The Only Hope For Me

Danger Days

Sorry!! No banner this time guys! Kyubby isn't around to make one. Won't be for like... another year or so!

Short update is short! TT^TT sorry for not updating for a while but i had writer's block and this is the best i could come out with today! TT^TT please enjoy it! I'll write more at another point!

Love you all!!! <3


White. Everything’s white.

The screams. They’re gone.

So is the pain.

I felt pressure on my forehead but my eyes were so heavy I couldn’t bring myself to open them.

“Hello love.”

It was nothing more than a whisper on the wind but it was all I need to hear. It was the voice I’ve been longing to hear for the last month.


I opened my mouth to speak but he put his finger on it.

“No time for talking. You’re too weak right now, but you have to wake up.”

Wake up?

KangIn pounded his fist into my chest at full force causing me to wince and cough. He kept doing it over and over until my eyes shot open, taking in a deep breath, oxygen filling my lungs.

“Hyung!” My head fell to the side, greeted by Henry holding a defibrillator in each hand. My eyes start to fill up with salty tears.

KangIn. He wasn’t real.

“Hyung, you had us so scared! I thought you we gone!” I didn’t reply, I had no strength to. My eyes weakly scanned the room, the plain white walls blinding me, the beeping of life support machines screeching in my ears. There were 3 other beds were taken up in the room of the infirmary, Kyuhyun and Donghae were both still asleep, bandaged up, but Yesung was sat up with an eye patch on, a worried expression plastered on his face. Yesung’s eye flickered over to me, widening, and he got up and made his way over to where I lay, sitting down on the bed.

“You’re alright…” Yesung gently wiped some of my fringe out of my face, I could only nod. “They have Wookie…” I nod slowly again, I could see the sadness on his face. I placed my hand gently on top of his and looked into his eye.

We’ll find him. I tried to say but my strength was quickly leaving me. I struggled to keep my eyes open as I gripped lightly onto Yesung’s hand.

Darkness took over me yet again.



The days to come were spent planning round my bed of how we could get Ryeowook back. That time was precious to us as I had next to no strength and slept through most days.

We had scouts look for Heechul’s base which turned out to not be that far away, but it was heavily guarded, so we had to come up with a plan on how to get in, get Ryeowook back and get back out without any casualties. All that we had to wait for now was for me to be well enough to lead.

I was sat up in the bed, staring at my hands, just thinking about things. I had always been a burden to everyone. KangIn wouldn’t have been killed if it wasn’t for me, he would’ve ran and not worried about me, about my welfare. Tears rolled down my face and landed heavily on my hands, most of the casualties we’ve had could’ve have been avoided if it wasn’t for me and my lousy leading skills.

“Teukkie.” I look up but see there’s no-one else in the room, I blink slowly. “Teukkie.” There it is again. I run my hands over my face and laugh lightly.

“I’m going mad, I’m starting to hear voices” I felt my bed dip slightly and a hand gently be placed on my head.

“You’re not going mad sweetie” My head shoots up and my eyes widen. There, sat on my bed, was KangIn. My KangIn.

“I’m really going mad.” He chuckles and my hair gently. Tears kept pouring out of my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. “B-But… you’re…”

“In some aspects yes, I am.” He leant forward and gently kissed my forehead then my tear stained cheeks. He stared into my eyes, smiling whilst my cheek. “My angel, always putting himself down. Never realising just how special you are.” I whimpered.

“Stop saying things that aren’t true.” He lightly shakes his head.

“You know how honest I am.” I smile and nod. I stared at his face, reminding myself of just how handsome he is, of when he smiles, how he can make me smile even in the saddest of times. I start to reach my hand towards his face but he gently holds my wrist and shakes his head. I blink and pout lightly whilst he smiles at me. He inches closer on the bed and leans towards my face, I close my eyes and wait for his lips to touch mine. Just once more.




It never happens, when I open my eyes again. He’s gone. I’m in my room by myself, alone once more. Tears cascade down my face and I try my best to curl up. I lost him again.

KangIn. Why did you have to leave me?

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Chapter 6: Awww sobbing my eyes out:'''( that's sooo saddd!!!! Teukkie kanginieee sungie kyu fishy:(((( WAHHH Y SO EVIL CHULLIE??? CRYING
LEDapplel0ver #2
i cried and woke my parents up D::::````
T_T that was so sad and awesome! It followed Danger Days perfectly! I already knew they were going to die because in the MV, they die so the kid could live and carry on their legacy.
xiangyun98 #4
Sequel!?!?! Yes!!!! Can't wait for it to come out!!! :D
Yay! A sequel?! Tell me when you have a sequel! :D
SEQUEL!!!!!! YEY!!!!! But actually, I cried when Leeteuk died. :(( Anyways, CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SEQUEL!!!!! ;))
SEQUEL!!!!!! YAYZ!!!!
YAYY!!! a SEQUEL excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking forward to the sequel! Especially since i know who the two supervisors are going to be -clap-
Loved this chapter, loved this whole fic <3
GREAT. I CRIED! My parents were asking me why am I crying now! :( Why must the good die young?!?!?!?! :(((( Can`t wait for the last chapter. :((