chapter 7

will you recognize me?



Finally me and song jong ki have solved our problems and we became friends,also we are keeping each others secret. I still am a little confused to how we could be able to work together since he is supposed to never let his actors see him in person. When i asked how he was able to produce a good script, for every work he does, if he never met the stuff,actors and so on,this is our the conversattion went.

He invited me to his house,since for awhile he is teaching me how to cook,we took the opportunity to talk about our new drama.

"jong ki,i have a question"

"ok,ask" he answer while cuttingg a onion as if he was a pro.

"you should know that it's important for a script writer and the actors to communicate,because sometimes it's necessary to add or modify some scene,in some way. For exemple aftter knowing me and my partner some of the scriptwriters i worked with in the past,change a little our character so to help us become even more belivable. Of coourse it's not necessary,but it's rare for a script,to not be modified along the process of filming. were you able to avoid doing that?"

"there are many things i use,like computers and my helpers,they use to ask questions like that"

"but won't it take too long?"

"let me explain,you know my last work?"

"dae,it was really good,the script and the acting"

He smiled " i am glad you liked and i am going to tell you why it was so well made. There was a time when a scene was a little too long to be executed in the drama,so they asked if that part could have been seen in a different way and they sent me by computer their ideas,i liked some of them and so i put it together with mine trying not to make it too long or different from my style of writing."

"even so,knowing at least the leading actors it's important,if you want to change some things right?but only talking by computer it's impossible"

"wae? i always did that"

I look at him thinking if he really is an idiot or not"ya,when writing they would even lie,to make themselves likable in your eyes. Face to face is different"

he smiling stop what he was doing and look at me "you ow,it's not really like that,it maybe true that some people may lie while writing,but think about it,would lie to me make them gain something?"

"of course,what if you spread bad rumors?their career will go down the drain"

"but why make their life hard,i won't see them again if not on tv and if i don't like them i would never work with them again. They can just stay put or just ignore what was going on and just do how the script is. When you look at what a person write,you can learn a lot about that person. When someone get hungry write in a way,when someone is lying,write in another way,as a professional i know what what i am saying"

"heey,do think i belive you?it's not possible"

"why?i am serious,it's the truth,i learned it from my teacher,when i was young.But even when people write down what they think,the way they write while expressing their anger,some can just scream and look down on you and they write just what they feel,people did that with me and it means they are not professional enough to put up with hardship,i am a picky bastard like they say.There are people who instead,tell their disappointment in a polite way that means they have a good head and know how to deal with difficult situations and also,the writing style can also tell if a person is well mannered,it's all about observing what and how they write.Of course knowing the person face to face it's way better,but for the time we will have to spent together, just doing that is enough for me"

"i see..."i then look at him and can't help but remember what he said before"ahahah,picky bastard!that's for sure" he  was a little surprised by my reaction

"we still didn't start to work how can you say that?"

"ya,i still remember the way you looked at min seo,saying,how ugly"

"...that's true"

"anyway,sincerity is good and it show even while you write on a computer.There are people who anilize on letters their writing style you know?"

"o!i heard of it!hand writing like letters or things like that,they can say what kind of person is,is that true?" i asked really curious

"nope,that is just bull,my tearcher told me it's true,but how can someone say what personality someone has by looking at a handwriting tsk" he shake his head and turn to the onion. I watch his face

"ya,you do know that you make no sense right?" confused he ask me


"ya,we think the same,i don't belive you can actually know a person by how they write on a computer and you don't belive to people that say they are able to know what kind of people they are by just analizying handwritten letters. It's the same logic"

",let it be" i can tell that he understood what i am saying is true but he is avoiding the topic so he wont seem stupid

"mpfff,avoiding me? it's too hard admitting i am right?" he remain silent for awhile and look at me like paralized,his expression is so fun to look at.

