat Pancakes. Tzuyu chose this diner because it is one of the few places in this city that actually allows pets inside.

Tzuyu held open the door open for Sana. Sana gave Tzuyu a sweet peck on the cheek for her kindness before walking into the diner.

She’s trying to kill me, I know it.

Tzuyu gulped as she walked in after Sana.


Tzuyu turned around and saw that she left the dogs outside.


She opened the door for the dogs and they all walked to a table. The girls sat at the table with their dogs snuggling below them.

“Welcome! What would you guys like to eat today? Even though we are called Pit-A-Pat Pancakes, we serve more than just pancakes!” A waitress suddenly popped out of nowhere.

Tzuyu and Sana jumped in surprised and looked at their waitress.

“Nayeon?!” They were shocked.

“I didn’t know you worked here, I come here all the time!” Tzuyu shouted in confusion.

“I started today! Now tell me what you guys want, I have no time to chat with you guys.”

“I’ll have eggs on toast and coffee.” Tzuyu ordered.

Sana looked at the menu for a bit before answering. “I’ll have french fries, hashbrowns, and coffee as well please.”

Nayeon nodded at them as she wrote their orders down on her notepad.

“Okay, so you guys want chicks on a raft, frog sticks, a mystery in the alley, and a pair of drawers.”

What the f-

“I’ve been working on my diner lingo guys, what do you think?” Nayeon asked excitedly.

“Um, it’s good!” Sana replied with a weird smile.

“So, would you guys like some sand and cow juice with your pair of drawers?”

“What?” Tzuyu gave Nayeon a ‘what the hell are you saying to me’ face.

Nayeon rolled her eyes.

“Would you like sugar and milk with your coffee?”

“Oh! Yes please!” Sana answered. Tzuyu nodded as well as she continued to give Nayeon her look.

“Okay, your orders will be out soon!”

Nayeon retreated to the kitchen.

“She’s weird.” Tzuyu told Sana.

Tzuyu felt something hit her head. She looked down and saw a crumpled piece of paper. She opened it.

I heard that.

Tzuyu looked up and saw Nayeon glaring at her.

Gosh she’s creepy.

Sana laughed and rubbed Tzuyu’s head.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine…”

“So, what do you like to do in your spare time?” Sana asked.

“Uh, believe it or not, I’m actually a very busy person. There is always something needing my help.”

“Like what?”

“I-I can’t say… Sorry.” Tzuyu looked down.

Sana gave her a reassuring smile and held her hand that was resting on the table.

“It’s okay, we all have our secrets. I just hope that you and I will get close enough that you will share them with me.” Sana tightened her grip on Tzuyu’s hand.

“Y-Yeah…” Tzuyu looked at their hands touching each other.

She has very nice skin.



Nayeon came back out with their orders and placed them on their table. She practically just threw them on the table. Sana and Tzuyu were surprised that the plates didn’t break.

“If you guys need anything else, do hesitate to ask.”

“Don’t you mean ‘don’t’? Sana looked at Nayeon confused.

“No, I meant what I said.” Nayeon walked away.


Sana and Tzuyu started eating their food. Every once in awhile they threw a bit of their food under the table to let their dogs eat.

Tzuyu felt a slender leg brush against her’s. She almost choked. She then felt a pair of feet playing with her own. Tzuyu couldn’t believe that Sana was playing footsies with her. Tzuyu looked up to see Sana looking down at her dish with a smirk on her face.


“S-So, are you planning to be a cheerleader like Momo and Mina? They’ll be dancing at the pep rally.” Tzuyu shakingly asked, feeling odd because of Sana’s feet touching her’s.

“What? Momo and Mina are cheerleaders?!” Sana asked in shock.

“Yeah, they have been since they were freshmen… You didn’t know?” Tzuyu looked at Sana confused.

“They never tell me anything!” Sana whined.

Some friends they are.

“It’s okay, I know how it feels to have incompetent friends.” Tzuyu smiled at Sana teasingly. They both just nodded at each other. Sure, they both have friends that they wanted to strangle on a daily basis, but they were still great friends.

“Tzuyu, did you do your history homework-”

Sana was cut off by the diner’s doors opening abruptly.

“There you are!”

Jihyo ran to Tzuyu’s table, with Jeongyeon following her.

“Tzuyu! I was looking everywhere for you! I went to your house, but you weren’t there! Your dad told me you might be here, he said something about how you’re an idiot that forgot to eat breakfast at home.” Jihyo was shaking Tzuyu’s shoulders. Tzuyu made a mental reminder to kill her dad later.

“You went to my house? How did you know where I lived?” Tzuyu looked shocked.

“I’m the school president, I know everything.” Jihyo waved her off.

I wished I knew where Tzuyu lived.

Sana was jealous.



“Nayeon!” Jeongyeon shouted as she ran towards the waitress.

“Jeongyeon!” Nayeon rushed towards her and they both hugged.

“You guys literally saw each other an hour ago.” Jihyo shook her head.

Jihyo turned her attention back to Tzuyu.

“Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about what I want you to do for our pep rally!”

Tzuyu put her palm to her forehead.

I completely forgot about that.

“So, I was thinking that you should dress up as The Force, since your body looks similar to hers! Also, since you are really strong, you can do a bunch of stunts for the students! Everyone at school will be so excited to see you!” Jihyo was shaking Tzuyu excitedly.

“U-Um, are you sure about that? That would be kind of difficult to do-”

“Nope, I’m sure! You’re doing it no matter what!” Jihyo commanded, “The pep rally is on Monday, the worst day of the week. Having people see you as The Force would really brighten up their day!”

“I don’t have a choice, do I?”


Kill me now.

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My first and only author's note for this story is on the foreword. I would appreciate it if you can read it once you've finished reading Part Time Superhero!♥


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Chapter 2: I didnt expect that this story is so funny HAHA. I LOVE THIS

Edit: i didn't read the tagss hehe
Chapter 20: i love this fic❤️ the story is just *chef's kiss"
Chouzaki_Xana #3
Chapter 20: This book is so much fun 💕
TzuTzuwie #4
Had been laughing through out the book, thank you for sucha great story author
best fic ever
Chapter 20: Ahhh I love this fic! The comedy really made it unique since all the fics I've been reading are all angst and fluff. So glad I found this :)
saovanmai #7
This fic is so fluffy and funny! Nice break from all the angst I’ve been reading. Awesome job!
All chapters are on crack..nothing is normal...hahaha

Nice Story..thank you
Chapter 20: <3
Chapter 20: I think this is my fourth time reading this and I am still loving it ♡