Chapter 17

will you recognize me?
HELLO EVERYON! i hope you enjoy this chapter and before anything,i want to ask you all to please pray for a person dear to me who is not well. I thank you all in advance for that and i hope i can repay you all with a good read. Thanks i love you all and please let me know what you all think of this chapter.
He was quite serious,song hye kyo didn't know what to do,she lied to him and she have no idea of what he was thinking.
"So it turn out that the stuttering girl min seo,is in reality...the lead of my drama...godess song hye kyo.
"PD nim,i-"she didn't know what to say what then he stopped and said"
"He then look toward song jong ki,with the same serious ecxpression.
"And i can also see the alpha writer here"he flinched at his words.While lee jin looked at them confused.
"Who?Alpha writer? Him?"
"Shhh" song hye kyo stopped her curious friend.
"DAe"song jong ki answer the PD sincerly.
" two already knew each other before the drama...since you two go to the same university" they nod.
"Yes"this time she is the one to answer.The PD look at her and then at song jong ki.
"Are you teo...a couple?"the two of them became stiff,they look at each other then at him,at the same time they nodded their head.
"Yes"he answer first"
"I see" the PD nod his head.Song hye kyo wanted to ecxplain but then she see him smile.
"Ya,just how good of an actress can you be hu?You fooled me for good"she was totally ashamed and worried.
"Wait,i didn't mean to-"
"How can i...always feel amazed and ipnotized everytime i watch you acting?"She was surprised like jong ki.
"Are you not going to get angry at me?"
"Why should i?It's not like you are doing something bad right?"she nod as her eyes becomes a bit red.He smile and jong ki carress her head,seeing his action the PD smile.
"You really love her,jong ki"
"Dae"he said looking at her but then he realized what he said and look at him surprised.
"AHAHAHAHAHA,ya,it's ok what you do and everything,but,you should do it in privated...i mean..."he point at the picture that seemes a bit tad y and kyo blush to no end and then quikly crumble the paper.Then she look down,for the PD this sight was quite cute.
"Arasso,let's see what we can do inside the school."he start to walk away leaving her speachless,she quikly run to him and ask.
"PD nim!"he stop.
"Aren't you going to ask me anything?"he remained silent for awahile.
In reality heard everything that she said to lee jin.He had a mix of feelings,a bit angry and a bit amused,also but when he heard everything...
"But after i became succefull,i couldn't live a normal life anymore.Whataever i do,is always closely watched and every word i say can be misunderstood as long as an artcle comes out.I have to be careful if i meet a male friend because it will be my tomorrow boyfriend.If i am too friendly with the male lead he will be my future husband.What i wear can be said to be good or bad.As i have fans i have people who think of me as a or as an ugly witch"that's true,as a PD he saw a lot of stars not being able to stand everything,some ruin their lives some decided to just suicide.The pressure in their job is quite high.
"You will think,"Hey that's the kind of work you wanted to do,you knew it all along so why are you like this now?" yes,that's true,i know but.Lee jin i am human too. As much as i love be with people i also want my privacy i think even as an entertainer i have that right.But for many people as long as you are on tv,this right we don't have it anymore."when he heard her heartfelt confession to her friend,he could understand why she did this it's a way to be free.
end of flash back.
He smile and turn around.
"I have only one thing to say,let's work hard for our drama"she was moved by him,so much that in the future he would be someone really important in her life as an actress and as a friend.
"O right,you are the principal daughter right?"
"O...dae"lee jin couldn't understand a thing.Everything need an explanation from song hye kyo because she is totally out of track for this situation.
"Take this,bring it to your father, i will come back in the future if i need and take care of these two"he look at the couple.
"I think they need someone to watch over them,my drama will need to be intact from scandals right?"he laugh a little and everyone laugh too.After thant he walk away.
Now they need to make a decision.
"Sould we go together?"
"Song hye kyo,i told you,just stay away from school for a few days"
"There is no need,no one will-"then she remember that little detail,her costume.
"Song hye kyo,i have a solution"she look at him with hope in her eyes while lee jin glare at him suspiciously.
"I don't really think your idea will be a good one"
"You shouldn't be so untrusting.Do you think i would arm my sweet other halfh?"he smile while lee jin almost want to puke.
"BLEAH!,shut up idiot."
"Arasso,tell me what solution are you talking about?" he look at her smiling and playinly say.
"Let's just say that we are a couple and we love each other till the end of the days"her side mouth,twitch a bit and her hope are all shuttered.
"Chigum...are you really telling me,that this is your solution?"song hye kyo try to remain as calm as possible with her low voice while jong ki smile happily after dropping the bomb.