"cough,i am not avoiding the topic,it's just that you have yet to learn anything,didn't you came to learn how to cook?" i look at the tomatoe i was cutting and just at what a horrible job i did.

"tsk,tsk,tsk,what's that? did this poor tomatoe do something bad to you?"

"wae?what's so wrong about it? it's going to be cooked how you cut it, it's not important"

"this is for decorating the plate at the end,so it must be well cut"

"aish,then how do i do it?"he come behind me and take my two hands, guiding me in cutting the tomatoe.His sheeck is against mine,i could feel his warmth and his perfume too.

"you have to cut it this way,so you won't hurt yourself"

"i-i understand" my heart is beating fast and i can't seem to calm down

"j-jong ki,i understand so you can keep on doing what you where doing"

"ok,then try not to cut yourself" i just nod and keep on doing what i had to do,just sometimes i would take a look at him

"if you keep on staring at me like that i am going to get the wrong idea"

"w-what?" i was startled because he came closer to me

"if you look at me like that again,i am going to think you will give me a chance you know?"

"a-a chance?...for what?" he smile pushing me toward the wall

"the chance to understand what you are to me" i froze,he keep on coming close and i feel like my heart is going to burst. I can't stop looking at him i can't even talk to make the situation less awkaward and he sure isn't helping me. Just what does he want to do to me?.
I am now feeling the wall touching my head and my back,i can't back down anymore and my eyes still can't stop looking at him. When it seemed like he was just about to kiss me,jong ki stops and look down.

"sigh,ya,you should say something like:what are you doing? or stop it" defeated he look at me "what do you think i am? aigo" he say and then turn around.

"ya,it's not ,my fault..." i answer and then like an idiot i just follow him


Sigh,i have got myself in big trouble right now... just what the heck was i thinking?...well,she was looking at me in silence for awhile,i could feel it and it made me feel strange,my heart started to beat even more than the other times...for what i know this is a symptom of a thing called LOVE....aish.
I tried to test her and myself too,i started to get closer to her till i cornered her to the wall,i tought she would push me away,or scream and just hit me on the face,but she did nothing,song hye kyo only backed down till she couldn't take another step and looked at me in silence. I was tempted...i was temped to kiss her,to taste those cherry lips of hers.
I can finally understand just what people feel when they see her, wanting to talk to her,touch her and hug her...what would have happened if i ddn't stop in time? i bet she would hate me again.Fortunately i stopped before anything could happen and went away from her,i tried to act cool and i think i am doing a good job in it, aish,if i was writing this story i would just skip the knowing process and make her my girlfriend already...gasp! what did i say? what did i?-

I put my hands on my head trying to calm down till i hear her voice.

"jong ki? jong ki are you ok?" i look at her concerned face,she looks at me worried pattying my head

"are you ok? does your head hurt?" she carress my head,how cute i just can't stop looking at her,she genuinly is worried for me,i want to hug her...ert!

"cough,it's ok,i am fine,let's go and set the table"

"are you sure? it seemed to me like you had a really big head ache" i stare at her for awhile and all i wanted to say to song hye kyo is that this head ache i have is all because of you,because you confuse me,because i never felt like this before,i feel lost and at a loss of words. Lately it's getting worse,if it's really love i don't know,i am a writer and i am a person who think a lot before doing things...well with her all my life rules went out of the window but i am going to be like before,for the sake of the both of us,i have to be sure of what i feel,there is too much at stake for me and for song hye kyo,that's why i don't want to rush things i must have a clear mind mind for now let's know each other better...i must study better the relationship between a man and a woman,i must read more books...look more and now even ask at my friends and at my sisters.

"song jong ki,where do you want to sit?"

"o...anywhere is fine,you decide"

"but this is your home"

"so what?you are a guest of mine,so you decide or should i draw a dice?"

"ahahah,ok,fine...then i will sit where you are i like that side more"

"sure ok" i wait till she come here and i help her sit down on the chair as the gentleman that i am.

