
Sugar and Sweets
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       "Look, if you're going to be that stingy for giving out a piece of lead, then I don't want it anymore." A hand angrily slams on the table of a certain boy, earning a few snickers from the class. The comedic duo never seemed to give it a rest, even during break.

            "What the hell is your problem? First you badger me for one and now you're telling me you don't want it? Princess, the time wasted--"

            "What, you can't spare a few seconds to reach into your backpack and get a--"

            "Go away, you're invading my persona--go away." A screech of a chair causes Seri to wince, sound piercing within her ears rather harshly. She takes a step back, but doesn't uncross her arms to somehow convey to her most lovely classmate that she wasn't just going to give in to his glare.

            "Seri, just give it a break," one of her friends Hyelin says indifferently as she stabs a boiled egg in her lunch and pops half of it into . "You two are just fighting over a single freaking pencil lead. Stop being a , Baekhyun, and just give her the damn piece of lead."

            "As you can see," he interjects, putting a hand into his pocket to fish out loose change for the vending machine just right outside the door of their classroom, "I did offer it to her, but Miss Attitude here just loves to start a riot in class, don't you?" Before Seri could shoot back a retort at him, he casually walks away from his desk and joins his group of friends outside for the remainder of the break. However, before he did so, he tossed Seri the whole pack of lead instead, getting rid of the trouble of her pegging him for it again later. She fumbles with it for a split second before securing it within her hold.

            "Thanks a lot..." Seri mutters and slumps back down into her seat that was behind Hyelin. She sighs as she shakes the pack of lead. "Yup, thanks." Hyelin purses her lips and waves her fork accusingly in front of Seri's face, clearly unsatisfied with what just occurred.

            "I've never seen Baekhyun so upset and angry with you. Comedic duo might become toxic duo soon," Hyelin jokes. Seri grimaces, never liking the silly title everyone in the class hung above them.

            "We're not a freaking duo. Plus, I don't like him. I don't give a crap if he gets angry at me." Hyelin stabs her lunch again, causing Seri to jump in her seat slightly. She then looks at Seri with a blank expression, which Seri returns with a dubious one.

            "It's cool how both of you have been in the same class for three damn years and still bicker and rage at each other like there's no tomorrow. Wait, scratch that--you do all the bickering and raging. It's really entertaining, man."

            "Can you shut it, Big Mouth?" she hisses. "It's a pain in the , seriously." Hyelin merely rolls her eyes.

            "What I say is the truth. Baekhyun isn't even freaking mean to you, you're the one who always lashes at him first. I don't blame him if he ever was an to you, which I doubt he does on a regular basis.. I don't understand why you're such a--you know what never mind." Seri nods in approval.

            "That's right, never mind." The bell rings, signaling the end of break. Taking out her pencil, pen, and eraser, Seri prepares for another lecture. In the corner of her eye, she sees Baekhyun entering again with his group of friends, laughing and smiling like there was no tomorrow. He is popular, smart, and nice. Seri sighs.

            She despises him.

            She doesn't know how he also gave her a glance before facing forward once more.


            The basketball dribbles drum the gym floor, echoing loudly against the wooden walls. Seri sits against one of the walls, resting from a deadly drill her PE teacher had the girls do. Now it was just the boys fooling around like a bunch of idiots during the remainder of the class period.

            "Boys are too competitive," Hyelin comments right next to her, pointing out all the loud boys running across the gym for the ball. "It's just PE."

            "Mhm," is all Seri offers as a response. She didn't like to discuss things involving him. Hyelin catches the drift that Seri doesn't want to talk, so she stops and diverts the conversation to another topic.

            "Cooking Club is today, are you going?" Seri smiles at this, something she liked to talk about.

            "Of course, Hyelin, what kind of question is that?" Hyelin rubs her head uncomfortably, which Seri questions in her mind. Why does she look uncomfortable? "Is something going on?" Hyelin her lips.