"Aish.Ya! are you joking around? How can i agree to something like this?"
"That's right! Since you are at it,why don't just reveale who she really is"
"How,girls,what's so wrong about it?"He became serious and take her hands in his surprising song hye kyo.
"I don't want to stay away from you, I hated seeing you being bullied while just to prevent apperances i had to watch you being bullied"
"...i understand your pint of view,but i know how to defend myself,so i am fine-"
"But i am not"his eyes,where sincere and at that moment she couldn't help but remember what happened before the recital.How emotional and worried he was,she never saw him that way before,at that time she fell in love with him all over again,that she had to give him a kiss.Now he was a bit like that time,song hye kyo knew well just how much he cares for her and how much he cherish her.His gaze captured her so much she start to think that what he said could be alright.
"ya,ya,ya!Song-min seo! don't be swayed by what he said,you will be in more danger that way!"song jong ki gave to lee jin a glare.Both of them want to protect her but in different ways.
"Even if she stay away for a few days what will it change?Anyway this is something quite big in the school,the fact that she did the lead role even tought everyone knew she wasn't in it,that something people already noticed before,she is already pretty famous.I don't like bragging but i am not too bad myself,people won't forget this so easly,in just a few days.We need to fight it head on" but lee jin won't budge.
"She will need to film the drama anyway,so why not start a bit earlier,i mean stay home and do something else,but here is too dangerous for her!"
"Click!" song hye kyo turn around and song jong ki take her behind him.Not understanding lee jin ask confused.
"Wae? what? what is going?"
"Someone took some picture of me,no of us"
"Hu?!"my gosh!are you serious?"
"SHHH!"jong ki,then run to see who it is, but he person already started running away.
"Damn it! Go and cathch him!"
"Wae? You know him?"
"He is the one who took your picture!"
"He is the president of the drama club! Go before he made some other mess!"
"Sigh"jong ki scratch his head,just like he said hiding their relationship,it's of no use at all.
"What? Ya! are you crazy?! i told you he will-"
"This proved me right! I don't want to hide anymore it's not good anyway"
"But she want to be a low key girl!"
"It's too late for that" he look at song hye kyo.
"Kyo,tell me,what do you want to do? Just say it and we will go with it"
"Crae,you should make a decision"
"Sigh"she look at song jong ki and her eyes seems to speak.
"Let's...go to school"she gently hold his hand surprising him,but after a few seconds his face warm up and a gentle smile appear.
"Ya,i can't belive it.Here i am screaming like mad but.Ya,seriously you two.Fine do what you want,don't come crying to me later."
"Le jin"song hye kyo stop her friend with one hand and pull her to herself giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Ya!what does it mean?"song jong ki is a bit jealous while lee jin already calmed down,and this time it's on her face that a smile is on.Surely song hye kyo know how to change people mood easily.
"Wait"The couple look back.Song jong ki frown and ask.
"Don't go there togethere yet"
"Wae?" she ask just a bit she was hoping to go there alone.
"Later,reveal it later,ya idiot,in the end you where supposed to be already inside"
"Cronicca,i came to get my girlfriend-"
"Solma?"he look at a shocked song hye kyo.
"What?"he ask confused.
"No"Le jin smiling nod her head.
"Yes"song hye kyo sigh and bury her face into her palm.
"What does it mean? what is going on"she look at him hopless.
"This girl girl will be the death of me" she desperately say to jong ki.
"Then,stop being friend with her"
"Ya! how the hell did you get this brainless idiot!tsk."
"What? Brainless idiot? ya-"
"Ya,i put up with the two of you now you should do the same and then i would be good..."she glare at him with disgust.
"And accept him as your boyfriend"he was speachless.
"What? Omo,are you my mother in law? I didn't know it!"
"Arasso,stop it,sigh.OK,so you said you will accept him,meaning you won't say bad things about him anymore"
" long as he won't make you cry"
"I will never make her cry!"
"Sigh. This will be a looong day"
I am now sitting alone in the school cafeteria.I am going to to eat with a bad mood today too.Sigh,it's hopless,goodbye dream of a good and anonimous school life.Sigh,i mean why the heck do i spent hours on min seo make up when in the end it feel no different from my real life!
"Ya!min seo,what's all this!"
"Wae? what?"who is it that is pissing me off?!
"W-what's with you?"aish
"I am eating! what do you want to say to me?" i am in a mess right now!
"You-"omo,wait she is one of the! i am supposed to act weak and scared!.
"Do you want to bully me?"ok let's act it out again.
"What?...what's this sudden change?"
"O...ok"aish,what? o? what ok?! ya song hye kyo! suddenly one of the girls say.