"thanks...this is strange tought" she say looking at me suspiciously

"what do you mean?"

"you have always been such a...rude person and now you changed completly"

"i am not a rude person,i am such a gentle and hansome boy" i am talking try to be funny but i wonder if i did the right thing

"'s interesting" she say looking at me with her head resting on her right hand

"what is?"

"you, you seriously are making me curious,aigo i never imagined i would say this,after what we had gone trough"

"ooo,are you interested in me as a guy?" i ,then take a glass of water

"...maybe?" after hearing her answear i almost choke


"omo,jong ki ssi! are you okay?" she come running to me,worried sick, because i can't seems to calm down,in reality i am just trying to hide my embarrassment in this stupid way and i like when she worries for me.

"cough,i am fine,i am really,cough,cough"

"ya! drink slowly,you made me..."

"wae?where you worried?"

"what do you think?" she say while pouting. Song hye kyo is just too cute...people know about her being this way?... i hope i am the only one who see gosh!, again, what the heck am i thinking?...i slowly look at her while she eat and i try to act as cool as possible before asking her if what she said was the truth.

"hye kyo..."

"what?" she ask

"what you said before...that you may be interested in that true?" she stop eating and remain motionless,she doesn't even look at me,i must admit it's quite a sight,but i am nervous to know the answer

"hye kyo?"i ask again,then she finish eating what she already had in before drinking some water.

"...well,i am interested,you are alpha writer and i am a fan of yours so"

"i asked as a guy not as a writer and you said maybe" she stopped again before taking another glass of water,it was fun seeing her being at a loss for once.

"so?" i ask again

"...maybe,i just said maybe,because it's...just a maybe ahahah" she doesn't know what to say,it's fun but at the same time i really wanted to know what she think about me

"...just maybe? so what does it mean?" she takes the glass again,but she didn't notice that the glass was already empty

"the glass is empty there is no more water you can drink"

"what?" she look at the glass in her hand and make a really fun expression,it can't be described really,then i again

"did i made you concious of me?" she looked at me seriously and my heart skipped a bit for a second but then she started speaking.

"ah...ahahahah,let's not talk about that anymore ok?...d-do you have someone in mind to play the lead?" she is trying to change the subject,i want to know the answer to my question,but i don't want to scare her or make her uncomfortable so i just let it go,in the end i am not ready anyway, so i just answer her.

"yes,i have someone in mind"


"park bo gum"

"o park bo gum?that hansome boy?" i am not all that pleased that she think he is an handsome guy

"...dae,but i should change to an ugly actor"

"what? wae?!"

"because i don't like how you said he is handsome" she remain in silence again

"ya,stop teasing me will you?it's not right,i don't understand if you are for real or not" she ask seriously,i can understand what she mean but,i seriously mean what i asked

"but i mean what i just said...i told you the day of the ball,that i don't want you to stay too close to other guys...i mean it...and i am close to an answer for myself and for you" i had to say something, to me and the fact that i wanted to do things slowly!.

Now we are looking at each other in silence.


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Kikyo1314 #1
Chapter 30: Good job dear author! Nice ending.
Chapter 30: I love it so much!!
Chapter 30: Awww so sweet!!! Thank you so much for the epilogue!!!! Love it ❤️
Chapter 29: THEY GOT MARRIED!!! Give me epiloguess. I need it desperately.
Chapter 29: Woooohhhh!!!! They got married!!!!! Beautiful story author!!!!! Thank you so much but can you write a epilogue?
ambai90 #6
Chapter 29: waaa finally she agreed to marry him n glad these two overcome the obstacles that threw towards them
thank u for writing this
Chapter 28: Ohhooo excited as well as sad it will be last !!!!
Chapter 28: I hope she won't reject him..
Chapter 27: Wow ! I loved it how sjk handled the press!!!!
Chapter 27: Finally!! But then i'm not ready to let go of this fanfic... T.T