            "Well, I thought you heard. We're cooking sweets today, because, you know, the day of love is this month," Hyelin gestures towards a few of the girls who were just walking around the courts, "They wanted to practice." Seri intakes a breath and creases her brow slightly. She had forgotten that the cursed chocolate day was coming in this particular month.

            "Then I guess I'm not going."

            The bell rings, signaling for them to go and change their clothes. The two of them heaves themselves up from against the wall and dusts themselves from any dust before taking a step towards the girl's locker room, ending the conversation. However, before they could go any further, a voice calls them out.

            "Wait." Seri turns around, only to turn back to avoid looking at the person.

            "Yeah?" Hyelin answers, a bit impatient to get to changing herself out of her sweaty clothes. Baekhyun slips a hand inside the pocket of his exercise shorts and takes out a white piece of paper with an address scrawled upon it. He hands it to Hyelin, who accepts it with confusion.

            "Girl's volleyball practice location for today," he says informatively. "Something happened with court reservations, 'cause people can't ing count for ," that part was said more to himself than to Hyelin, "So Coach Park told me to just give this to you since she couldn't find you in this ginormous school." Hyelin grimaces as she looks at the piece of paper before releasing an uptight breath.

            "Where are the boys practicing?"

            "The beach thirty minutes away." Hyelin's mouth drops open before narrowing her eyes at the boy, who just smirked at her. "Anyways, I hope you relay that to your team, Captain."


            "No problem." Seri wishes that he would just go already. Being his presence is always uncomfortable. Thankfully, he decides to go back towards the locker room, but not without sparing her a fleeting glance.


            "You're so good at cooking, Seri," one of the club member gushes, drooling over the food Seri was making. "Everything you make is delicious!"

            "Well, I've been cooking since I was young, so," Seri says modestly, never used to the fawning all the girls did over her food. She packs everything away with plastic wrap and puts it in the refrigerator to store. She then unties her apron and hangs it on the hook.

            "What about sweets?" Pause. "Out of all the things we've seen you cook, I don't think we've ever seen you make any desser--"

            "I'm just not good at making sweets," Seri cuts off, giving a smile that obviously tells them to drop the subject. "I'd rather stay away from it." The girls grow silent as Seri gets her bag and pack up to leave the economics classroom. Hyelin watches her figure go, also wondering why her best friend got so uptight whenever someone mentions making sweets to her.

            When Seri opens the door to go, she is suddenly met with the person she desperately wanted to stay away from.

            "Whoa," is what he lets out in surprise. His hair was disheveled, as if he just did a run, and his tie was crooked because of it. He stares down at Seri in surprise, not expecting her to be so close in front him, and takes a step back to let her through. Seri doesn't spare him a second glance before slipping past his figure and down the hallway, unaware of the fact that he was watching her go before entering the economics classroom.

            "Hyelin, practice at four!"


            "Just 'cause we're childhood friends and neighbors makes her think she can just give this to me?" Seri watched with cold blood Baekhyun tossing the chocolate cake she had given him earlier just fifteen minutes ago on the ground. She had forgotten her book at the place behind the school where his friends hung out, only to see a sight she didn't want to see.

            "Right?" his friends laughed while he smiled. He darted a glance to the side and spots Seri with a blank expression etched on her face as she stood there watching the whole thing happen. His laughter stopped and his smile faltered the moment he locked eyes with her by the side, but by then, it was too late.

            Seri griped the strap of her bag and turned around, whisking herself away from his presence.

            "Wake up, Seri!" Seri opens her eyes to the striking sunlight and groans. She had a dream of that day three years ago.

            "Valentine's Day is haunting me, seriously," she mutters to herself and throws the blankets off of her. She swings her leg off to the side and goes to prepare herself for another day of school.

            Clambering down the stairs after washing up but still clad in her pajamas, Seri heads down to the kitchen in a hurried states; she could smell the scent of her mother's pancakes up in her room. In her rush, she accidentally slips on one of the stair steps, stumbling forth towards the floor. It wouldn't have been bad, for she was already near flat ground anyway, but that didn't stop Baekhyun, who was emerging from the side, from being there to catch her. In an instant, Seri found herself engulfed by a pair of strong arms around her as her head buries itself on his shoulder.