"Wait. Could it be...that you really think he loves you? Is that why you are being so full of yourself? Tsk,ya,he only want to try you put,you should walk away before it's too late."here we go,starting with the usual thing.
"Do you really think he loves you? Min seo,open your eyes,you are too ugly and stupid to be someone he would care about,go away in a corner like you usually do.HE is too good for you,This is not a drama little girl" the one that was speaking come near me and touch my hair.
"Hgh! This hair are so oily,this is so disgusting!" idiot it's a wig how can it be, o my.
"Stay away from him someone like you can't be with him at all.Ahahahahhaah!"everyone start to laugh and the other in the cafeteria do the same.Sigh...well,i don't really care.
"Min seo...what's going on here?"o? jong ki is here already?.I see him sitting down beside me.
"Omo! it's him! ooo!song jong ki,oppa!"oppa? oppa?! ya!
"Shut up,i am talking with min seo"one of the girls look at him with a seducing smile.
"Jong ki ssi,we where just asking her to kindly let you be,i am sure what happened in the picture was just because you pitied her right? sigh,unfortunately she think there is something more i just...we just wanted to help her understand how you really feel,we are helping you,right now"sigh.
"Just...who do you think are you people to say such things to my girlfriend?"wow,he is really pissed off at the moment.
"W-w-what? girlfriend?"
"Dae? So...who gave you,the right to say that to my girlfriend?..."
"What? But we..."he look at me and smiling say.
"Eat,you like this right?" my gosh,he is so caring,tought,i don't really like to be like this at the moment.
"Dae" i slowly take my chopstics and start to eat while he look at me smiling, it's so embarrassing!why doesn't he stop with this?!
"Jong ki ssi! It can't be! you can't be serious!"he look at them with icy eyes.
"Song jong ki ssi,someone like her can't be someone you can love! we don't like it! We don't want to!"
"What's wrong with her? I like her so why are you people meddling in my personal life?"
"Because she isn't the right girl for you! She is too ugly!"dae,thank you,i wanted to be ugly, this is a compliment to me girls.
"O really? To me she is perfect."
"Not for us!You can't be with her!"
"Then with who? You? Or you? Sorry no one of you is my type,you are all too ugly"
"Sigh...omo,he is cold! kyaaa!"
"Omo,he is even more good looking when he is mad!"everyone started to sqee as if they are in a concert,are they out of their mind?
"The only person we could accept is someone who is reaaallly beatiful"
"Like who?" ok i should eat,before it gets cold.
"Someone like an actress...SONG HYE KYO!"
"Are you alright?"song jong ki pat lightly my head"
"I am fine" i barely got my breath back and then i hear them again.
"Tsk,see,you are ridiculing her too,she can't be compared to song hye kyo!"
"He is laughing?" i turn to look at him only to see him laughing,tsk,this brat.I frown,yes,laugh all you want you jerk.
"Sorry.I am sorry.Anyway"he look at those girls.
"Then it's ok i can date her and i can also marry her and have some children too"
"What?!"everyone look at me and i look at him.
"Ya!Are you helping me or are you going to put me in a bad mood?"i wisper to him.He donesn't answer.
"What are you saying,song jong ki ssi!" i better drink some water to calm myself down!.
"Because she is song hye kyo"
"Omo,,again?" i glare at him,i glare so much i can make him bald,but what he does is just laugh,he want to laugh so much more of right now.
"What? Song jong ki ssi,are you crazy?!"
"Yes!,he is crazy,he must be totally crazy"is what i say.He smile at me and then he take my hand.
"What i mean is,that for me she is song hye kyo and this is more than enough,i love her so i would appreciate for you all to shut up and to stop bothering her,bullies here aren't welcomed and i am not going to make you all do what you guys want with her,now go away"
"No...i am going away with him"i can't stay here any longer! but before leaving..
"By the way,to answer you question from before.I would have shut up if it was only about me,but,there are things that need to be said and things that shouldn't."
"You all are just cowards,if you like him you should have told him instead of coming up with,"he is everyone jong ki,and only song hye kyo can have him" if it was real,do you hoped for him to stay alone all his life?he really didn't meet with her then he should stay alone forever? Don't you think,the selfcentered one is you all?"
"So,live your life and let him live his life too,i won't do what you want.I hope i made this clear"i know i said too much,but it's not like i didn't make min seo stand this everytime right?
"Stop staring at me"
"Wae? I like doing it"
"Stop smiling like that"
"Wae? I am happy"
"Ya!"she turn around and is welcomed by a deep kiss from song jong ki.
"I fell in love all over again"
"I just wanted to make you bald instead!"
"Wae?What's with she is song hye kyo!"
"Didn't you ear about making children?"