            "Watch it," he mumbles, securing her by the waist. Seri instantly frowns and tears herself away from him, mentally questioning why the hell he is here in her house again. He was wearing the regular uniform of their school, all tidy and neat for the day of school. For a split second, she is conscious of how she looks since she just got out of bed. However, she erases such thought the next second. Not a single thought of thanks entered her mind.

            "Why are you here?" He shrugs.

            "Parents are out. Crashing here for Thursday and Friday." She hates it when he just comes over out of nowhere and strolls around like he owns the place or something. She glares at him, in which he returns with a small smile. "Don't like it?"

            "I don't."


            "You two, breakfast!" Seri is quick to act and pushes past him, not letting him waste her time of eating breakfast. He sighs and follows her footsteps towards the kitchen, ducking down a bit so he wouldn't hit his head on the kitchen curtain that hung on top of the pathway.

            Breakfast is strangely tense, Seri's mother notes, as she watch the unbearable silence at the table.

            Hm, that's weird, they got along so well a while ago.


            "Oh man, he's staying at your place for two days?" Hyelin asks, surprised at the revelation. Seri nods gravely as she slams her locker a little harshly.

            "It's going to be great," she answers sarcastically.

            "I mean, he's a nice guy, I'm sure he wouldn't--" Hyelin stops talking when Seri just gives her a glare to shut her up. The two of them walk towards their classroom, and as they did so, they didn't miss all the roses and glitter in the air emitting from the girls prancing in the hallway. Valentine's Day is tomorrow on Friday. Seri sticks her tongue out in mock disgust.

            "Too much for me. I hate this time of year," she complains. "The smell of sugar is too strong."

            "For the first time in a while, I agree with you." The two girls laugh, entering the classroom. As they did, they were curious on why there was so much noisiness behind the door. Curious, the two opened the door cautiously, and was met with an unexpected figure popping in front of them.

            "Wait, don't push me!" Seri takes a quick sidestep to avoid the tumbling figure, although Hyelin wasn't quick enough. Rolling on the ground together, Baekhyun and Hyelin falls to the ground, earning howling laughter from the group of imbeciles.

            "Aw, our two adorable captains!" Chanyeol, one of Baekhyun's best buddies, cooed. Baekhyun quickly got off of Hyelin and immediately offered a hand to help Hyelin up, who took it with one hand and dusted herself with her other.

            "Ya, Chanyeol, I'm going to murder you," Hyelin spits, narrowing her eyes menacingly at him. Hyelin nods in thanks at Baekhyun before heading over to smack Chanyeol and stop his obnoxious laughter.

            "Spike him, Hye'," Baekhyun encourages, loosening his tie. He sighs, and then turns over to Seri, who didn't like the fact that Hyelin just ditched her to stand next to him alone. She doesn't want to say anything to him, and she hopes that he felt the same, but he didn't. "Sorry."

            "Whatever." She steps to walk behind him, only to be sto

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Chapter 1: I am on a reading spree for reading all your one shots. So full of fluff🥰
Chapter 1: So cuteeeee....fluff was on the point😍😍
Chapter 1: the kiss and the fluff
I’m softt
Chapter 1: That kiss! *dying *
Chapter 1: I actually ran away to you're one shot stories to get rid of the thought of invalid access deniey because I'm being a whimp once again but, reading spontaneous on the last literally reminded me of their first spontaneous date!!!!!! WHYYY
MZ0077 #6
Chapter 1: My fluff cravings satisfied... Now finally I can go to sleep.. Thank you for this story..
Chapter 1: Could the manga be lovley complex? Maybe?
Chapter 1: I'm soft
61dreamer_ #9
Chapter 1: this is so adorable but i would've sIapped him if i was in seri's place
Chapter 1: My heart is full of fluff XD