"Ya! stop joking around!"
"I am not joking around tought"she became bright red.
"Not now of course,but we can start to practice"he smile cheeckly only to get a painful hit on his foot.
"Ya,it was a joke"
"Sorry,ok?,please sorry!"
A week passed and it seemed like everyone accepted their relationship...or maybe not.Even so they can't really be bothered by it.Song hye kyo came to school less,because the jobs for her became more and more,she was working like there was no tomorrow.Song jong ki was really worried,but he was still able to see her when she was in korea,he would go her and bring her home after her job was done.The drama was one weak away and she began to read the script troughtly too.She memorized everything,but is trying to think or the better way to portray her character,that's why sometimes,she would go to his house and they will discuss about work and the way he wanted her character to be like.This helped her a lot.Of course while filming somethings would change too but for this at least she need to be more than prepared.
A week before the drama start to film,song hye kyo was called by her ceo.
"O,dear,you are as beautiful as ever"
"Come sit down"he smile while they sit down
"So how is min seo doing?"
"You know it already so why do you ask?" that's right my CEO know about min seo.In reality he caugh me way before when i tought i would like to at least try to do it.
"Please! i really..."
"Sweetie,there is a big problem even if i say yes to this.FIrst of all no one other that me need to know in the company and you,will you be able to lie all the time till you finish the school?"
"I will just think of it as ecxercise"
"Ecxercise hu?"he look at me
"Listen,you have a bright future and are someone who will become big in the future,but...if this where to get out it won't do you or me any good"
"...i am sorry,but i won't gie up on my career as an actress"
"So,will you give up about min seo if i say so?"
"...dae"i had no choice.I...can't leave my life this way in the first place...i worked too hard so.
"Aigo..."then i see the CEO smiling,but i don't know why,i get a bit scred sometimes,well he has always been like that,but his laughter always make feel on endge.
" can "ecxercise"with min seo"
"What? really?! THANKS!-"
"But" when i heard him say that word,i felt a chill and goosebumps.He cross his legs,his nice figure was buisness like,but had a smile on.
"But,one day,your secret may be discovered and i...will need your cooperation to...minimaze the damage" I knew that this person was all buisness and nothing more,still he was a preety capable and just person to us entertainer tthat are under him.So in the end i know one day he could do something for his own benefit.
Back to the present.
Since then,we became pretty close.Well at least we can talk freely,i became more mature and understood how things really where going in the industry tough we can pretty much have a funny conversation,i also am aware that there are bundaries that i need to take care with this man.
"You know it already,so why are you asking?"i smile calmly while i slowly drink a cup of tea.He smile and sit opposite me.
"You became more mature song hye kyo,really a smart woman"
"We all grow up no?"
"You have never been a scaredy cat,like others,really i always liked that about you"
"Thanks.But surely it's not for this you called me out right?"
"You catch up quickly too."he put down his cup and intertwine the finger of his two hands together,he then cross his legs and look at me.
"Yea.I heard that there is a min seo in the university you go to.She is really talented in various aspects"
"So...the time you where away i decided to hold an event£
"What type is it?"
"Well,do you remember what i told to the public?"
"Wich one?"
"What,you said a lot of things,i can't remember everything"
"Ok...there was a time that i wanted to raise the popularity of my company.Then i said that there would be a game of popularity,the one who will win most will hold as a teacher in a schoold of acting for 3 days"
"Dae! I remember now"
"It's a project i think it would bring a lot on our side,In the end the one that got more votes,in our company"He look at me.
"Is you"
"...i see,so i will teach in a school for a few days?"
"Dae...i already talked it out with your manager"
"I see,that's a good thing.By the way what school am i going?"he take a sit of his tea.
"Your school"
"My school...what?"
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you are welcome dear,i am happy that you like it!


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Kikyo1314 #1
Chapter 30: Good job dear author! Nice ending.
Chapter 30: I love it so much!!
Chapter 30: Awww so sweet!!! Thank you so much for the epilogue!!!! Love it ❤️
Chapter 29: THEY GOT MARRIED!!! Give me epiloguess. I need it desperately.
Chapter 29: Woooohhhh!!!! They got married!!!!! Beautiful story author!!!!! Thank you so much but can you write a epilogue?
ambai90 #6
Chapter 29: waaa finally she agreed to marry him n glad these two overcome the obstacles that threw towards them
thank u for writing this
Chapter 28: Ohhooo excited as well as sad it will be last !!!!
Chapter 28: I hope she won't reject him..
Chapter 27: Wow ! I loved it how sjk handled the press!!!!
Chapter 27: Finally!! But then i'm not ready to let go of this fanfic... T.T